Mori from a killer perspective

teamdehn Member Posts: 222

I really like Moris, I like the kill animation. i think its very thematic and adds thematic fun to the game. However I totally see how this ruins the game for everybody. BPS are low when its used and survivors games are cut short, which sucks. I dont want to discuss keys right now surely if moris get changed a key change will come as well.

proposed change would be:

mori after 2 hooks. That way the only thing the add on saves is the last walk to a hook.

or take out moris all together and give every killer the passive to kill the last survivor.


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited July 2020

    I never use Moris unless forced by either a Daily or an Archive Challenge and even then, unless my hand is forced ('s EGC so either I use the Mori on this fella now or I risk not getting to use it period), I won't use it until I have hooked everyone twice.

    For selfish reasons, you lose so much BP when you use Mori and that makes me a sad killer. For also selfish reasons but happy reasons if you're a survivor, I think the game is a lot more fun when all four survivors are alive and kicking (again, unless it's end time).

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Mori's are fun to use from a killer's perspective but at the same time they're very busted.

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    I dont even bother with moris unless im having a bad day, bloodpoints get cut so hard im lucky to get even a brutal when I use one.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013
    edited July 2020

    Just my 2cents but. The Mori Kill itself is perfect. (Save for some killer's animations of a few killers, personally. Most boring to watch is Pig) though, I rather not have to waste getting every style Mori. Instead just keep the Mori which allows you to kill, by your hand, one survivor you have hooked. Like giving a guard dog a treat. Having to sacrifice the rest to the Entity.

    Hell, if it was your choice who to Mori. Wouldn't it be more satisfying if whoever that survivor who wiggled their buttcheeks at you, get it in the end?

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    I can see that. however it would still suck for the one survivor that didnt at least get the second hook. But maybe any survivor that has hit the struggle phase

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Well I wouldn't mind having to hook twice before being allowed to Mori. But still. The other Mori are kinda a waste on the Bloodweb. And I get my head bit off lately anymore if I use Ebony. So I'd compromise a single Mori of my choosing. 2 hook is fair. IMO.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    i can see that too. i would just hate to see the kill animation removed completely

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I have had to block msging on ps4 due to harassment from using Mori. Also had to block following. Ppl really freak out when they get chopped up.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    ^The exact reason why I say don't change mori's!

    Honestly I don't use mori's because they don't help me improve my gameplay. I love playing against mori's because they put me under a lot of stress and I love the challenge and that feeling.

    If I do use a mori, it's because I've had a bad day, or I'm playing against a boosted/sweat swf that I've played against and I wanna see how the can handle the stress of losing the strongest 1 on the team, or to see how they deal with mori's

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2020

    Moris ruin the game because of the current state of Camping and Tunneling off Hooks.

    If there was more of a condition aside from "one hook state" I think more people would enjoy them on the opposite side. At this point the majority of moris that are brought isn't because someone thinks the animation is cool. It's more because they know how broken they are and they don't care if they ruin someone's match experience. They want easy kills.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    ‘mori after 2 hooks. That way the only thing the add on saves is the last walk to a hook.’

    Not a good idea as this would render the Memento Mori completely useless as its safer to hook survivors than Mori with this change

    imo, all survivors should be hooked atleast once before being able to use the mori

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Making mori work on the last hook is not the solution. Most of the time it will be faster to just hook someone and not waste 7k bp

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I want a random mori system per game.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    But Mori's are brought in at the beginning, how can you determine the next match will be why you had a bad day on from the next Match being Not sweaty SWFs? That seems like taking out frustrations on innocent bystanders

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Hooked once before getting to have a Mori.... isn't it already that way....🤷‍♂️

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Funnily enough, those saying you lose BP for Mori use. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you still get BP no matter you Mori or Not. Sure, the game mechanics dictate how much by doing objectives respectively but it's not like it's 0 BP when you Mori kill.

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    If your having a bad day because the sweaty swfs all day, chances are once your in red ranks its all swfs bayybeee, its not like im gunna find some innocent team that has done no wrong, 99.9 percent of the time its gunna be 4 survivors with near identical builds, using all the same sweat as all the other survs. Only mildly non sweaty thing ive seen in my time in red ranks is for the people, im not even remotely worried about some survivor who is running a fun build

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Exactly why I wish SWFs would be a game mode separate from solo play. Those who are fine with comms against a deaf blind style killer. From those who solo play out for themselves 🤷‍♂️

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    defeats the entire purpose of the mori, especially against the sweaty swf... at that point I'd just go into a corner, look up into the sky, afk and hope they'd depip and get as few points as possible so that i could waste as much of their time and deny them as much fun as they did me at that point. The mori would be aliteral waste of bloodpoints at their cost versus addons at that point, unless and ONLY unless you liked the animations. the ebony would still be a waste of bloodpoints, since against the most toxic swf you might get to see that animation once, maybe twice if you were sweaty enough. not as practical to myself as just doing the corner thing so they're out within 4 or 5 minutes and I can hope for a different match. Unfortunately, the checking steam profiles thing won't work after crossplay has been fully extended to all platforms so I don't even think I'd touch killer again at that point unless they finally addressed swf if they make moris a pointless waste of bloodpoints and time.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    If they deleted the hatch completely maybe.

    But even then there's too much gameplay shortcuts and second chances for me on the survivor side to warrant deleting mori.

    Match speed is unreal and there's no way to apply pressure to 4 (good players) separately its much better to end someone out to break the team down

    The better the team is the more I almost need a mori... i don't care for ranks under purple but I need that kinda powerful tool to compete

    and without it offerings are just points and thats really boring. If we had better offerings that helped killers thatd be a better solution

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Some are great from the killer's perspective, Clown and Nurse for example.

