New Game Mechanic Ideas

V1V3 Member Posts: 87
edited July 2020 in Polls

Since the breakable walls, I wondered what other things could be implemented in the game. Here are a list of things I thought of.

Ladders: Survivors can use them to get to higher levels quicker, but if the killer reaches the bottom/top, he can kick them down, rendering them useless. Any survivors on them falls off. The killer can also grab them off in arms reach. Ladders spawn in buildings of maps with at least 2 levels. Could work as a new offering.

Reverse Pallet Stuns: Survivors must utilize pallets properly or they risk the killer flipping the pallet back up and stunning them instead when too close. The animation is faster than breaking a pallet and it discourages cocky survivors from hanging around. The pallet becomes reusable afterwards. Only prompted if you avoid the stun.

Water: Not really a mechanic, but I yet to see a single tile of water in the game maps. Players can't cross water with an exception to certain killer powers. Unlike walls, players can still see eachother from across. Mind games therefore are ineffective. Moderate tiles of water can be used for looping though.

Proning: Survivors now have the ability to prone as if they're in the dying state, but it'll take a moment to get back up and their movement during proning is just as slow. Great for hiding under small obstacles/grass, but leaves players vulnerable for grabs.

Firecrackers: The one thing about them is they have no add-ons and tied to events only. There's also old files in the game that mentions firecrackers and add-ons existing way before events featured them. It would be nice if Firecrackers had add-ons and different rarities to it like every other item does.

Baseball Bats: I think it's crazy the closest thing survivors have to self defense is pallets and ds. They can be used to slow killers within arms reach for 2 seconds with rarities/add-ons adding slow down durations, charges, swing speeds, and range. It can have up to 5 charges with add-ons. The Ultra Rare add-on can grant players 3 seconds of the haste status effect on successful hits at the cost of reduced charges. The item can be used effectively in jukes, or delay killers carrying survivors to hooks.

Anyway these were some ideas I had and I already know some of these ideas have flaws with them, but any new mechanic to the game can offer more for future perks or implement a risk factor to the game that makes playing the game more satisfying.

Post edited by V1V3 on


  • mostlyghostly
    mostlyghostly Member Posts: 135

    Ladders: if the killer can't climb the ladder, it would be too powerful for survivors

    Reverse pallet stuns: I don't really understand this but why would the killer flip up the pallet when they could just break it or mindgame it?

    Water: If killers or survivors couldn't cross the water, it would mean that a killer seeing a survivor across the water couldn't chase them or they would just get looped around it (kind of like on midwich with OoO)

    Proning: I think with a good character, it would be nearly impossible and not worth the time to look for someone proning. Still the best idea yet

    Firecrackers: Actually, completely agree

    Baseball bats: NO. JUST NO. You said this can be used when killers are carrying survivors. Any good survivor team would never let the killer get a hook, ever. This is just awful

    BTW, not hating on you or anything, just disagree with most of these ideas

  • Cinnabon488
    Cinnabon488 Member Posts: 64

    I like the proning idea. And I've always wanted a water map like if survivors had to swim to get to some areas.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    It sounds radical, but I always wondered about a "trip" mechanic. Mostly if a survivor is running a killer in a single area, back and forth looping, they may begin to slowly lose balance and occasionally "trip" allowing the killer to gain a great amount of distance. Of course, for this to be considered IMO at all, I think maps should have more interactive routes to run for survivors so gameplay is not just running around a single pallet for half a minute.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287
    edited July 2020

    I think survivors who are constantly looking around in a chase should have a small percentage slow down to their max movement speed. Help keep loopers in check while the other survivors are gen rushing.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    Ladder: no thanks, seems way too powerful since only survivors can climb them

    RPS: no, it seems like a replacement to breaking and has a very minor downside since it can be easily repeated on a pallet.

    Water: why not

    Proning: sure, though I'd prefer it as a perk if anything since crouching seems to work fine (especially for those blendettes)

    Firecracker: I'd like them, but they might clutter the bloodweb with more useless junk. they don't really need addons

    Baseball bat: NO. a large point of the games setting (at least to me) is that the survivors are nearly helpless and have no real way to fight back. The killer is the power role, and being bullied by a team of survivors with baseball bats would take that away. On top of being able to use them while survivors are being carried? NO THANKS

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    The proning idea is really cool, idk why it's not something in the game already considering how frequent you see protagonists hiding under a bed/etc and being grabbed from their ankles in horror stuff.

    The rest of your ideas are kinda meh to me ---cool concepts, hard to implement/balance imo??? Except the firecrackers thing which seems doable since they already exist in the game, but I just know that killers would complain about them a lot if they became a regular item outside from events, so... However I would love to have a water map, even if there's no swimming mechanic nor anything like that and it's just there as a decoration.