The Fallacy of Balancing toward the Highest Level of Play

I've noticed a lot of players saying "You should balance toward the highest level of play". This game play fallacy is has been around forever and I'm going to explain why it doesn't work. It's actually very simple...
When game play is balanced toward the "Highest Level of Play", you exclude the casual player base, that makes up 90% to 95% of your game, in your balancing decisions. It basically causes the skill-cap to become so high, that only 5% to 10% of players can actually play the game.
- Starcraft II was balanced toward the highest level of play and the game became a spectacular failure. It became so skill-capped for high end play that all of the casuals left the game because it was literally unplayable to casuals. This game alone, should be a text-book reason why you don't balance toward "The highest level of play". The game had everything it needed to become one of the top games ever. It has a massive loyal fan base to both Starcraft and Blizzard. The esports world was hungering for Starcraft II, after the popularity of Starcraft. Yet Developer decision after decision, made the game harder and harder for casuals to play, because every decision was based on the most skilled player.
- The Nurse in Dead By Daylight. Here's another great example in our own game, where "Balancing Toward the Highest Level of Play" doesn't work. The Nurse has become so skill-capped, because she was balanced towarded the highest level of play, that new players won't even attempt her, casual players stopped playing her and only the best Nurse players pick her up. However, when the best Nurse players do play her, she gets 4ks within minutes of the start of the game. The only reason she works in DBD is because there are many other killers that casuals can play.
The better option for game play balance is balance game play around casuals and use high-end game play to adjust game play that can be exploited by very skilled players.
People don't play Nurse because she's bugged as hell though, not because she's hard. No one minds a high-skill ceiling when it comes to Killers and they love the reward they reap when they master the Killer. It's why you see Spirits, Docs, and underrated Killers running around.
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I agree that you can’t ONLY balance for the highest level of play - it’s easy enough to 4K all the casual SWF teams as it is.
The devs do have a tough job trying to find that sweet spot where the majority of the playerbase (casuals) can have fun and for one side (survivor or killer) of the higher skilled players to not get demolished.
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I agree you shouldn't only for the highest level of play, but you certainly do need to monitor that area. I hate when devs ignore that top meta of a game because so few people use it, because then when you do get into that elo level it's nothing but abuse of broken mechanics and it's very rarely skill based.
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I dunno, honestly I find her clunky cooldowns and difficulty of use the reason I don't play her much. I can deal with the bugs, except the one that removes your power entirely by hooking someone, but she's just so godawful hard to use it's impossible to use her if you don't main her.
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Not a fallacy when it means the gsme has no long term appeal and..not gaining many players because it has a reputation for screwing over the power role consistantly, as we are seeing now
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No, people don't play Nurse because she's skill-capped. However, in Dead by Daylight, it's fine to have some harder to play Killers, just as long as there are Killers that casuals and new players can learn the game on. I think it's the variability in Killers and the skill required to play them that makes DBD very fun.
Nurse is really the only problem child for DBD and out of 14 killers, that's not bad. And her problem is she is balanced as such a high level of play, that casuals can't learn her without wanting to smash their heads against a wall and when casuals play against her, she waffle-stomps them.
The problem is her main ability is easily exploited by high skilled players and casual players can't use it.
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So when the casuals get better at the game over time as they keep playing the game and hit the high ranks where it's stupid easy to win because the game is catered to noobs isn't a problem
It's nice to have some mechanics to help casuals but the casuals will eventually become veterans and will realize that these mechanics are a problem at high level play and need changes but the devs pit in more noob friendly mechanics and ruin the game further for higher level play causing people to get frustrated and leave and because its usually veterans and marketing bringing in new players if the veterans leave the playerbase will dwindle and die as a result
Also the reason dbd caters to casuals so much is that they are more likely to buy the cool skins and just dump more moneythan the veterans
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nurse is ######### anyway so she doesnt really fit the description, and btw if you balance the game around casual players there is no chance for killer to win against very experienced survivors, and there are alot of them and that is also the current state of the game
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Very experienced survivors would go against very experienced killers, if the MMR was working correctly. Right now that needs fixed.
