2B1N - Two Buffs and a Nerf for every Killer

Judgement Member Posts: 955
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Two Buffs and a Nerf for every Killer

I see this sort of post going around on r/ForHonor. Generally it’s relegated to each faction per post because if all 28 heroes were done at once then the post would probably be way too long. As for DBD, it’s better to do them all at once because there’s no ‘factions’ to speak of and it’s easier for me to get them all out at once.

In order from the first killer in the roster to the last as according to the wiki, here’s my idea for ‘two buffs and a nerf’ for each Killer.

In the case of The Hillbilly and The Cannibal, I will be basing this post on their PTB selves rather than their live selves.

Feel free to debate and discuss each of these changes and give opinions. Even make your own 2B1N if you want to, I did do this for fun of course. Maybe even the devs could take some ideas from these posts if we’re (un/)lucky enough.

The Trapper

Buff 1 - All traps spawn active when the trial starts.

Buff 2 - Trapper is no longer caught in his own bear traps unless he is carrying a survivor on his shoulder.

Nerf - The Trapper loses bags and can only carry one trap at a time.

The Wraith

Buff 1 - Wraith can attack from cloak but doing so automatically uncloaks the Wraith and extends the hit recovery with a special animation.

Buff 2 - The Wraith’s action speed add-ons become baseline and he gains more movement speed while cloaked.

Nerf - Reduced lightburn resistance (add-ons stay the same)

The Hillbilly (PTB)

Buff 1 - Chainsaw charging is increased by a factor of 2 when the Hillbilly is outside of a chase, to allow more mobility when patrolling while reducing heat gained.

Buff 2 - Hitting a survivor with the chainsaw removes 50% of the overheat bar; the splattering blood cools the chainsaw down or something.

Nerf - While charging the chainsaw, the Hillbilly’s speed is reduced to 95% instead of 100%.

The Nurse

Buff 1 - 115% movement speed killer.

Buff 2 - The first blink has old omegablink range only when charges are maxed out. 

Nerf - The Nurse can be stunned out of blink when a pallet is dropped on her.

The Shape

Buff 1 - Stalking movement speed in all tiers becomes 100% when looking at a survivor and stays 115% when not.

Buff 2 - Tier 1 gains slightly increased lunge and minor movement speed increase.

Nerf - Tier 3 loses the vault speed boost.

The Hag

Buff 1 - Mint Rag becomes a baseline special ability on a 30-second cooldown by holding the Ctrl key and looking at a distant trap when none have been triggered.

Buff 2 - Range cap on teleporting to triggered trap is removed.

Nerf - Putting down a phantasm trap triggers a 3-second cooldown (shown as a charge gauge going down to differentiate from Mint Rag) encouraging the Hag to move on and ‘expand her web’ instead of repeatedly trapping the same area.

The Doctor

Buff 1 - Remove the travel delay on static shock (forward shot)

Buff 2 - Survivors in the Doctor’s terror radius don’t lose Madness, but don’t gain it either with the exception of being shocked.

Nerf - Survivors can perform Snap Out Of It on each other at double speed to if they do it alone.

The Huntress

Buff 1 - The Huntress collects hatchets as fast as she opens lockers normally (remove the animation where she looks at the hatchet, and speed it up a bit more)

Buff 2 - When the Huntress has no hatchets, she moves at 115% speed.

Nerf - Huntress cannot attack or wind up another hatchet until the last one has disappeared (ie hit a survivor or wall). If she hits a survivor she enters a hit cooldown as if she performed a melee (new animation?)

The Cannibal (PTB)

Buff 1 - The Cannibal gets to cancel the chainsaw run when he wants to, and recovers charges and recharge progress equivalent to how much time is left.

Buff 2 - Without the add-on, The Cannibal gains one charge when hitting a survivor with the chainsaw.

Nerf - The Tantrum lasts 5 seconds irregardless of charges spent.

The Nightmare

Buff 1 - Fake pallets become the base ability, snares the add-on.

Buff 2 - Generator teleport is a 30s cooldown instead of 60s.

Nerf - Dropping a fake pallet wakes a survivor up.

The Pig

Buff 1 - The Pig roars after starting the ambush and not while charging.

Buff 2 - The Pig has unlimited Reverse Bear Traps and the timer starts immediately.

Nerf - One fewer Jigsaw boxes appear on the map at base, making it easier for Survivors to remove an RBT.

