Are there others that play like me?



  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Forget the points and perks and sweating over your rank for those who care about that.. The people who have stressed and sweated and worked they're a$$es off to offer this game to us have inadvertantly created a niche in gaming the likes of which could never be duplicated. I don't believe I can express my love for this game, or the ppl I've played with any better than that.. thank you everyone, truly.

  • CertArn
    CertArn Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2020

    Dude, game is not about the points. You are the killer, and you have to kill. They are survivors, and they need to survive. ######### anyone care about points? Game objective is in the name Kill-Survive while outsmarting each other. If you wonna be Mr.NiceGuy play some MMO and sit in corner of map whole day, nobody will bother you there.

    Points should not matter at all, and yet we have points, because developers are too scared to not give players something to earn. You know, like in F2P games - you are constantly "given" something to keep you invested and engaged. To keep your mind busy, so you can be sucked in and spend money. Sadly, this game have F2P structure.

    It is sad, because IMHO game is good enough to have great playerbase without this #########. I would play for fun, im trying, still, but its so freaking hard with this grind and points in every screen of the game. Challenges, points, webs, score, im spending points to get more points to spend more points to unlock freaking skills i want... Oh, ######### off, i just wonna play and have fun. Ont top of that a lot of my games and time was wasted because of points, when killer with survivors were farming, and i just wanted to play. :/

    Anyway, you should wake up, because its not about the points. And if you care so much, damn, play Pacman or something, this game is all about points and High Score.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    You actually said 60-100k but thats beside the point. Yes 64 is within that range, but you said that you could average 100k without offerings. Which is straight up a lie. At the moment the absolute highest you can earn in a game (thanks to the crowns) is 32.750 Bloodpoints. The only perks that can increase your bloodpoints beyond the 8k over each category are BBQ for killers, and WGLF for survivors which doubles the bloodpoints to 64k (not sure it increases crown points). Beast of prey and a lot of the other perks that say they increase your bloodpoints, only helps you reach 8k faster. It will never give you more than that, only offerings can do that. Which is why im calling you a troll.

    That and telling people to stop playing the game "normally" because you feel like everyone should have had fun and that "I just dont get it". Is the most pretentious religious bullshit I have ever read about a game in my life. Yes it would be ideal for everyone to have had a worthwhile time. But to some that can only be achiveved by winning. Which means your logic is "No no. You didnt lose you came First from the bottom. Here is a participation trophy. Winners? No we dont have those either"

    Go ahead and play like you want. It doesnt make you any better or worse than people who camp/tunnel. Its just a different kind of annoying playstyle. And claiming that it does just makes you a "soccer mom".

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I sometimes like to play a game that involves no kills, i usually get a really decent score. It's normally when i'm on my survivor rotation and i get a killer daily, otherwise i'll do my duty and play for keeps. Although even if i don't don't camp, tunnel, slug i still get abuse.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    I see your "point" lol, yes fun comes first o agree.. but the fact is.. without BP's you simply cannot progress your character. If everything was immediately accessable to everyone then your bloodied up t3 with a perkset from 4 different characters that you worked for so long get would have infinitely less value...

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I hear that word a lot. "Fun"

    People need to realize that different people have different ideas of what is "fun". Not everyone wants to run around and farm points. It's not "fun" to everyone to be handed an escape. To some people, the challenge and competition is fun.

    It often seems like some people think they have monopoly on the definition of "fun", and that's just not the case.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    All I care about is getting all my killers to p3, so I play for BBQ stacks and will literally drop chase with Claudette if I need to hook Jake for that 4th stack.

    Once I get my 4 stacks, I dont even care if they get out, sometimes I forget I hooked someone twice and kill em, but I dont care about pipping and stay in red ranks as killer and survivor. I did a 200k game other night on Clown with no kills LOL, and I didnt farm, I literally won the game then instead of hooking them just started slugging and getting max hits, max chase etc,... I have won enough games with4k it doesnt even matter anymore, BP is all that matters to me now.

  • Han
    Han Member Posts: 196

    yes you are the only one, survivor simp.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    It sounds to me you're a rank 1 killer so are you not getting matches with red rank swfs? It seems like every single one of my matches are swf groups.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Almost correct except for 1 thing. Beast of prey and every single add-on or perk, besides WGLF for survivors and BBQ for killers, do not give you "bonus" bloodpoints. The reason I put bonus in quotations is that besides offerings, BBQ and WGLF you can at most get 8000 bloodpoints in altruism. Or in brutality or in deviousness. And so on. 4 different categories. And only 8k in each. This gives you 32k bloodpoints.

    The perks and add-ons. Just makes it easier for you to get to 8k. Lets say that you earn 6k bloodpoints in the hunter category. Now Beast of prey would give you 3k bloodpoints. But since 8k is the max it can only give you 2k bloodpoints. It just makes reaching the max amount a lot faster. In most cases its really really bad. In some cases with like a slugging nurse/billy or any killer that ends the game fast it could help give you a lot of bloodpoints instead of only like 17k or something like that. But its usually terrible.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Many people dont know this. Perks like Beast of Prey are not "bonus point stacks" they simply get you to 8k but do not go over. You are correct.