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No, the fallacy here is that balance is somehow exclusionary.
Balancing toward the highest level of play doesn't mean that you're somehow hurting casuals or leaving them out. It just means that you balance the game around good play and what works, not around feelings or players just not liking something, or cries for nerfs when counterplay exists.
(Also, where in the ######### do you get "SC2 = spectacular failure" from? The ######### people will make up sometimes, jeez.)
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yeah but very experienced survivor have always the upper hand and killer cant do #########, because the game is balanced around bad players
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I've misplaced the downvote button.
No but seriously, I really feel like this mindset was borne from the matchmaking system being broken. We shouldn't be seeing low rank players playing against high rank players. That's a huge issue, and confuses the problem at hand here.
Casual players shouldn't be under any requirement to run top-tier builds, because they're casual players, and even if they do, lower skilled players won't be able to take full advantage of those meta builds. So balancing to their skill level only ensures that gameplay will be unbalanced and unrewarding at the top-levels, and players won't invest time and commitment into playing the game to get to that skill level, because there's no reason to. That would result in the death of the game. Guaranteed.
Obviously you can't ignore the casuals either though. The trick is, the you just have make mechanics that aren't broken or unapproachable to casuals when balanced that way. Casuals still need a fun game experience to encourage them to put in the time and effort to become more skilled at the game.
But the thing is, all of this requires working skill-based matchmaking. It all goes right out the window if top-tier players are getting queued up against new players...
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I think this is relevant. In the end MMR will reveal balance flaws and the devs "may" begin to balance the long standing issues... Like the "gen rush" which means the game will become more competitive and lead to balance around higher skill levels.
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A link to your own video LOL. I hate you
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Hey man, it's still relevant to the topic ;)
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Some people can't accept that thoughts can be explained in any other ways then text.
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More like most people don't want to sit through someone's 10-minute self-advertisement video that often doesn't impart any more information than a line of text that you read in 2.7 seconds.
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You can't balance around top tier play. Nor can you balance around the noobs either. You need to balance around mid tier play as that's where the majority of your playerbase is. Then you need to look at high tier play and tweak things to make them as fair as you can for those players.
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This is a fair point.
Tl;dw - If the MMR system is good, the devs will eventually shift their balance focus towards high skill play even if they don't want to.
The issues that exist now will become more apparent when players of equal skill face each other, driving balance changes to fix those problems.
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Yes once everyone has been placed appropriately we can see what the best survivors are like in their average game. Hopefully then if the games are so short they can't be ignored we'll see actual change!
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For that to really work I'd like to see some matchmaking variable that actually reflects skill more accurately than rank, and preferably also some sort of standardized ruleset for tournament play. That's how you get a bunch of useful data that actually reflects the top X% of players, you sorta need a way to get such players to play with eachother a lot under the same ruleset. Or at the very least just two rulesets - the ruleset of the "public" game experience, and the tournament ruleset. "Formats" aren't really as relevant in DBD I feel, as it doesn't seem like we'll ever get different game modes in the live game.
And this is coming from someone who likes the idea of top-down balancing in general, there have been some changes in my most played game of all time (Team Fortress 2) that were inspired by how the items in question performed at the highest levels of play that confused a lot of regular players. But the changes were made for very good reasons that were directly inspired by the top level of play in certain formats.
So I'd love to try that sort of balancing, but we sort of need a clear way to point out where the top level play takes place consistently first. We're not CSGO or something, where you can assume the teams playing in some big tournament are probably somewhere in the very top skill bracket the game has to offer.
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Nurse isn't hard? Wheres your nurse videos at I want to see this
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Hahaha self promo XD
Get that bread
I'll put a view on it just for that
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Since rank reset today I’m being put with complete beginners, no more than 2 gens done every game. Im just giving up on hook. No survivor can last more than 5 seconds in a chase.
The killer builds alone are often too oppressive for the survivors to face.
