Stop complaining about "genrush"



  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    They are required against very good survivors. Perhaps you lost those games because you or your team was bad? Oh no because survivors always put the blame on killer being OP or playing "wrong" when losing. I mostly play survivor in this game but survivors in general are such crybabys.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Guys, tunneling doesn’t exist. If you’re not able to run the killer the whole game without getting downed and hooked 3 times you’re just bad.

    Guys, face camping doesn’t exist. If you can’t coordinate a rescue from basement with 2 other solos while Bubba is revving his chainsaw in your friends face you’re just bad. Especially if you get hit with NOED after because you sped through gens during the camping.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I wouldn’t say it’s skill. I think there are plenty of killers where you could be on the same skill level and get bullied just because the killer itself is weak. Personally I don’t struggle with “gen rushing” I rarely see it. Ghostface is a terror with the right build for people that like to stick into gens.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    big oof thread

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    There's no such thing as "tunneling", if you can't survive a reasonable amount of time after being unhooked you can only blame yourself for being B A D, not the killer for doing the only thing they can do while the survivor is around.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Then either you're a bad survivor, or you had a bad team. You can't win without slugging.

  • mosheon970
    mosheon970 Member Posts: 215

    you have more than 1 objective to gain points in the game, gen rush means that the other objectives are not of importance and they only focus on 1 objective which will make everybody gain a little points but the survivors will be able to reach the gates. instead of totems i think they should add fuel for the gens so they would cleanse those fuel and be able to use them for the gens. might be more interesting.

  • Luxoshamy
    Luxoshamy Member Posts: 31

    Well, a couple of games before i was against a legion that thought we were gen rushing by doing only 2 gens in the first chase. So he when and face camped a dude, first hook. That was a soloq game btw.

    The trials are not meant to last 30 minutes. You only have 5 gens to complete, and every gen, if is done one by one, by one survivor only, it barely reaches 7 minutes. So a game that last 5 minutes is basically standard, every minute added is thanks to the killer. And also most games always goes into a 3 gen situation, that benefits the killer by having less gens to patrol.

    I'll change the title to "stop saying "gen rush is toxic" because is not. You can demote by gen rushing. Like you can demote by camping. Neither of those are efficient or rewarded by the game. But no one thinks like "oh im gonna be toxic, lets gen rush hehe", it just happens from a reaction to the killer chasing or not showing, and also the game always spawns you near a gen so you are supose to ignore it? Meanwhile, camping is a decision that you make knowing that the other player will lost pips.

    Also tunneling it's rewarded by the game, you can get enough point to not demote or even you can win pips by it. That should change.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Ok but you do realise the reason a lot of killers are complaining about it. Is because survivors instantly throw blame at the killer because he starts camping/tunneling. Just to get a single kill. Yes its on BHVR to fix it. But just remember the consequences of it. The more it happens the more spirit, nurse and freddy is gonna come out. Or just moris. I get flamed so hard if I dont do what survivors want and chase them with 0 gens left. And people get insanely mad that I wont chase them/leave hook when I have someone on the hook when there is like 1 gen left, because they dont get enough points or because they are bored. Thats not on me. Stop blaming me for something that you guys put yourselves in, I dont want to stress to get a few more points or to entertain you. I want to have fun too and there is no fun in a lost game. So I'll camp and tunnel and continue to lose until I get 1 proper match. Sometimes those survivors are potatoes, sometimes they are trolls. But usually they just arent 3-4man swf.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    well i guess if survivors get tunneled and remove from the game as fast as possible is not actual tunneling and you should never be upset or angry is jsut you being bad at the game right?-

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Nah it’s always you being bad at the game because you can’t win without cheap tactics

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445
    edited July 2020

    Justify bad behavior however you like. I have over 2k hours in this game. I played solo survivor exclusively for the first few years. These days, I've tried SWF but with many different teams, not one consistent one. I don't see consistent #Ks of any kind. I don't consistently see 4Ks or 0Ks. I've also watched hundreds of hours of videos of this game. Likewise, I don't see a consistent #K. The only thing that's consistent when people cry about "gen rush" is the same killer in match after match. To me, that says the problem is the killer just being good enough or not using the proper build. Otherwise, it would be consistently a #K for everyone, not just you.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Justify bad behavior however you like. I've got almost 2k hours in this game. For the first few years, when I played survivor, it was exclusively as a solo player. In the past few months, I've started playing SWF when I play survivor. But, I haven't been playing with a consistent team of the same folks each time. I've tried many different combinations of players.

