After billy nerf survivors going after deathslinger?
What the literal #########. You guys just hate a decent killer don't you, nevermind if you're speared teabagging at the edge of exit gates you still escape, speared at hatch jump you still escape, this is just like a certain movement, if you pander to people they will cry and moan and become entitled for more and more until the game is dead. With death garden the game died because killers were op, with this one it'll die after every killer is nerfed and survivors are op, bhvr you wanna give us a recent statistic on red rank survival rates? Probably not and I don't blame you because it'll justify and amplify the complaints.
So tired of these posts. It has nothing to do with billy nerf. In fact most players didnt want base kit billy changed at all.
Spirit and deathslinger hate is not new.
And its not about killers being strong. Its about the inexistent counterplay to those killers powers.
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you seem kinda entitled yourself to keep unfun killers in the game, I play deathslinger quite a lot myself and he is fun, especially with MAA if i play him myself, but I hate going against him with MAA. Billy was a good fun killer to play and a fun killer to go against which ampifies peoples complaints about slinger and spirit, billy only had instasaw and crack that was questionably overpowered, but fun stuff like double engravings got nerfed to oblivion with his base kit, only adjustment to slinger would be to increase his terror radius and possible a slight tweak to his zoning potential, and spirit just needs a clear indication for survivors that she is using her power. But if the devs are gonna adjust something they over adjust it which is horrible.
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Ok, welp give me more counterplay to gens and looping?
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DS speed reduced to 105
Terror radius increased to 50m
Firing the gun causes it to overheat
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I wouldn't mind nerfs to Deathslinger if it meant he could have any form of map pressure/presence beyond camping.
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just nerf cowshed and other horrible maps like that.
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Nah I mean a 110 killer with no mobility is just #########, even if his power can be strong when there's no pallets anywhere. I kinda feel like he's in "full rework" status more than nerf or buff.
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as long as his rework implyis freddy level then im fine, quickscoping is kinda whats fun about him, hard to adjust.
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Survivors just don't like being challenged (that's why they play survivor in the first place)
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This guy gets it. The majority of killers issues would be, if not fixed, at least alleviated by shrinking the huge maps.
As for the OP. Virtually nobody wanted a Billy nerf. That ######### is on the devs. Not survivors. As for Deathslinger, he's annoying to face. I don't think he needs nerfed. He's certainly not op. But he is obnoxious.
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Imagine if they took away the red stain and the terror radius and made it more realistic. It's funny how people ######### but they get plenty of warning when the killer is near them. They just don't capitalize on it because they think the same brain dead tactics should work on every killer with the same outcome.. The only killer you don't get a warning w is GF if he's in shroud, but SC kills that instantly. I've been playing since release on PS4, and honestly all I've seen is the skill cap keeps rising to keep up as killer, while they just keep lowering the bar for survivor... If this is there new recipe, it's gonna fail bad unless all killers turn into bots. Who would honestly wanna keep playing killer if this is the direction there going?
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I have seen literally zero posts about nerfing Deathslinger, and barely any around Spirit.
Seriously, I'm almost ashamed to be part of the Killer community with how you lot have all been carrying on lately over changing ONE CHARACTER. It is not the end of the world, that already happened earlier in the year.
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nah they going after Huntress now.
Oni came and showed us why Billy needed limitations and charge mechanic.
Deathslinger breaks the Huntress mold and shows us she should have charge mechanic and range limits.
My guess Huntress is next, BECAUSE of Deathslinger, the way Oni is responsible for Billy nerfs.
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For me, Billy can stay as he is right now, no nerf needed.
But Deathslinger? I hate that guy since day 1, he has nothing to do with other killer nerds / changes. He is probably one of the main reasons i stoped for 2 months. Very possible i double my DbD vacation if this stinker is not changed soon.
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No mate, Deathslinger 100% doesn't need a rework. He's actually far stronger then people give him credit for when you play him well. No killer needs a complete rework right now (maby besides Legion but that's questionable).
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Have you played vs deathslinger with m&a? The initial sounds of his terror radius are so low. Paired with m&a when you actually hear anything he's right next to you.
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Yeah "one character,".... us Legions mains may have something to retort to that.