But this is what killer mains want. Ez 4ks who cares if new players enjoy the game?
seriously this game is an absolute state. This is why people get so salty. With 2000 hours experience I shouldnt be put in games where its literally possible to win against bad players. Cant even touch a gen because you’re dragging the other survivors off hooks every 5 seconds, all killer needs is Ruin and its an ez win because while you’re unhooking the baby meg, the baby dwight and claudette will be walking around the edge of the map doing nothing.
Fix. Matchmaking. And. Ranking. Just group us by playtime already
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OP. I like your post as it aligns with things I've said. However, I do think the only way through this is for BHVR to balance based on skill for survivors and on skill per killer for killer.
Anything outside of that will be impossible given the number of groups we have playing this game:
- The different rank levels (so that's 4 or 5 groups right there)
- Newer players
- Veteran players
- Casual players
- Streamers
- Skilled at killer X but not at killer Y
- Solo
- Survivor mains
- Killer mains
- Etc.
That's far too many groups to balance around one. Instead we need to find a way to cut across all of them, and I think that's by focusing on skills.
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I think time/money vested is the biggest problem this game faces in balance.. coupled with rank resets.
I've played on/off for a bit, and have only prestiged 3 survivors. I don't use or even have access to some of the meta perks and even as I lose, I'm constantly ranking up. I've played consistently for a week now and have moved from 20 -> 11 and my odds of winning diminish with every climb in rank. I feel that even survivors on my team are trolling me and giving me up to the killer at times(shining lights on me or popping my gens). By the end of game, I'm usually the only one that doesn't have rank 3 perks from multiple different characters.
How is the game ever going to be balanced or inviting to new players if the new players are playing side by side with others of similar level who have previously invested the time and money to acquire all the perks from the majority of the whole roster? I've faced rank 16-20 killers who have all tier 3 perks from multiple killers, and my Nea, for example isn't even lvl 15 for her 3rd perk. I understand the grind, but newcomers will not realize what is going on, or why they got destroyed, and either uninstall or research. Most people today would uninstall unless really drawn to the concept(which I was as a horror fan)
Overabundance of perks is only making it more and more difficult to balance as time goes by. I'd honestly prefer each killer/survivor with their own 3 perks(not shareable across) and then a pool of fewer universal perks to choose from. You might actually get a team of 4 different survivors to use their unique talents to aid the team as opposed to the same 4 survivors all just borrowing the best perks from other survivors. IDK... Obviously, I'm not as knowledgeable about the high level play and meta stuff, but I do know a smaller set of mechanics would be easier to balance. It would also be nice to not see 3 of the same survivor on a team.. how about locking a character out when selected by another.
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The core issues of dbd issue is obvious and it pain me how if anyone even acknowledges it its a fleeting what can you do?
Its SWF plain and simple, you can't compare solo to teams on comms its impossible to balance both in the same ecosystem. Every killer is on me is another 5 extra seconds on gens. Every killer is up by shack is another easily smashed totem. Don't even get me started on what happens if your s class looper is running object of obsession its like a permanent dark sense for all survivors. Swf needs the balancing solo play can have significantly less restrictions on perks there can be more experimental perks available however if your playing with a group some powerful perks with comm exploit potential needs to be disabled. Make gen repair and healing speed drop for each team member swfed. This will force dedicated roles so it can't be just the most powerful perk options available.
Instead everyone just ignores swf leaves it alone pretends that "co-ordinated rando team sure finish that game fast. Man hex totems are easy to find. What an oddly well placed head on,couldn't be communication coming through the damn coms." Don't get me wrong you will still get crap like pre-nerf mettle of man and old ds which is straight bad for the game but the balance of the game is not distinguished by rank. Its distinguished primarily by how many people are on the same chat channel. There needs to be penalties in terms of action speeds to acknowledge the efficiency difference.
I'm not talking from a lack of experience either. I have my own group of survivor players who will just causally chat and play dbd but you think its hard to drop a killers on me casually in chat. How about hex totem by shack, even casuals can take advantage and break this system. Because information is power and people will use that to create uneven playing fields regardless of casual or competitive attitudes.
