Why is Ghostface not treated as OC?

Danny Johnson is an original character and i thought it was only his cosmetics that were owned by funworld (and even then i think it's only his masks and original robes I think all his outfits and knives are original. I hoped this meant he was eligible for an archive but all his cosmetics are only buyable with auric cells and he doesn't get a crown. I'm hoping maybe he doesn't get a crown because it would be on top of his mask but the fact that he never shows up in the rift and i don't think he has any original mask confuses me to the state of the character. Is there any info on this? Does Funworld have rights to what can be done with him?
Because they still had to license something; specifically, the look.
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From Wiki: "Ghostface (alternatively stylized as Ghost Face or GhostFace) is a fictional identity adopted by several antagonists of the Scream series.".
So it doesn't matter who dresses up as Ghostface, what important is the Ghostface looks/persona/modus operandi.
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Yeah i know (scream is actually my favorite slasher) but the mask didn't start with the movies and is still owned by fun world which is why this ghostface has nothing to do with scream or "ghostface" if that makes sense he just wears the ghostface mask made by a separate company, fun world.
Yeah but the mask he wears not him, not even his cloak actually that's totally original. So does funworld own the character because he was specifically created to wear the mask?
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they stated that if they do an archive/rift about a licensed character, there wouldn’t be a challenge where you have to play as that char because every challenge has to be able to be completed by everyone without spending additional money. I think even for challenges with original chars only obtainable with shards/DLC, those challenges are not needed to get the rift completed.
i guess GF, specifically Danny Johnson, could very well be in a rift with additional lore, it was just not his time yet.
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because hes licensed, even if his lore is original he can only be bought with auric cells
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Even if they could use it as a basis to treat it like a non licensed character I doubt BHVR would be willing to risk being sued by breach of contract, once you get tangled in legal trouble even if you win you still lose.
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I think a lot of people are confused about Ghostface, rightfully so it is confusing, but nothing about Danny is Licensed. He has nothing to do with Scream but his outfit is Licensed from the creators of his mask. It would be like if they just gave Legion a ghostface mask, the character really has nothing to do with the mask because they would be the same without it.
UNLESS they for some reason made a deal where fun world owns the character or at least had dictation of everything about him, but he came pretty late in the game i don't think they would make such a bad deal.
But i guess that's the only explanation other than they just choose not do anything with him for the sake of maintaining good relations with Fun world which is fine...it's just confusing and a little sad because he'd be my favorite OC
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Oh god, it's a Kevin fanboy.
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What are you talking about? Who's Kevin?
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Never heard that name before in my life