What’s the point of the Nightmares’ dreamworld?

I’ve been playing as Freddy recently and have done some digging on his character before and after his rework. Definitely prefer the original version. I’m currently struggling to understand what the point of his dream world is now. Anyone know?
Snares and dream pallets only work when survivors are asleep.
Freddy recharges his teleport faster the more survivors are asleep.
There are also add-ons that slow down game progress when survivors are asleep.
Post edited by Todgeweiht on18 -
Ah, I see. I feel like it would be a lot better if they added/replaced one of those abilities with one where every 7 seconds a survivor is sleeping, their position is revealed for 3 seconds or something like that. I feel like the way it is right now doesn’t really intimidate survivors the way it should.
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The idea is that oblivious is supposed to provide that oppression/intimidation but they added the nursery rhyme as a terror radius for him that makes it kinda pointless. If they had the nursery rhyme be random across the map instead of a terror radius that would add to the intimidation factor since Freddy is supposed to have power in the dream world but that would potentially make him a little too OP.
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Actually, Freddy is way strong with great map pressure, chase finishing and anti-looping. Use BBQ to teleport after hook, PGTW to kick the gen you just teleported, go after the survivors you saw there.
Use Nurses Calling to get anyone healing. Once you are a teleporter, its easier to get them healing from a unexpected position.
As fourth perk you can use something to help in chase (as Spirit Fury) or to get first hit (as Torment Trail).
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Ok, so bear with me here. The part where you were talking about the nursery rhyme for the terror radius, are you saying that’s his normal terror radius? Like no heartbeat? I wouldn’t know because I’ve never played against him.
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When survivors are asleep they no longer hear the heartbeat only the nursery rhyme which is non directional like Huntress humming.
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Yeah the nice thing about Freddy is that the fourth perk can be pretty much whatever you want! Since Freddy is an m1 killer, I prefer to use STBFL. But you could just as easily use a hex too if you prefer, but I haven't had much success with hex totems since they're so quick to be destroyed.
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Oh, I see. I like that. Thank you!
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Yeah, it lets you know if you're on a gen or something like that "hey, I hear this humming and need to be more vigilant cause Freddy is nearby."
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It is a visual hinder added to the game when Freddy had auras, now its basically just a nerf to killers visuals with no upside except snares? meh, you could scrap the dreamworld entirely and I wouldnt care, I was Freddy main until rework and do not find his new playstyle enjoyable. I used to really enjoy playing Freddy like a legion, hit one and drop chase to go for another, keep them all injured and in auras,... once that playstryle was gone, I dropped him.
The dreamworld is not needed, is mostly a visual punishment, and actually causes headaches, I used to play Fred for 10+ hours on stream and realized it gives yuou headaches
Now that Freddy no longer has auras, the dreamworld is just left over mechanic they tried to salvage with dream snares yawn -
Fact is survivors should see dreamworld when hit, but Freddy shouldnt be hindered visually any longer.
but but "muh lore" they cry
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I personally didn’t play him before the rework, nor did I play against him, but I’ve seen videos of his original version and I can clearly see why a lot of Freddy mains didn’t like the rework. I think it helps that I didn’t play as his original version so I don’t really know what I missed.
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OG Fred had his problems, everyone can admit that. But his playstyle was totally changed and just not for me personally. I played him like Legion and loved controlling the map that way. Was aggressive and fun, similar to playing an aggressive Legion juggling survivors.
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I found that BBQ, POP, surveillance/discordance, and Sloppy go pretty well. Makes it harder to heal, and they run around injured a lot more. W certain add-ons, you can make it literally a NIGHTMARE. And I'm a pallets guy. Just find it hilarious
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Playing against Freddy dreamworld or not
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That's a good build! Sometimes I'll run thrilling tremors. If you don't mind the 60-second cool down, it will tell you exactly what generators survivors are at!
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Yeah. The RNG of totems are a no-go for them for me, except Devour Hope with some Insidious killers or without better option - given that DH decreases the BP gained finishing the match earlier.
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Yeah hex totems are far too easily spotted which is why I usually don't run them. Hexes like devour hope can be a lot of fun, but I personally don't prefer to camp my totems as that's just not any fun.
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Point? Traps and gen teleport, just because of that survivors must run around whole map like bunch of morons wasting 2/3 of whole match time.
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Anything you play constantly for 10 hours will give you headache...
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Not really in my case, maybe for some, but I can do a 10 hour session on many games, and have without any issues, the dreamworld definitely causes eye strain for me personally. Ive done 15+ hours in DbD with no issue, but not playing Freddy
edit added: I make sure to say its me personally and in my case, having little particles falling constantly seems to cause me eye strain, whereas on regular maps with normal killer view I do not have that. Again, speaking for me personally.
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“Traps and gen teleport” I assume you mean as Freddy you can teleport? I’ve never played against him and don’t completely understand his character just yet.