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I play survivor because its fun most of the time and queues are horrible during the day for killer. killer is way more frustrating than survivor 80% of the time tho.
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Yes I have, and SC let's me know he's coming way before his TR... And he's never right next to me. I hear him coming and still have time to get away. Do you use headphones?
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After Billy I'm sure spirit is next. Then one day they might give Deathslinger the PH treatment. When he hooks someone and sticks around the hooks magically move across the map. I'm actually waiting for them to make that happen to ALL killers to try to shut down face camping.
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Ok, so that Legion remark was good.
But the "one character" thing was how the wider killer community has reacted over Hillbilly's changes. I mean come on, killers normally complain pretty hard whenever any killer gets a change, but not the the level of the near riots over Hillbilly. They've also completely overshadowed Leatherface's changes which actually seem to really help him and that's really disappointing considering his almost meme status since his introduction into the game.
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Holding m1 and running in circles is fun? I don't know about you, but i'd rather be frustrated than be bored out of my mind.
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Huntress is the ranged killer to base ranged killers on, not slinger, huntress has a 45 meter tell that gives away her position and only pepega survivors not paying attention gets sniped from distance, its the other way arround, slinger should give away his position before he can hit people, thats whats annoying about him, he can hit you before you know hes even there and his ads is instant, huntress has to wind up hatchets in order to throw straigh
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So you move cause of spine chill and not his almost inexistent sounds of the first 2 seconds of his terror radius music
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Because people who play video games dont like changes unless they are positive and beneficial to the players.
I literally went from playing Freddy everyday on stream for 10 hours, to not playing him at all after rework. Devs felt he needed an entire rework, while those of us who played Freddy daily, admitted maybe decrease time to fall asleep to 3-4 seconds etc would have made big change to him, yet he was entirely redone and I dont like the playstyle of new Fred so I dont play him.
Literally stopped playing him, I was a legion main after Frddy, then they changed Legion so what he is now, sure the speed is nice, but not having way to down survivors and se no scratches + 4 second self stun after Frenzy + a blind,.... and yet I sill play him.
The reason some of dont like changes is because we know it alters the killer into things we sometimes no longer want to play.
totally understandable. People should not act as if this is the first time a killer has been changed and nerfed. History teaches us otherwise.
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Why are you implying running after survivors in circles is frustrating then? because holding m1 and running in circles is not what good survivors do. thats rank 21. the interaction with killers and outplaying them is fun. whats challanging by running after survivors running in circles if that takes "no skill"? nothing. do you only play killer? at least youre not a good survivor if you do,
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No, I pay attention when SC lights up. Doesn't always mean there coming, but it gives you a heads up and tells you "Hey, maybe I shouldn't be working on this gen in the wide open, and find a hiding spot for a few secs and see if he's coming my way".
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Is that the goal of the game though?
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Slinger isn't that good. I mained him when he was released for a couple months, now I barley use him. No map pressure, slow as hell, and only 4ks Potato teams. You verse a decent team, your Texas toast.
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Right, and I agree to an extent. Huntress should have her humming reduced, which is why I think Deathslinger, like Oni, forces devs to readjust old killers.
If they reduce Huntress humming, they can/will shorten her range. Which I no doubt think they are considering. She can literally see an aura with BBQ throw a hatchet cross map and get a down.
If Billy chainsawing across map was problematic, no doubt cross map hatchet range will be adjusted as time goes.
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The "goal" is to get the most amount of points. But the scoring and pipping system is flawed and broken, so people adapt whatever goal they want, someone only care about escaping, some wants to be chased, somehow people like hiding and stalling the game for everyone else, for some reason? im completely satisfied looping, reading a killer and outplaying them to be either facecamped die on first hook when i play survivor, doesnt bother me.
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I dont agree with changeing huntresses hum, range on hatchets or TR. her hum used to be directional, now its none directional, just get rid of iri head and exhaustion addons, hopefully better server will fix her bs hatchet hitboxes she sometimes have.
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I completely disagree. I’ve gone against some really sweaty SWF teams and I think I only won because I was playing as him. But I’m great at quick scoping and I think my ability to stop them looping me so hard really threw them off. For me, he’s the best killer in the game next to Michael. But they just suit my play style the most.