    Some aren't...I mean Demogorgon would be slightly odd.

    I think there should a simple option to switch between the two views during the animation.

  • femotek820
    femotek820 Member Posts: 119
    edited July 2020

    You know there’s no penalization for dc in the game loading screen, don”t you? I don”t see a mori since 2018

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Personally I think they're a waste of 7k BP

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I sort of like what they did with PH. The ability to kill the survivor on the last hook. I'd like to see a prerequisite of having had hooked all 4 survivors first. If the killer has hooked all survivors, then he can mori them on their last hook. There is a positive and negative to this as some perks don't proc with mori, ie: BBQ and Blood Warden, so the killer may have a choice to make strategically.

    I think keys are a super easy fix. Only the key holder can escape via the hatch. Once a key holder goes through, the hatch respawns in a new location. Therefore the last survivor can't stand next to the key holder and jump in; as in 2 survivors left, 1 with a key and the last can hop right in.

    Both are easy to fix, it is just a matter of prioritizing them. I honestly don't have a problem with keys, or green/yellow moris as much as I do with EM. Keys do require significant work or an absolute buttwhooping to activate. The hatch only spawns when the number of gens done is 1 greater than the number of survivors left in the match OR there is only 1 survivor left. Not that game wrecking. If the killer uses a BPS or Survivor Chili, he is not cheated out of much when the key is used. Either the gens are done or the killer killed several people. (He is still cheated out of the final kills or a chance at a kill, but not as much as what an EM does.)

    EM is an absolute rip for an entire team, unless the killer is really boosted. I've found myself foregoing the ability to mori with DH when a team used 4 cakes simply because I know how much it sucks to lose those BP due to early mori's. (I admit that DH works way different than EM) IMO, EM should be removed entirely and replaced with something like what I said above.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited July 2020

    When I say you lose BP, I'm talking about ebony mori off the first hook. You're losing all the points you'd get from hooking the survivor a third time (as we'll consider the mori your "2nd" hook), plus you'd likely lose points in Hunter and Brutality because you now have less survivors to chase and whack.

    You get BP using the mori but you're denying yourself a lot of "potential" points taking survivors out so quickly.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Some of us (or maybe just me lol) just want to see the world burn. Or in this case, want to murder 🥴

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Which is fine. Contrary to what some may say, it's your mori, use it however you want to.

    I was just giving you a more detailed response to my original response since you asked what we mean when we say you lose points.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    I understand your point. Some folk care to gain BP. I can respect that. But I still stand on the idea you'll always gain BP. It'll never be at Zero unless you DC at the very beginning. But then again DCing didnt earn any.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Honestly, i bring moris to counter swf, blendettes, flashlight crew. Etc.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I don't understand the trigger-status over Blendettes. I played survivor earlier this week and I chose Claudette, now keep in mind I am not a toxic survivor, I don't even like looping and will usually stop after a pallet or two and either try to hide or get caught. No biggie. I'm not immersive, don't use flashlights, etc. I learned a lot about what annoys/ruins the killer experience because I main killer. Yet, because I chose to use the Claudette (due to the fact she was one of the only ones that had the healer build I wanted to run), I was tunneled all match and eventually mori'd. (Once he stayed by the hook and came straight for me, I gave up the idea of playing nice and looped him for three gens before finally going down.) I asked him what/why after the match and his response was "F**K BLENDETTES! They all die!" I was wearing a shiny white dress and by no means blended with anything. ######### was that about?

    Is it a racist thing? No, not being funny, just honestly don't get it. I've been a killer main for three years and ate too many old-school DS's from flashlight-clicking Megs, yet I don't get triggered when I see a Meg with a clicky. What kind of weak mind is so triggered by some form of imagined PTSD in a video game that they target Claudette merely for being there? That brings me back to a racial issue. Why?

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Okay allow me to explain my version of blendettes. I used to only play on console. Game is a lot darker, shittier graphics, and if you play freddy make it x2. Match making is a bit broken so ya know you expext a chill game suddenly you have red ranks in the game. These red ranks are pretty good at times. Now with all that ######### added together. Add a p3 claudette. Who can flashlight like a pro. Thats what i mean by blendette. You never see them coming. Its like the spanish inquisition. Also if its any consolation, i def mori more megs than claudettes. I never mori a baby dwight. Ever. Idc if he was god tier. Never will.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Ok, your Spanish Inquisition comment actually made me laugh out loud. That was freaking epically placed. Touché!

    I get what you are saying. I understand the console gameplay is very different. I guess my confusion lies more with PC players being so sensitive. I have to agree though, I tend to show mercy to Baby Dweets. They are like lost little children looking for their way home. Run-along Baby Dweet, jump in that hatch and find your mother. lol I may or may not be partial to a flirtatious Kate as well. But only when I run Trapper and she crouches down while looking at me in that sad, yet pleading manner. I'll count to 5 before chasing.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    No you read it wrong

    You can only kill people with a mori if all survivors are hooked once first

    As in for the Memento to work, you have to first hook all survivors once before any of them are deemed killable

    This means no quick game ends and requires you to put work into getting the chance to start killing

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Gotcha, that's fairly doable.

    Would it be fair once all 4 survivors get hooked, you, as killer, be allowed to choose which of the once hooked survivors gets Mori killed?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    So the full version is that once all survivors are hooked, the 4th hooked survivor (or the survivor that activates the mori) is immune until another survivor is killed for an ebony

    Ebony keeps the ability to kill all survivors, but now tunneling and camping won’t give you a free kill