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Playing against x4 DS users make a terrible killer experience

This isn't just another anti-DS thread from the hundreds created... but really? I am demotivated to play killer

Do I REALLY need to wait 1 min every time a surv is unhooked to counter it so others survs can simply finish gens?

It is way more effective facecamping hooked survs then... how about a deep and proper DS rework?

Make DS to be enabled under the same conditions than MoM, so make the surv deserve that powerful feature after x3 protection hits, problem solved


  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I did but i did not know who i hook before playing against 4 david or any other survivor its confusing. its not like we have a timer under someone name to help with that.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    All DS needs is a 30 second timer... and it pauses during chase

    that or give the Borrowed Time effect and have it only activate if the killer is withing 24-32m of the hook (the same as Devour Hope and Make your Choice... even through Undetectable (for the stealth killers and perk effects)

    or both cause if all of those conditions are met then it's a tunnel+camping situation

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I have had games with 4 DS and no one got the chance of using it because I knew the power of slugging everyone.

    However, I get absolutely ######### when they enter a locker. Its so annoying.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    That rework idea sounds terrible especially for what the perk was originally meant for and is used for. If you got hit with it four times you're tunneling, or the survs are bad and you're doing so well you just get forced to eat the DS. Thanks to the timer. I think giving DS a timer was a bad idea anyway. I think it should've stayed as it was, or it should've been changed to be strictly an anti tunnel perk. If the killer is around when you get unhooked it activates and there is no skill check you just get off. The counter to it as a killer being just don't camp or be coming back to the hook when they're unhooked or run insidious.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited July 2020

    Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    3 Protection Hits for DS to activate.



    Stop tunneling.

    Go for the unhooker.


    Slug again.

    There are 4 survivors in the trial and the unhooked person isn't the only one you can go for.

    Problemo Solved-O.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Happened once to me in 1.3k hrs. I got two 59 second DSes after not tunneling so I just decided to say ######### it and go eat all 4 for the memes. It's probably possible if you're someone like Nurse against a good aggressive SWF, and decide to play nice rather than just 4 man slugging.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    But on the reverse I had looped a wraith for most of the game and I could tell it bruised h fragile ego. He didnt camp anyone else but stayed around the hook area for me, came straight back. Tried to tunnel me down instantly and I’m running away, at some point the final gen pops and of course crappy player has his NOED crutch giving him the speed boost and I get hit down again.

    Guy was gunning for me a lot of the game because crappy wraiths cant stand not winning a chase easily, he tunneled me down and it went into the endgame and he fully deserved a DS.

    Most killers tend to crutch a load of free hooks with NOED anyway so ya know what DS kind of balances out that endgame.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    How am I the only killer who never gets hit by DS and still does rather well for myself?

    Seriously, it isn't that hard to avoid.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    I have seen many streamers playing killers playing againts 4 DS swf and unless they hard tunnel and don't slug , they will maybe get hit by only 1 of them

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    slugging is giving survs extra time and chances to be revived by others... slugging is a failure of a DS broken

    why should I slug a surv dying just in front of a hook? the only DS counter I found is the Clown with addons to do exhaustion + extra hindered

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited July 2020

    All DS needs is to deactivate when you save someone. Also slow down the gen repair speed of all unhooked survivors. Just for one minute. This would also help reduce gen-rush. Then give survivors a roughly 7% haste during that time to escape tunneling. Also gives killers some indication that DS is still active.

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 266

    You are clearly some entitled survivor main.

    When someone is unhooked into your face, why would you go after the unhooker? Especially if the unhooker is unharmed? Just to start a chase for 2 hits, while they heal+repair? Especially when the unhooker stealthy enough to avoid you, or already too far away.

    Why your kind of players thinks that the killer is there to drink some tea with the survivors?

    BT and DS made against campers/tunnelers, but nowdays (especially on high ranks) survivors have zero respect against the killer, and they unhook each other when you had no chance to go further from the hook at all. Cause BT will save him. Cause even if BT failed, DS will save him.

    Slug? Yeah. But it is really not fun.

    No matter what you do. If you force them to burn early their DS, you will be a tunneller, and a camper. Even if they unhooked each other to your face. If you slug them, then you will be the toxic killer for slugging. Sure, you can do it. But as the topic creator mentioned it, it is NOT FUN to play.