    After all of that, guess what's consistent? It's not the number of kills. I don't see consistent 4Ks, consistent 3Ks, 2K, 1K, 0K. It's a mixed bag. Every match is different.

    Add to that, I've watched hundreds of hours of YouTube videos and streamers. What's consistent there? It's not the #K. Those are also varied.

    So, when a killer player says they keep losing (aka 0K or close to it) because of "gen rush", the only consistent thing is that player playing as killer. That means, they either need to change their build, change their killer, or otherwise improve.

    If people were experiencing a significant 0K due to fictional "gen rushing", it would be widespread, it would be the same for everybody. I can tell you with almost 2K hours, it's not consistently that way. It only seems that way because you are playing a killer where that consistently happens.

    You can cite the forums that other people are experiencing it, but I can play an entire day (8 to 12 hours) with various players from multiple regions and I don't see that consistency. If it were a widespread problem, I would see it.

    What you have is a vocal minority that can't accept that they need to improve something they are doing. Instead, they want to blame fictional gen rushing (the only actual objective in the match that has to be completed). And they want to blame BHVR instead of looking inward at their build or killer.

    Flame me all you want. But maybe you should play a whole day as survivor first to see if you see a consistent #K and then complain.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    But...I do play survivor lol, and it happens a lot there too xD. I only have 1k hours though so maybe it happens less the next 1k hours I dunno.

    Justifying "bad behaviour"? If you think camping and tunneling is always bad then you really should stop sitting in the menu for 2k hours and start playing the game. There are loads of times where camping and tunneling is not only the right thing to do its sometimes the best thing if not the only thing you can do.

    And I didnt say I was consistently losing or playing the same killer, I play most killers in the game during a day. Im not a particular fan of nurse, spirit or freddy, though it feels cheap to win when I do. But thats just me. I was just saying I would rather sit on a hook when the game is over anyways (all gens being done is what I meant) than waste my time trying to maybe get a hit on a survivor that then runs to the exit gate while my hooked survivor escapes. I still "win" more than I lose, Its just that sometimes the game is basically over 80 seconds into the game when 3 gens fly before I get a single down. Thats a problem on BHVR to fix so survivors dont all spawn on random gens, giving the killer time to find one or at least delay the initial gen repairs.

    Thats what I define as gen rushing. 3 gens popping "instantly" without much of an interaction between survivors and killers. Yes gen pressure is real, but its not something thats gonna make a difference if 4 survivors are spread out across a wide area. You cant pressure 4 gens at once. And yes that happens quite often, I think at least once a day. Sometimes I still win those but ######### hell they arent fun to play after those 3 gens.

    And yes I agree that a lot of forum people are whining idiots. DS op, Noed op. Looping should be punished, tunneling/camping should be punished. Nerf nerf nerf. Its just not that simple, a lot of perks are great until played annoyingly. And a lot of playstyles might be the only thing thats possible to do in some scenarios but can still be goddamn annoying (or abused in some cases).

    Much in this game has a problem where the most fun aspect of the game isnt actually an objective to do, besides for emblem points. I think most survivors agree that repairing gens isnt actually all that fun. Hiding from the killer, looping the killer, interacting in general with the killer, is where most survivors find the fun.

    As for killers well it varies, but in general the chases are usually great (although getting pallet stunned 15 times in arow on Ormond isn't). Outplaying people feels great, getting outplayed feels annoying but ofc it has to be otherwise it would be terribly one sided. Using the killers power if possible is fun. Somestimes its pretty fun, if not slightly stressful, to try and juggle chases with gen defense. But a lot of times its just annoying because survivors will, as they should, try and run to a zone with 0 gens to get the killer away. And if the killer refuses this leaves them in a standstill, which gets boring. But those dont happen that often either.

    But thats what I mean, If people are just gonna do gens thats fine but dont come blame the killer for refusing to chase you when you have already done all your gens and can safely escape. Just leave the game. The game is over, you can try and suicide for the guy hooked but thats on you.