Advice to survivors

Just ######### leave. Just leave when the gates are powered, please. I do not want to give you your fourth stack, I do not want to give you protection hits, I do not want your pity hits. Leave so I can go on to my next game. Please.

Especially if the killer didn't manage to sacrifice a single one of you and they're significantly lower ranked than you. You're rubbing salt in the wound. Leave. Just leave.


  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    This will never happen unfortunately, you’re best off just chasing them out.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069


  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Open the gate and stand in a corner, sometimes they'll get cocky and stop watching the timer

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Unless they know that everyone is good they aren't leaving. As a side note, they aren't pity hits. If the killer had a rough game they are trying to at least get them some points. Despite the popular narrative that floods these forums not all survivors are #########. Alot of them want the killer to have fun as well. Failing that they'd at least like them to get some points for their effort.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    So the one telling me I have smegma cuz I said no to hitting them out is a good person? Good to know.

    People do it even when no one is hooked. When I told them to just leave in endgame chat they flat out told me they wanted protection hits and their fourth stack of WGLF. 3 Rank 4s (SWFs too), against a Rank 13 killer. Genrushed me to hell on a corn map. No one hooked by the time the gates were open, heck no one was hooked by the time the last gen was powered. Fun times. Totally want to hit them out of the gate after all that. They purposely ran through my Trails of Torment to try to get me to hit them out. They didn't care about me, they wanted extra points for themselves.

    They all got more points than me.

    I'm not a good killer and I know this ( I got 3 hooks that game), esp on PH who I've played only once before and was running his own perks (in a silly attempt to get adept), when I get severely outclassed I'd like them to leave so I can move on to the next game that will hopefully be more fair.

    I play mostly survivor, I know not all survivors are #########, I know not all SWF are #########, but the ones that are really do stink up the place.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Personally I wait to see if the killer wants to hit me out for like 20 seconds or so if everyone is safe, especially if I can hear the terror radius. But if they don't show up I leave. And as a killer I personally like it when I get to hit whoever's in the gate on the way out, but I understand it might be different for others.

    But props to you for actually just letting your stance on it be known and urging people to leave, instead of acting as if having to wait for at most 2 minutes considering EGC is some sort of cruel psychological torment. Back when people could play hide and seek for as long as they wanted or even further back when people could hump an actual infinite for as long as they want when everyone else is out, now that was awful.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Yeah, I remember those days. Didn't play killer much back then either, but I know of plenty of people who got held hostage by survivors just refusing to leave, just Urbaning around the map, or jumping from locked to locker. Hatch stand offs. Those were the days. /s

    I don't mind it some games, where maybe I didn't win but I did well, or I at least got a kill or two, but the ones like this one where I was severely outclassed and I knew it, I just wanted to leave. Lick my "wounds" in private you know?

    Like I know I probably sound whiny as hell, and I know things could be worse. But this game sometimes? Y'know?

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Yes the ones in your example were #########. I'm just saying not everyone waiting to be hot out is doing it to be a jerk. If you want the game over just hit them and move on. If you simply refuse to give them anymore points go stand in a corner and go grab a drink or a snack.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    Pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.

    Especially if the killer had a rough match, it's not a friendly gesture to give them a pittance of bloodpoints at the gate. Just leave so they can get another match which would hopefully go better so they can get more bloodpoints. Don't waste their time and make them walk to the gate just to chase you out. If the survivors in question wanted the killer to have fun too, they wouldn't have needed to outplay the killer hard during the match itself. The attitude of survivors is surprisingly easy to read when you're in a chase with them.

    Personally I only wait at the gate if a teammate might need help and I might get some points meanwhile from healing. I leave if the match is obviously over or if I think somebody is waiting for the hatch.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I disagree that it's not a friendly gesture. At least it is on my part. Same if as killer I give hatch or the doors. It's not a pity move. It's me seeing they had a rough match and trying to keep them from being discouraged.

