What's everyone's opinion on slugging?
Personally I believe it's in a good spot. It can be used by the killer as a way to buy themselves more time by forcing survivors off gens and to counter ds. There are perks to counter slugging as well as perks that encourage it so that shows that the game is balanced around it.
That's just my thoughts though. What do you guys think?
just like its unfun for a killer to play genrush the game its unfun as survivor to play worm simulator 2020.
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High risk, High reward.
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As Long as you don’t slug the last survivor I don’t see any problems.
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its lame
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Good strat if you know when is the right moment to slug
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It's amazing
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Personally i feel it's easier to stop someone from slugging than it is to stop a team from genrushing.
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As well as to T-bagging. These things are not bannable. Just annoying tactics and bad manners.
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I don't mind slugging when it's being used in a smart way: slugging the person off the hook to avoid DS but not let them heal/do gens, slugging to make used of a perk or power (Oni, T3 Myers, Haunted Ground, etc.), or slugging because you can see the person with the flashlight ready for the save and it makes more sense to slug and risk losing that survivor and go after clickyclicky. And usually this is how I see killers slug (myself included), so I'm not bothered at all. It almost always seems like a solid strategy.
Very rarely do I see people just slugging at the beginning of the game to win or slugging and then letting everyone bleed out. I see a decent amount of slugging for the 4K, but that's almost always when my friends and I are going against a Rank 1 killer and they basically need it to not derank. Annoying to go against, but I get it.
So yeah, not a huge issue with slugging? Mainly because it's rare that I go against slugging that becomes just a bleed out simulator.
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I think it’s great.
Gives you map pressure when done well and wastes your time when done poorly so it relies on the killer having decent game sense to be an effective strat. Survivors can mostly avoid being slugged too much by playing smart. It heavily punishes survivor mistakes.
As survivor I’d honestly rather be slugged than hooked as long as I’m on a team that’s a bit altruistic. The only time slugging bothers me is when the killer keeps aimlessly slugging for the 4K. By all means do it if the last survivor is in front of you but when you get slugged for minutes at a time while the killer wanders around checking every nook and cranny it’s pretty dull. Just end the game.
Oh, and killers who slug to BM. But I’ve only encountered that a handful of times so whatever.
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It's my go to tactic when I feel the game is not going on my favor. If 3 gens got done and I have gotten only 2 hooks you bet my ass I will be slugging.
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I wish I was slugged more often. I like not going on the hook.
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Mandatory if you want the win
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Necessary at high ranks. Isn't the most fun thing to do but it's necessary to win.
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It's a perfectly reasonable and legitimate strategy. It gives killers extra pressure and forces survivors off objectives to pick up their teammates. It's a much better alternative than camping/tunneling. However, if you slug to just let people bleed out, then that's a dick move.
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Do it or lose against good survivors for free. But if they're running unbreakable you just lose anyway, sooo..
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Unfun for both sides, but with perks like DS and how fast gens can go it's sometimes absolutely necessary
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What's a win?
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Depends on the killer. It’s usually just a bit of a time waster, but there are killers that can profit waaaay too much. I’ve played so many Myers games where I didn’t even defend gens and should have lost 100% but got a 4k solely because of tier 3 + infectious fright. Oni is like that too. There are killers where you could just play the game fishing for an insane snowball and end it in no time.
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Boring as balls to play against but incredibly useful for killers. While I hate being slugged, I could never hate on a killer for doing it.
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Slugging for a 4k is a little lame but slugging when gens are going quick despite short chases is what you should do.
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You even need to slug the person which has DS if you don't have any other option. But it comes to handy for killers, because the downed survivor applies the pressure for other survivors to heal him.
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Killer - Tatical move, slows game down and buys time. Only an issue if killer slugs the same survivor repetitively, apart from that its fine
Survivor - You get saved by a teammate more often than not which is better than being hooked. Unbreakable is available also.
Slugging is fine imo
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I find every strategy when executed well okay, slugging being one of them of course. If you aren't gonna use the game mechanics to your full advantage why are you even playing, I think restricting yourself in games like these gets very boring and stale very quick.
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not fun but be being gen rushed not fun either it crazy how fast gen go sometimes.
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Exactly playing with pretend rules is terrible. Only slug that isn't cool is to hold the game hostage
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There's an incredibly easy counter to both of them: SPREAD OUT. Infectious has a max range, and you should be spread out on gens anyways if you want to properly rush gens
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I really couldn't care if they slug unless they're doing it just to be toxic. If it's gonna help them win in any way it's up to them if they want to or not.
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Slugging is OK if you're going for the 4K, but don't get pissed off when someone uses Unbreakable.
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I don’t mind it. Especially if I’m on death hook lol. At least on the ground there’s still a chance to get back up.
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The thing is every Myers is going to go on the hunt even if infectious doesn't proc because they want to make the most of their tier 3. If you're decent you can get at least two downs and it's unlikely there won't be anyone in range of either if they're spread out slightly. Also, you usually make sure there's a couple people around if you're going into tier 3. It's meh if you're using it to just down one guy.
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If you are the second person for Myers to chase with T3 after Infectious fails to proc, you probably suck at the game. Let's be generous and assume that the Michael had 99% T3 and popped it while he was on the first survivor's ass. Assuming you werent caught by Infectious, you have a 32m head start, MINIMUM. Chances are you are a decent distance away already since you not only heard the T3 queue but saw the survivor get downed, so you are already either moving away or stealthing. It will take the myers 15 seconds MINIMUM to even enter a chase with you, at which point you just loop him and drop pallets slightly early.
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If everyone played like a bot and never made mistakes that's how everyone would do it, yeah.
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Mandatory if you want to win against actually good rank 1 survivors. Sad but it's the truth. There simply is not enough time to one hook all the survivors taking turns, if you did and still won, they weren't good survivors.
Lots of perk counters to it as well that people just refuse to run because at the end of the day slugging isn't an issue, which is why they don't run them.
Slugging is an innately high risk, high reward play.
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It's a good strategy, although being suggled for an entire 4 mins can be very boring, in which case many suvivors will opt for disconnecting.