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 266

    I think some of that story is missed. Killers don't tunnel and camp someboy over the whole game just cause he is looping the killer.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    just had a yummy x4 DS in the exit gate tbagging so yummy, I think this is the top frustrating part of playing killer, isn't it?

    how a game can be considered "fun" when you have such a frustrating thingy?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited July 2020

    ha ha ha if you're facing a sweaty swf and don't wanna go for the bait or need to get object out to find the other guys it is honestly annoying. I went back to survivor once I started coming across too many of those kind of teams lol. As a solo survivor , I do like using DS myself sometimes. It's not often I need it, but those times I wind up being the first hook and they try to tunnel me or the other guys don't try to save safely (maybe farming bp idk but at least BT & don't do it right in front of the killer unless I'm gonna die or go next stage anyways pls like I do when farming hooks) then DS has come in very handy. I don't abuse it myself, like being toxic and trying to be caught. But if I know it'll result in being caught again anyways and it's ticking down, then if I think they'll not slug me i willt ry to use it then defensively before it burns out. But not to troll people. I think it's probably fine as is for most players, and harming it would harm it for solo players and casual swf. Maybe 50 seconds top cooldown might be fine for a change to it, but any less ont op tier for the perk and it'll make it practically useless in my opinion. Except for those hook farmers who pull you down right int he killer's face with no BT lul. protection hits also stack wglf guys.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited July 2020

    "stop tunneling" -> Because tunnel is bad. Read survivor rulebooks and let them do gens/heal you monster

    "go for the unhooker" -> And completely ignore the injured hooker right front of your views for 60 secs. Also read survivor rulebooks again

    "slug" -> *Hide in locker*

    "slug again" -> Manage to slug before locker. Preparing unbreakable in 3.. 2... 1...

    "slug again but stay there and count 60 sec" -> *Gens rush atmosphere*

    "slug again who don't have unbreakable" -> "Slugging unfun! Nerf Legion!" hate mails

    "screw it, go tunnel then" -> Borrow time + DS

    "do camp to avoid trigger ds" -> PrObLeMo sOlVeD-o

    Also "down and pickup in front of exit gate while DS activate" -> A gift of middle finger for playing killer and not sacrifice me early

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    What happens when the unhooked comes to you? What if they are running unbreakable? You solved nothing.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I’ve gone against a plethora of 4x DS teams and not gotten hit with it once while 4king lol

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Countering one crutch perk that rewards playing poorly with another crutch perk that rewards playing poorly. Well done.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    If you're getting hit by 4 DS, that sounds like a personal problem LOL

    Good thing it was probably just that game and doesn't usually happen like that for you, eh?

    I myself don't tend to equip DS unless it's rank reset (lower rank killers tend to tunnel more) or I'm playing with lower rank friends (since there is equal chance that I'll get either red rank (fine) or lower rank (more likely to get tunneled))

    DS is fine. Just because you don't like how it CAN be used doesn't mean it needs to go away. It's a clutch perk for when a killer really just wants to ruin your game, and even then, it just delays the inevitable.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    The fact this got upvotes shows how little the people on this forums actually knows this game.

    You don't have to tunnel someone to death, but you can certainly tunnel everyone off hook at least once to try and put them straight back on.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited July 2020

    I usually have a minimum of two DS in my games when I play killer, and it hasn't really caused me too much of an issue. Four DS games can be rough, but it really depends on the pace of the match. Pairing that with unbreakable on four survivors and I'll just take my loss, it's cool (unless they're a transcendent potato squad).

    Then again, I rarely go after the same survivor over and over unless it's by accident or I keep finding them for some reason. DS usually doesn't give me trouble.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    It would not gonna work.

    You don't remember the Legion moonwalk exploit? You want something like that?

    All DS need is to be deactivated when working on gen or rescuing other survivors.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    Imma equip purple more to punish these peski SWF with x4 DS... thats the only counter, let's deal with it

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Oh boy i did it apparently in a few matches. Match is going good, i kick ass with nurse, suddenly i eat two DS after two chases. Like what?

    So i chase the other two and eat two more?!?

    GG i guess.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    Yea, DS is good as a concept but it's easily abused, to the point that it no longer is an anti tunnel perk. And don't come at me with the "ItS NOt SuPPosED To Be aN AntI-TuNNeL PerK" it was reworked with that purpose. It just happens to have been reworked really badly and offers 60 secs. Of invincibility. Oops!

    Pair it with unbreakable and you are virtually untouchable.