Chapter Concept - Wires to the Heavens
Posted this on Reddit, updated it a bit and now decided CTRL-C/CTRL-V here... because I can!
Thread theme(s) to get ya in the mood:
EDIT: Did a full rework... ooooo.
The Ascended
(Confusion, illusion, eye of sauron)
The idea is a crazy techno cult that lives in the infosphere. Infosphere? Basically the internet 2. How to join the cult? Simple! Commit suicide while uploading your consciousness onto the net! The cult masters want more brains in their world, but not many people are down with the whole suicide thing. So, the masters enact apostles, or slaves depending on how you see it. Average Joe's and Stacie's that have had their minds, quite literally, wrapped into the tech. They run around like mindless zombies and kill anyone the masters desire.
Here's a basic idea of what I imagine...
Skin Ideas:
- Tubby cable repair man
- Old lady
- Police Officer
- Cheerleader
- Made up celebrity
Mori: The survivor will pick themselves up. Apostle approaches from behind, stabbing the back of the survivor's head with a wire connecting to a mass of boxes and cables. Eyes blank, mouth drops, droll dripping out. Their hands slowly reaching toward the sky-- WHAM. The apostle nails the survivor over the head, killing them instantly.
115% Movement Speed.
32m Terror radius.
Height - Small
Attack (M1)
Automatically attach a cybersite (see below) on a survivor if one isn't already in play.
Weapon - An umbrella? Cane? Keyboard? Something that's normally innocuous but soaked in blood.
Standard Attack in terms of range and lunge.
Inspection - After hitting a survivor the killer will look at their weapon and twitch. (Implying they are trying to fight the masters.)
Ghost (M2)
Look in the direction of an overflow (see below) and hold the ability button. You will become a ghost that can move within the AOE without a red stain.
This allows you to quickly scan a location to see if anyone is nearby and also throw survivors off making them second guess if it's a ghost or actual killer.
Can attack, but does no damage as ghost. (Fake a pallet drop)
Survivors in the AOE will see your ghost as the grim reaper.
15 second cool down after exiting ghost.
One cybersite at a time. Once destroyed, killer can place another.
Survivors with a cybersite on will automatically enter the infosphere. (see below)
When the killer isn't looking in the direction of an overflow, Ghost (M2) will generate a ghost on the cybersite survivor that can move in a 14 meter AOE.
Hitting a survivor with a cybersite will destroy it.
Hitting a cybersite survivor in the injured state will put them in the mend state instead of dying.
Other survivors can yank off a cybersite. Doing this causes it to jump onto to the yanking survivors head for 20 seconds.
Cybersite ghosting is disabled on hooks.
Wait, what is a cybersite? A cybersite is what happens a spider and an HTC Vive make love and stick what comes out onto your face.
Overflow (ctrl)
Place a CRT monitor, computer tower and mess of wires, keyboards and cameras on the ground.
Start with 1 charge and gain 1 charge every 120 seconds. Max charges in a match is 6.
45 meter radius.
Once placed, any survivor in the AOE will enter the infosphere (see below)
Killer loses red stain when standing in overflow AOE.
Once an overflow is placed it cannot be moved or destroyed.
Survivors can "hack" (like cleanse) the overflow. Takes 15 seconds. There will be skill checks.
Once hacked, AOE effects are disabled for 30 seconds and can no longer be ghosted.
Hacking an overflow with a cybersite on will immediately destroy the cybersite.
INFOSPHERE (status effect)
Infosphere has several visual effects. Survivors become partially transparent and gain a wire frame mesh. Totems are replaced with upside down crosses. Generators have a golden glow. Hooks have a red glow. Etc. Etc. OH! The killer looks like the grim reaper too. Oooo.
Survivors are oblivious in the infosphere.
While not being chased, the survivor will occasional have pop up skill checks, stopping movement & forcing them off what they are working on. If they fail, they will scream and be unable to interact with anything for 4 seconds.
Killer Perks
For every 2 injuries/downs, gain a token. Token max is 2/3/4. Regular attacks can be used to damage generators and destroy pallets. Consumes a token.
Electric Sheep
Hooking a survivor will expose every survivor in a 4/5/6 meter radius for 30 seconds.
Big Brother
While a survivor is hooked, gain a 24/28/32 meter heart beat for survivors that are 32 meters away from a hooked survivor.
Worm (Common)
Survivors standing in overflow are inflicted with blindness.
Mask (Common)
It takes 5 more seconds to hack overflow.
Self Repair (Common)
After being pulled off, cybersite will stay on survivor for 10 extra seconds.
Stack Underflow (Uncommon)
Increase overflow AOE by 15 meters.
Infrared Camera (Uncommon)
Increase cybersite AOE by 6 meters.
Stack Overflow (Rare)
Increase overflow AOE by 25 meters.
Lidar Camera (Rare)
Increase cybersite AOE by 10 meters
Fire Wall (Rare)
Survivors Exiting/Entering the overflows AOE reveal their aura.
Blast Processing (Very Rare)
Hitting a survivor with a cybersite on, while standing in an overflow, will reveal all the auras of survivors in that overflow.
Excella (Ultra Rare)
Cybersite will pulsate evey 15 seconds, revealing survivors auras in a 14 meter aoe.
Trojan Horse (Ultra Rare)
Can only ghost for 5 seconds. Ghost attacks will expose survivors for 20 seconds. Does not work on cybersite survivors.
Some conspiracy nut
I'm not good at lore. 😕
Survivor Perks
A Blue soma totem spawns at the beginning of the round. Cleansing the totem has a variety of effects based on level...
1- Recover exhaustion and see survivors aura for 10 seconds.
2- Remove all negative status effects.
3- Heal.
While on hook, doesn't matter if struggling or not, anytime the killer injures/downs another player, 10/12/15% chance to jump off.
Activates after being in the dying state for 15/13/11 seconds. When the killer picks you up and passes through a pallet drop spot, start a skill check, if hit, drop the pallet, destroys it, but free self.
Map Concept
Remember Lostboy.exe? A map that has this aesthetic. Eh?
I know I'm new and all. So, sorry if this is the same thing posted in a different flavor.
Would like to hear your thoughts!
Appologies for posting 4 times. Forum kept saying, "waiting for admin approval." Waited a few hours, no messages... came back, tried again, then again... bleh.