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I agree with you 100%, I just dont think the devs think like us.
I think once Huntress is touched people will pay more attention to these things and not just go along with it as easily.
for the record, I dont think Huntress should be range limited, I think devs think this stuff over, AFTER they release a new killer that forces them to adjust old killers.
For example, when Bubba came out devs/mods literally promoted the fact that Bubba chainsaw differed and could be held until you want to release it, and I agreed. I always liked that his chainsaw could be held, but now they seem to want to add charging/cooldown/overheat to things.
When prior they did not.
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I get gen rushed everytime I'm him. 1st gens usually pops as I'm finding them, 2nd one pops as I'm downing my first, and half the time the 3rd pops by the time I hook the person I downed, leaving me between a rock and hard place. Sure, I've made a couple comebacks, but most the time, it's gg ez. But give me Freddy, oni, GF, or DOC and it's a whole different ball game. Those are my mains. Wish I could play spirit, but I just can't get the phasing down and always get my arse kicked!
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As if killers dont do the same? Going after one thing then another in the survivor side?
I havent seen too many people complaining for a Deathslinger nerf, but he is a boring killer to play against and pretty much all of them proxy camp. He could benefit from a few changes.
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I suppose everybody is different. As for me, Deathslinger is a killer I use when I want an easy game as I just do really well as him. But I love FPS so he’s just a dream come true for me. I seem to win almost every match when I play as him, Michael or Ghostface. They are definitely my top 3.
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who ever said it was about the billy nerf?
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Uhh... did you read the title of the post?
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the title gave it all away my friend. Its not about hillbilly its about deathslinger. Learn how to comprehend sentence structure.
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deathslinger not having counters? are you joking? the other side of a pallet is 100% a counter. Stay there. hes a 110 killer. when he reloads run. EZPZ. Learn other playstyles other than looping. Ever try stealth? HES A 110 KILLER. Zero Map control. Spread out and you should never be caught. Spine chill is everyones friend. Even works on spirit.
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I hated deathslinger day 1 and it has nothing to do with Billy. His design is terrible, like instant quick scope shots with 0 seconds reaction time for survivors? It's so obvious how bullshit it is.
And deathslinger isn't even strong, 4v1 against good survivors and he get steam rolled. But the 1v1 us soooo freaking boring and unenganging like spirit.
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"Sit on other side of a pallet" theres a lot of ifs for that to work and most pallets he can just go around one side and hit you while youre speared.
No, i dont like stealth. I rather actually play the game and interact with the killer than sit afk in a corner of the map or equip urban evasion and play with my crouch button stuck all game.
Spread out is literally the counter to every killer
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Deathslinger sucks tho.
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Survivor's have been complaining about deathslinger for what i believe is no good reason since he came out. TBH i wouldn't be surprised if he gets a nerf where his ADS goes down to like half a second making him almost impossible to play with how janky survivors movements are in this game and how he is already vulnerable to safe pallets.
I for one am excited for the thing the devs annouced they're gonna do for early game. Deathslinger is very slow which is why "proxi camping" is almost necessary with him. Like if you go for multiple chases you'll end up with like 8 hooks and all gens done by the 5 minute mark XD Once gens go slower there will be much more incentive for slower killers to be less territorial. At least I hope this is the case.
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I see all these posts about how survivors are going after killers, but never see the actual posts of survivors targeting killers lol
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Rather play the game instead of stealthing? ######### do you think this game is? Lol. I'll tell you what it isnt, interacting with the killer on purpose to increase your chances of dying
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It's called pressure, mind games and chase perks.
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They exist
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M&A Deathslinger has no tells other than breathing. Even then he's right on your ass. Sure, you could look out for him, but by the time you see him you're most likely about to get capped. A M&A Deathslinger is probably some of the best stealth in the game since, as I stated, there are no sound ques for him until you're right next to him. Pig has her sheathing, Myers dry heaves into the microphone, and Ghostface has his wooshy sound. All of these exist for a reason. It's so that survivors have some way to know you're beside them and they can try to do something based off of that. Pair that with him having the upper hand in every chase to nearly a Spirit level, and he's probably one of the most annoying things to go against.