    O)nly bbq and wglf do bonus point rewards

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Im more and more convinced that he is full of ######### and a troll vying for our attention. If he wasnt he would just upload like an entire 4 hours long unedited video of him just stomping survivors just to prove himself right. Because yeah I have had those days where even in red ranks survivors have no clue whats going on and maybe even a few of those in a row. But then all of a sudden and out of nowhere swf just shows up and the game is over before I get anything done. Its disturbingly impressive. You see the same with like all the most popular streamers where they just get stomped and there was nothing they could do.

    Those games, you ignore and move on. Because you were meant to lose those from the get go. You might try and learn from them but most of the time those are just lost games.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Hell, even when I'm frustrated enough to use an Ebony Mori, I still wait until 2 or 3 gens pop before offing anyone.

  • priere
    priere Member Posts: 34

    Hmm, impressitve stance... very, very impressive.

    But you know, as this is designed as competitive game... that is how to play the killer. Not saying about yeees camp and toxic gud, but being cooperative and nice as killer? That is what intended for survivors. Take burrowed time, save your camped friend like an hero and being hooked. What you are saying is, good yes, but out of position.

    It's not about 'wake up killers' or something.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    No I'm not like you. If I play killer then I focus on killing, not on survivors having "fun" or winning. Thats more like being the fifth survivor in the game.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited July 2020

    This is close to my own mindset. I tend to fluctuate on how sweaty I play. If a BPS or Cake is involved, or if someone D/Cs or hook-suicides, I'm fine with either farming or, at least, letting the Survivors go so they can get their own 5k+ Survival points. In the case of a player quitting, it's as much out of a feeling of punishing the person by making them lose out on points as much as giving something to the people who otherwise got scrwed. If those aren't a factor, I'll play more seriously, but if I find myself dominating early I'll pull back a bit, let them recover, and go from there. Basically I don't see the point in ending a game so quickly since it's I get more by letting things draw out a bit longer. If I'm playing a Killer I don't use often, or otherwise am not great with, I'll go full tryhard since it's less likely I'll dominate unless the Survivors are utter potatoes.

    My one hard and fast rule is I don't tunnel. It's the one thing I hate running into when I play Survivor, so I make a point of not tunneling someone off hook. I will, if the opportunity presents itself, slug off hook to maintain pressure, but I won't re-hook them and won't interfere with their getting picked up.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Surprised you don't get survivors that say "gegz baby killer turn bot difficulty up" or "you're trash please uninstall" after you let them escape. I've learned to just play the way I feel is right because some survivors are just extremely salty/ungrateful and there's just no pleasing them.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Yeah, honestly I don't see any reason to be "nice" to survivors.

    I tried and tried during this event, and almost every single time they either talked ######### after, or simply took advantage of it to rush gens and not return the favor so I get 9k points in a game with 5 cakes.

    Had a game recently where there were 5 cakes and a disconnect, so I just nodded at people and let them get off my shoulder after downing them and such. What did they do? Just kept running back to gens, finished them, then talked ######### about how I still lost with a disconnect.

    Survivors always want you to let them farm, but are never interested in it being a two-way street. I can count on one hand how many times they've done so, but I can be certain that they're going to whine about "tryhard" and "sweaty" and "But I had a crown" and "Why do that when there's cakes" if I actually play normally.

    So yeah, just gonna stick to getting 32k by killing everyone, because being "nice" just ends up making me feel worse in the end.

  • D3_destr0y3r
    D3_destr0y3r Member Posts: 120

    The reason why tunneling and camping are frowned upon so much is because they don't work great but they do make the survivors life hell.

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Since I made this post I've read and taken into consideration all the replies, then really thought about what I was doing in game. I floated at rank 8 to 10 for a long while playing like I do untill considering the feedback and actually running into a match as survivor vs someone playing quite similar to me. I knew they were pretending just to be nice and it went too far and became boring. I've since altered my view to this: I'll still never camp or tunnel if I can help it, I pay attention to what characters are in the lobby and try my best to rotate hooks, but I no longer pull any punches. If I'm playing well and I get them.. then I'm just outclassing them and shouldn't feel bad.. I'll give slight breaks, but nothing overt. Since I've adopted this mindset I've gotten to rank 4 and pretty much just fluctuate there. Never been a red rank before and TBH it feels good. Plus I get better teams more often and don't FEEL like I have to cut slack. Thank you all for helping me find a better place to exist in this game.. a place with the balance I've been looking for. Not gonna lie, I'm curious if I can get to rank one now.. but if I do, it will be through fair skill and not by playing what I consider to be badly.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I think people should just ~play the game~