The Clown

Buff 1 - The Clown moves 5% faster inside of his own bottle fog.

Buff 2 - The Clown reloads faster at base.

Nerf - The Clown becomes stationary while reloading

The Spirit

Buff 1 - The Spirit moves at the speed given by Mother’s Ring at base while phasing.

Buff 2 - The window animation goes back to how it was before; she has no animation and phases through the window.

Nerf - The Spirit loses 25% of her power bar when landing an attack on a survivor.

The Legion

To be honest the Legion needs a full-on rework. If I had to give an idea it should be something to do with all four members showing up and doing mass damage of some kind dependent on add-ons, but until that may happen, here’s my 2B1N

Buff 1 - The Legion can put a survivor into the dying state by hitting them a second time, but doing so immediately ends Feral Frenzy. This only works if the survivor is already injured when Feral Frenzy is initiated.

Buff 2 - The Legion’s base cooldown is reduced to 3s instead of 4s.

Nerf - Hitting a survivor outside of Feral Frenzy completely drains the power gauge (compensation for Buff 1)

The Plague

Buff 1 - Infected objects stay infected for longer.

Buff 2 - Survivors become Exhausted when fully infected.

Nerf - 110% Killer

The Ghost Face (why isn’t he just called The Phantom or something lmao)

Buff 1 - The Ghost Face can enter stealth on will, but stealth is immediately broken whenever a chase is initiated.

Buff 2 - The Ghost Face has no cooldown to enter stealth

Nerf - The Ghost Face loses the ability to crouch

The Demogorgon

Buff 1 - The Demogorgon has no cooldown for travelling between portals, but both portals get destroyed in the process of teleportation.

Buff 2 - Breaking a pallet with Pounce receives the cooldown period that was in Demogorgon’s PTB (about half the time it is now)

Nerf - The Demogorgon moves much slower when entering the pounce stance (I forgot what it was called)

The Oni (added after being informed that I forgot about him)

Buff 1 - Quick attacks while Blood Fury is active (non-instadown M1s) apply the Broken status effect for 60s

Buff 2 - The Oni gains charges passively at 1c/s instead of 0.2c/s. 

Nerf - Picking up a Survivor drains the power gauge by 50%, within or without Blood Fury being active.

The Deathslinger

Buff 1 - The harpoon gun reaches up to 32m.

Buff 2 - 115% movement speed when the gun needs to be reloaded.

Nerf - The Deathslinger’s miss recovery is longer.

The Executioner

Buff - He gets his ass back from the PTB

I haven’t played Executioner but he’s still new, and a very solid killer, so he doesn’t need 2B1N

Feel free to discuss and debate these 2B1N suggestions. Of course they may not all be well done or considerate about other factors such as add-ons. I did this for fun mostly so I didn’t put too much thought into some of the changes.

Several Edits: fixing typos and other stuff

Post edited by Judgement on


  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Why? Most of the times if you reload your bottles during chase good survivors will just get distance on you, so it doesn't matter.

    I don't like the Trapper one. He still have the same problem being able to carry just one trap, it won't change anything. The only buff I wanted is to at least be able to carry 2 traps by default.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
    edited July 2020

    Demogorgon’s portals already have too many downsides to warrant a cooldown; you need to be standing on one to teleport to another, you have to travel to be able to set them, and survivors can destroy them anyway. Being able to teleport to them whenever you want to while at the same time breaking them down allows Demogorgon much more mobility while at the same time forcing him to keep setting up.

    Clown’s nerf, yeah I understand how it may be too much. I couldn’t think of anything else because he’s such a base killer with an extremely one-dimensional power.

    Edit: this was meant to mention bubbabrother but the mobile forums are 🅱️roke

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    (Read comment above this one, forums broke the quote)

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    For the pig I would like to see every survivor to start with a bear trap or at least make it a pink add-on. However, make it where Amanda cannot see her Jigsaw boxes, it shouldn’t be important to know where each boxes are.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Starting with an RBT on the survivors sounds nice for an add-on, yes, especially if Pig doesn’t get unlimited RBTs. Sucks that she’s the only killer with a power that can’t be replenished.

  • TheMythicalCat
    TheMythicalCat Member Posts: 175

    Deathslinger's first buff is nearly useless. Landing shots even 15 Meters away is VERY hard to do, which is why the Iridescent Coin is bad. Anything more and it would be nearly impossible. Not to mention that you would HAVE to break the chain if you landed that hit.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I agree with everything except trapper and demo.

