Can someone explain to me why OoO is hated by Killers?
I just don't see the problem with it unless you mean SWF, but for solo survivors how is this a useful perk?
It can render killers powers like the Trapper's worthless.
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in solo its less of a problem but with OoO you can single handedly counter killers such as hag and trapper also on top of that you can just see where the killer is so you can avoid him.
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Thing is, it's so useless that no one runs it solo, meaning the only time you'll see it is when you get ######### by SWF.
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- Completely invalidates Trapper/Hag, forcing them to run something stupid like 3rd Seal or tunnel the Object out of the game.
- Severe pain in the ass for Demo since they'll always know where you're portals are
- Moderate pain in the ass for Pig since they'll always know when you're going stealth
- On a really good runner it makes them impossible to catch since they'll have a bajilion year headstart always
- Knowing where you are at all times means the Object always knows the optimal thing to do at all times
- A lot of OoO's use it to taunt the killer from safety
- And of course, it's completely broken in SWF
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bad perk pretty much cheating in swf group.
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I see. So far my experience with leveling up Laurie and using it has been
1. Oni got bullied by me and I had no perks but OoO
2. Myers literally rage tunneled me and killed me first lol
It's kind of fun and I dont have any SWF on ps4 so im just soloing atm. I havent leveled it up either yet.
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I'm on PS4 solo queue as well, and I always run it when I want to practice running the killer, because they will usually focus you out of the game.
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99% I encounter an OoO user it's against a SWF team using OoO so that every survivor knows where I am.
There's no real way to tell if the OoO user is part of a SWF group or not especially since people can be friends via the game and not just through steam where you can check a person's friendlist if they aren't private. So the safest bet is to treat the OoO user as part of a SWF team.
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So what you're saying is OoO is in-itself a mindgame? Lol
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Do you like people watching you pee? Yeah, didn't think so.
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No. People simply aren't going to assume a person with a OoO is a solo person when it's largely ran by SWF teams. So a solo person running OoO is going to get treated as if they were in a SWF.
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As you say there is basically 0 problems with it on a solo guy. He can still get some use out of it and be a nuisance against some killers. But when its on SWF every single person thats premade with that guy knows where the killer is 100% of the time. And when its in a SWF its usually always the best loopers that run it.
And since people hate being watched constantly they will not only tunnel but camp the living daylight out of any person that runs it. Partly because of the killer not knowing if its a SWF they are facing and partly because knowing someone is watching you constantly feels like that person mocking you. Whether they mean to or not.
Its like "Hey I gave you the power to see me because I know you cant catch me". Thats the general feeling that perk conveys to the killer. Ofc thats my oppinion and other players might feel different.
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I have never ran this perk but sounds awefully unhealthy, especially if the killer catches yo butt
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So far im playing solo leveling Laurie up and it's been actually good to run imo. I literally always know where the killer is and when he is heading my way. I know from a mile away too so I can just leave immediately or hide. Its super OP so far. Though I did get absolutely obliterated by a Myers who tunneled me to death. He was very angry immediately when I saw him lol.
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Pretty much nails the point home. I despise going against it at any time. Even on Solo players, it's a pain to VS. The only good side for it is stealth killers (Myers T1, Wraith, Ghostface) can hide from it, but still see the survivor's aura which has knocked a few OoO users down a peg or two. But, it's like torture when you just get ran around and around for 10 minutes knowing you'll never catch them unless they mess up in some way. If I see OoO nowadays, I just AFK the match and let them have their fun.
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Running OoO is like asking for attention and then acting surprised when killers gave them to you.
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It completely invalidates certain killer's powers (trapper for instance is a big one), even outside of SWF it's a very strong perk, and on some maps it can make that survivor unstoppable (Midwich).
It's mostly due to SWF using it for perfect information, but if the person on their own can use it well it's literally wall hacks and incredibly strong.
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Theres no way to know for sure its not a swf. Unless youre playing as a stealth killer it screws you completely, and because it could be a swf you have to target that person. I hate this perk, legit the only one id consider broken
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you ever see a floating middle finger? That's what OoO is.
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I run it with sole survivors. It count dc as a death and I'm a solo player. The only problem is if one person know everyone knows in swf. I really don't mind it cause it designed as a tunnel perk in a way. Freddy can't do anything due to oblivious in dream world. Hag and trapper can get beat easily with it.