MMR and ranks will come soon but most existing mmr systems forbid ranked play with people of a sufficiently lower rank. You think dbd with its non existent casual queue will find a fix via mmr. I guarantee you the most miserable games a killer has ever played was with swf opponents and the fact that solos are balanced on the same level as an SWF shouldn't be the case.
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No. Balancing towards the top players of the game does not exclude the rest of the people who play the game at all, in fact it protects them as the top players will find broken stuff that needs to be fixed so they do not roflstomp the ######### out of everybody else who is not at their level of play.
You do not know much about SC2. To call the game a failure is such a facepalm when there is no other RTS title in recent years that comes even close to the success SC2 had. SC2 has always been a game which was demanding alot from the players and always had a very competitive scene.
Nurse is bugged af, i would love to play her but it is too frustrating due to the amount of bugs i encounter per game. Literally has nothing to do with that.
Okay let us balance around the most casual of players. Just assume that for a minute, all the crazy threads you know with suggestions that come from inexperience of the game would suddenly be implemented. The game would turn into a shitshow. Sorry people are not being excluded from the top 5% the 95% rest of it are just protected from their inexperience or mechanical inabilities from which they yet suffer.
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The changes to Hillbilly and the Nurse make them harder for casuals to do well with. Your analysis is flawed.
The real reason is that the killer nerfs are aimed at making the games more fun for inexperienced Survivors and to not scare them away, since the game makers cannot get the matchmaking right. If the two camps never crossed paths then the killer basekits don't need to be handicapped.
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Id be okay if they picked one or the other. However killers are balanced around high level play and survivors tend to he balanced around low level play. Ill admit i prefer high level balancing but right now one side is being balanced with a focus on veteran players and one side around players buying the game and their entertainment value
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I stopped reading at excluding the casual player base.
As an FGC player, let me tell you, casuals are actually stupid. People actually think certain things are broken and overpowered when they have huge, glaring, consistent weaknesses that generally do get punished at higher ranks. You can't balance a game with any form of competitive nature around the majority. There is nothing at all stopping the majority from playing by the rules of the competitive set, but if the competitive players who want to win every game are allowed to do some dumb ######### because perks are "balanced around casual players" then no one will want to play.
IMO anyone who thinks that balancing around not-the-top-of-the-top is salty. They can't/won't play at the level they think they deserve to be at and need nerfs to be able to keep up. I see it ALL THE TIME in the Smash Bros community, less so in Tekken and other FGC titles. Still exists tho.
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Oh boy, a SC2 reference. I used to play SC2 at low GM level and I can tell you the reason that people left the game wasn't due to it balancing around high levels of play, it was due to several factors. For players of BW who left, they left because the game was too casual SC2 compared to BW has much less importance of mechanical skill. It's a lot easier to micro, macro, and the skill ceiling is lower due to that. This turned off a lot of BW players including many pros.
For casual players who left, they were never going to stay. It's harsh to say, but they 100% would not stay in a competitive environment. They didn't want a competitive game where they seek to improve themselves and their play and get better. They wanted the ability to throw the game on once a week and do well, but that's not the kind of game an RTS is. No RTS is like that in the world, SC2 just has Blizzard's name behind it so they tried it out and found it wasn't for them. They'd be the same in a fighting game, they 'd try it for a bit and then likely uninstall it after learning they have to learn, improve, and work at it.
As for actual balance decisions in SC2 that turned people off, early on a lot of decisions were made to counter the immediate high level meta, but not taking into account the suggestions of high level players and instead devs did their own thing. This lead to a fair number of patches where something was majorly changed when high level players asked for something more moderate (Just like DBD!). People got disgruntled and left cause the balance was poor and the devs were thick headed (Just like DBD!). SC2 now is pretty great (other than Protoss vs Protoss), but it took them years to fire the main designers and get new people in who actually listened to the high level community.
