How to play survivor:

Step 1: Equip Exhaustion perk, DS, Unbreakable, Adrenaline
Step 2: sit on a gen
Step 3: If someone gets hooked first finish your gen
Step 4: If you get chased drop pallets like crazy, theres enough of them
Step 5: If you get unhooked, dont heal, sit on a gen
Step 6: get adrenaline for the only healing you'll need in the game
Step 7: Teabag at exit gates
Step 8: tell the killer that hes trash and a filthy tunnel camper (even if he isnt)
Step 9: tell the killer that hes trash because he used Noed (even if he doesnt have it)
Step 10: If the killer didnt have any perk or add on you didnt like, tell him his build is trash
step 11: congrats youre now part of the 80% club that plays the game exactly like this.
step 12: get your 12k bloodpoints for your win, you earned them :)
Congrats, you are part of the club only seeing their own side and problems of this side.
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Go get some fresh air.
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dont know whats your problem, thats an accurate guide on how to win games :)
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Fair enough.
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Idk why I have to say this... but not everyone plays like this. It's such a shame that killer mains and survivor mains are constantly bringing eachother down.
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he said 80%
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An overstatement. From my experience most survivors don't play like this. If anything it's 30%. But you're right, I missed that part.
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I'll try this out, thanks
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even if many surv players play like this or try to, many do not even succeed and make it tremendously easier for the killer and harder for the surv team.
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Even though you tried to be sarcastic you described fairly efficient survivor gameplay. Just do gens whenever you can even while injured, throw pallets early and extend the chase with an exhaustion perk. That's in fact enough to beat most killers regardless of their skill level. However all 4 survivors must play like this in order to make it work so you need to add another step:
"play in a SWF team"
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The saddest part of this is it is actually pretty accurate (except on the toxic part)
But most of the Times these are the red rank survivors that are boosted by the bad Emblem system.
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Befoee you drop the pallet you can run in circle for 2 full turn before you can drop it but overall that accurate
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I think the most accurate part is the toxic one XD
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On PS4 where there's nothing but SWFs, closer to 60-70 % of survivors play like this in red ranks. Fortunately there's no end game chat on console.
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Yeah, I played one of those 4-man gen-hump SWFs yesterday as a perkless baby nurse on Yamoaka. All 4 of them had sprint burst, DS, unbreakable and soul guard.
Coulda got 1 but ya know DS activating in a locker is totally fair (:
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Here, let me do killer now:
Step 1: Equip BBQ, Sloppy, Nurses and Corrupt
Step 2: Stab and hook survivors
Step 3: When survivor gets unhooked stab them again then use mori
Step 4: Get 4k
Step 5: Go to forums and reddit to complain about DS and SWF
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You forgot one.
- Run the killer for 3 minutes with 0 gen completed. Because your teammate are immersed claudettes that go to the opposite of the map once they hear a heartbeat.
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If you think thats how the game is played you may should actually play the game for real.
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It really is I only do gens like that on solo so I can live if I play swf with my lower ranked friends ill just bring a flashlight and do some loops thats it because we usually get killers who arent good and I don't want to crank out gens like crazy also I hate unbreakable I usually never have a use for that perk
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Damn didn't know I played like this thanks for enlightening me to my own play style.
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The thing is, OP really did describe fairly optimal survivor strategy: Lean on second chance perks and never waste time on anything that's not a generator. Don't heal so much, don't live by "Blendies gonna blend".
That's not to say that the actual execution is always that simple, of course. But that's the general strategy.
If people find it offensive to have that laid out simply, then perhaps there's a deeper issue with the gameplay design.
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That is the way to play if all you're interested in is escaping. I play like that when I've got escape challenges or something to do but god is it dull
Edit: up to step 6 anyway
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If that's how your games go, your not a good killer.
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And my parody is not a fairly optimal killer strategy?
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I suppose "stab and hook survivors" is, yes. 😁
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Why are people upset about this? XD
This reflects my games very well. Im a killer main on rank 1 and thats what i see. Of course i am able to counter this playstyle, but survivors who play like this wouldnt be rank 1 if they didnt win other games by playing like that.
Also I have all survivor archive quests done and this is how i got my escape quests on first or second try always.
YES its not 80% there are also many blending stealth survivors crawling around in red ranks, but its surely 50% on ps4 red ranks that play like this.
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They try to go that way, but if you adapt as killer you can win these 4 minute games.
However being a good or bad killer doesnt change the playstyle of these survivor players.
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well i dont play purple or higher ranks, but could be true. However with tunneling off hook mori you get at max a safety pip in red ranks so i dont think this goes for red rank killers. :)
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I know whats ######### up about killer playstyle too dont worry :) I just felt like helping survivors who dont know how red ranks play
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My point was, that a killer has a say in how the game goes. If oversimplifies the game with post like this, as if all survivors have the skill required to win every game against every killer.
The killer, if decent, should also have a say in how quickly gens get down..etc