    You're right it won't be out of kindness from everyone. But you can't assume to know their motivations. Unless of course they actually tell you after the match.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Until we hit the end screen, there is no hope of telling what ranks I'm with or up against. I have even had several games where I've absolutely demolished higher ranking survivors, as part of a rainbow set of ranks, yet get rushed out by ones all the same rank as me.

    There is also that challenge for Dwight that needs you to escape after someone else has, so sometimes you'll have two people there trying to wait the other one out.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    You can tell by the way people play sometimes though, these people obviously weren't my rank/killer skill level by the way they gen rushed me and handled chases, so instead of being like okay we won and severely outmatched this person let's go, they all run around the gates til the EGC is almost upon them, running through my trails of torment trying to get me to hit them out. When 3 or more people refuse to leave until I hit them out though? Why should I have to hit them out. I got 3 hooks all game and they all received more points than me.

    But again, that causes a problem for the person trying to do that challenge as well. What if their teammates refuse to leave until the EGC is almost up cuz they want to be hit out of the gate, do they risk it and hope one of the idiots leaves before they do? Or just say f it and try another round? Challenges are fairly meaningless now that the rift is closed anyway, unless you really want the bp/charms.

    It's understandable if someone wait around to do a last minute hook save or to try to body block to get their fellow survivors out, that's fine. These guys were just being dicks.

  • ColaGhost
    ColaGhost Member Posts: 36


    We all know survivors can't leave unless the killer see's you teabag & then leave, it's in the rules.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    Why are you blaming the survivors? It's not their fault that behavior has proven incompetent at programming a competent matchmaker.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I only stay if my friend needs help. Other than that I see no reason to stay.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I love smacking survivors out. I'll take those extra BP. Even had a BMing Nancy the other day wait too long at the exit gate, I smacked her, she didn't have enough time to crawl out. Ty Nancy for the kill. And sometimes I will go for the obnoxious survivors for those score events. Other times I go around to find the hatch to shut it last second or I see if there are pallets I forgot to break to get points that way.

    But I definitely agree with you. As a survivor I'll linger at the door if someone went down and I'm not sure if they're on death hook (and if they're not, possibly enact a save), but otherwise I usually open the door and leave. Especially given how often I've gone against NOED recently.

    Overall, there's no reason to stay until last minute other than to make the game go longer than needed. There are no score events for surviving a certain amount of time; the only time that duration is applicable to emblems is if you die.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Oh okay, so telling me I have smegma because I told them to leave and that I didn't want to hit them out is fine. Gotcha. No blame whatsoever. They couldn't have just left when they wiped the floor with me. Nope.

    If the EGC didn't exist I'm sure they would've waited around forever for their fourth stack and protection hits. Matchmaking may be ######### but they are responsible for their own behavior, as are we all. When you win unanimously just dip.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    If you were able to mount a proper offense against them, they wouldn't have been as cocky. You were wildly outmatched which is the fault of behavior, not you, not them.

    Each survivor is individually at fault for what they said, but none of you should have been in the position where one side was so severely outmatched, that is the fault of behavior. MM is undeniably broken right now, I don't know why people ignore it.

    If people waiting at the gate bother you that much, either chase them out or afk during egc.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    It's fun when you kill the 3 other people and then the one red rank in their swf is teabagging at the gate whole endgame timer thinking they are hot ######### like gg ez baby killer

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Some people want to give you a hit and some people just want you to see them teabag. I don't think this will ever change.

    May i suggest however that if you don't want to hit them out or give them extra points, you don't actually have to stay until the game ends - just go make a coffee, have a snack, stretch your legs, watch a youtube video, etc. By the time you come back the game would be over and you'd have had time to cool down

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160

    If only, but they never do. I stopped going to the exit gates a long time ago, but they almost always stick around until the last second.

    I find the best thing to do is AFK in a corner or go look for the hatch. Every once in a while I get the chance to deny the hatch to a survivor or even close it for a few extra points.