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I find typically when there is an OoO every survivor seems to know exactly where I am at all times. It becomes very hard to find people let alone successfully hit and down them.
The best counter I have had to this is Doc, with calm and distressing, who just finds everyone OoO or not.
As a hag main you either have to tunnel down the OoO and camp em or just eat your loss knowing that there is little you can do to counter it. It's not about being angry with it its about the most effective counter to it.
I'd say its the one perk that just needs to be removed or seriously reworked. Three matches in a row with folks running it, the last match I just dc'd I didn't want to sweat another tunnel camp just to get rid of it. Fortunately I don't see it often.
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One codeable thing would be to automatically give the killer a mori for every person that runs it
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You do realize that although the ooo can see you entering stealth, all stealth killers can see the survivor aura while the ooo cant see theirs? Stealth killers are a major counter to ooo, it's actually stupidly powerful for the killer.
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I run it in solo queue. Unless the killer is absolutely outstanding, they're going to have a very difficult time catching a good survivor with OoO.
Freddy might as well go stand in a corner. Demo too, though to a lesser extent. You can stand on a Demo portal and have 100% wall hacks against a Demo. Myers is completely nullified. Pig and Deathslinger as well. Huntress will take forever to catch up. I could go on, but basically, there's zero downside to OoO as a good survivor, solo or SWF.
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You do realize that although the ooo can see you entering stealth, all stealth killers can see the survivor aura while the ooo cant see theirs? Stealth killers are a major counter to ooo, it's actually stupidly powerful for the killer.
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You do realize that although the ooo can see you entering stealth, all stealth killers can see the survivor aura while the ooo cant see theirs? Stealth killers are a major counter to ooo, it's actually stupidly powerful for the killer.
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You do realize that although the ooo can see you entering stealth, all stealth killers can see the survivor aura while the ooo cant see theirs? Stealth killers are a major counter to ooo, it's actually stupidly powerful for the killer.
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You do realize that although the ooo can see you entering stealth, all stealth killers can see the survivor aura while the ooo cant see theirs? Stealth killers are a major counter to ooo, it's actually stupidly powerful for the killer.
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You do realize that although the ooo can see you entering stealth, all stealth killers can see the survivor aura while the ooo cant see theirs? Stealth killers are a major counter to ooo, it's actually stupidly powerful for the killer.
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You do realize that although the ooo can see you entering stealth, all stealth killers can see the survivor aura while the ooo cant see theirs? Stealth killers are a major counter to ooo, it's actually stupidly powerful for the killer.
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First off you posted that like 5 times
second off: I specifically mentioned Pig. Other stealth killers laugh at OoO because it's basically free info but Pig's crouch is best used when just outside TR radius because of the movement speed debuff. OoO removes that completely, makes getting ambushes as Pig very hard, especially if they're SWF
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1.) Who would have thought a buggy game also has a buggy forum?
2.) Why would a pig intentionally use her power just outside the TR of someone running ooo, why would anyone think that's a good idea? I can definitely get behind it being a nightmare for Trapper, though.
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So, I'm running Trapper. I'm facing a 4 man SWF on comms. One has OoO. He/she is telling everyone where I put each trap. I'm basically powerless. My only choices are to either ignore him and try to get a kill or two as an M1 killer. Or tunnel him to death.
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Because it paints a bright target on your back, usually if someone is running OoO it's because they're a "loop you for 5 gens" god-tier looper.
Some people use it just to tea-bag cross-map.
The fact they're the recon guy in a SWF and are relaying my every move to the rest of the SWF.
Basically it's those things combined (other survivors become less appealing when Mr. OoO is visible through walls across the map at almost all times + he is telling the rest of the team where I am) that gives me the urge to tunnel the OoO user. Killing him ASAP will negate the advantage for the survivors.
Not all OoO users are SWF but I'd argue 80% of users are.
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The first few comments put it pretty well, and also the fact that it's kinda like a "hahaha look I'm over here" perk. Unless you're comboing it with some sort of aura denial perk, which are very few for survivors.
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Constantly know where the killer is, undetectable doesn't really mean anything, you still know the direction of the killer and that's more than enough. Hag and Trapper become useless, against Freddy it's literal permanent wallhacks, and on Midwich you can combine it with sprint burst and run around the building and make it nearly impossible for a killer to catch you there.
...Idk you tell me why people hate object.
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