As for Nurse, she was introduced specifically as the devs' answer to the community's outcry for them to remove infinite loops and balance their maps. They gave us a killer that removed them, and every other way to dodge that survivors have. Of course she's incredibly strong, she was designed to counter literal broken impossible to beat mechanics that no other killer, even in today's game, could counter if they went against it. Not even Spirit, who people cry about all day, could have dealt with the infinites at the time, but Nurse can so of course her power is the most broken. The only reason most people don't play Nurse is because she is a buggy mess. Even the best Nurse players can lose to the average survivor if Nurse bugs happen and for example you can't blink twice, or you can't attack after a blink, or you can't blink through certain terrains like you should be able to, etc etc. Nurse would see much much higher play if she wasn't a buggy mess and you didn't have a 50% chance of not being able to play her to her actual strength.
Games should be mostly balanced for high level play, not entirely, but mostly, because new players don't know how to play. They think actual garbage tactics and play styles are overpowered and unbalanced. A new casual player will tell you Trapper is an unstoppable unbeatable killer while everyone with some time under their belt knows Trapper is trash. Why would you EVER balance around someone like that? He'll learn what he knew was truth was wrong and learn a new truth after he plays more, that's why you balance around people who actually play the game and not the dude who's done 10 games.
tl;dr: SC2 lost players due to devs not listening to high players' desires and casuals being too casual for an RTS. Nurse isn't played due to bugs, not due to high skill floor, games should be balanced around high level play because casuals are awful and stupid when it comes to the game so why would you ever balance around them.
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The game should always be balanced at the highest level play, but you don't completely ignore low level play. This video explains it best
Specifically about 3 minutes in they talk about the parachute that you can deploy. It was extremely powerful in high level play, but useless in low level play, so they nerfed it in a way that only affected high level play. There are a few other examples there but it can be done.
For example, in this game which is clearly survivor sided at the highest of highest level play (very few people get here mind you) some things can be done to even the playing field for lower level players. Why do low level survivors have a hard time? Because its hard to loop. Why do high level survivors do so well, because looping is so strong. So what they could do for example is nerf looping, but provide more resources/pallets/windows that can be used. This would help low level players as it is much easier for them to find a safe place, but nerf high level players because looping is weaker, or maybe the pallets and windows themselves are weaker.
If every pallet/window was weak and mindgameable but more plentiful, it might help things. It makes high level play more interesting, balances it more, and doesn't affect low level play.
Low level killers aren't doing crazy mindgames around every pallet and window, and low level survivors aren't doing 3 gens in 2 minutes, so its ok for them to have more resources.
High level killers ARE mindgaming all the time and having more places to do that creates more survivor/killer interaction.
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Your Nurse interpretation is the exact opposite of what happened. The devs balanced for the middle to low end of Nurse players and made casual Nurse play more difficult so that casual survivors could have an easier time while not touching what aspects of her allow for really good killers to 4k. And now basically no one likes playing Nurse.
How is this not a perfect example of why the developers should pay attention to what the extremes are when balancing a killer?
The devs just don't balance properly (cough Clown comment cough). What proper balancing toward high-level play would have been is as follows:
Nurse must travel the full length of her blink. The Nurse has a weapon raising animation once she reaches her blink destination that takes precedence before any attacks. The Nurse's lunge speed is decreased but her lunge duration is increased. The Nurse's red stain appears at her blink destination and does not remain on her body for the duration of the blink. Optional change: fatigue duration after a no-lunge blink has been increased to be the same as a post-blink lunge fatigue.
Those changes right there have toned down what some Nurse players can do, have given survivors of all skill levels more information, and have (probably) not affected casual Nurse play negatively. That outcome is what people mean by balancing for high-level play. Survivors who can use the additional red stain information can skillfully do so, and (if taking the optional change) Nurses that swing a lot after blinks and miss are not penalized in comparison to Nurses that know exactly when to swing and when not to swing.
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Most multiplayer games worth their salt balance for high-level play. It does not mean "ignore the rest." It means "make sure the game isn't unbalanced when played by strong players."
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You should probably reread what I said because not once did I say Nurse wasn't hard.