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    What about Oni? Did you forget about him or just couldn't think of anything? Not trying to be mean, was just curious.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    I would like to make a few special comments:

    Wraith- I like these changes as a concept, but I can't help but wonder if that will make him a bit too oppressive. Then again, he's effectively an M1 Killer with stealth ability, so it checks out to me.

    Pig- Honestly, this should be implemented right now. It would make Pig work a lot better than she does at present, and may even make her, dare I say it, viable.

    Demogorgon- If you make it so Demo destroys his own portals, you'll need to tweak Of the Abyss so that while he holds it, he gains Killer Instinct around the portals, regardless of their current activated status.

    But all in all, I like these changes.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Ooh I did forget about the Oni. My bad. I find him pretty decent though so I don’t think a 2B1N is necessary, but I will edit him in.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Have added The Oni.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Nooooo..this would turn each killer into a weakling

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Almost all of these would murder their respective killers

  • sbcat15_
    sbcat15_ Member Posts: 9

    Demo's first proposed "buff" would absolutely gut his portals, part of the reason as to why he's so good is once his portals are set, Demo has the most precise and lenient map pressure ability in the game (excluding the coin toss blueberry), he doesn't have to worry about fatigue or overheat, only the 14 second cooldown. And the movement speed nerf while holding Shred would make that attack genuinely useless, considering by default Demo moves at carrying speed (92%) while in that stance.

    Also Wraith's changes are overkill in both directions, decreasing the time required to get lightburned would 100% gut the everloving crap out of him, and being able to attack from the cloaked state would be insane if it had the average alt. attack cooldown and an absolute meme if it had a cooldown similar to the 9 second tantrum Award Winning Chili puts you at (from 5).

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    One of the dumbest killer changes threads I've seen by far.


    Buff 1 - Useless, traps spawn in obvious spots

    Buff 2 - Is this a rank 20 buff or something? The only situation I can think of using this if someone dead hards through your trap and you must follow, and dead harding through traps is a broken mechanism anyways and should be gone.

    Nerf - lmao playing trapper without sacks is murder

    The Shape

    Buff 1 - Stalking movement speed in all tiers becomes 100% when looking at a survivor and stays 115% when not.

    Buff 2 - Tier 1 gains slightly increased lunge and minor movement speed increase.

    Nerf - T3 vault speed gone

    Are you being serious? Who even cares about stalking movement speed or T1 lunge, if you wanna do scratched myers run the boyfriend memo.

    I could go on and on but most of these changes seem ridiculous. I can't imagine a 110% plague or a demo already slower than he is in shred mode.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Yknow fake pallets as base for nightmare is a nerf right?

    Your trapper, nurse, clown and deathslinger are also very suspect.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112
    edited July 2020

    It's unnecessary to attack someone who is just giving his thoughts. Just tell him why you feel it's a bad idea. Don't call them dumb or the post suck. He clearly put a lot of time into this.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I really really like this idea, while i dont agree with your vision of buffs and nerfs this makes me wanna post my own version of this, which i may do lol sounds like fun.

  • JimmyCasket
    JimmyCasket Member Posts: 138

    Here's What I've thought of for Huntress:

    She moves at 115%, but each hatchet reduces her movement speed by 1%. So at base, she would move at 110%(current norm) with a full load. But with Leather Loop and/or Infantry Belt, she moves at 109-107%. and lastly... The Iridescent Head... I had an ez fix for this. I'll just put it's description;

    Iridescent Head

    A heavy glass like hatchet head forged from the fog itself. It radiates with a foreboding power.

    You start the trial with 1 Hatchet.

    You carry 4 less hatchets.

    For every hatchet you hold, your movement speed is reduced by 5%.

    Your Hatchets will trigger the dying state on a successful hit.

    This add-on trumps other add-ons.

    This last part is due to the Leather Loop/Infantry Belt have the description of;

    You start the trial with 1/2 more Hatchets.

    You can carry 1/2 more Hatchets.

    You travel 1%/2% slower at max capacity, resulting in a movement speed of 109%/108%.

    But the Iridescent Head's part about trumping other add-ons means you'll move at 110% with 1, 105% with 2, and 100% with 3. Wanna increase your hatchet count now? BOOM Iri Head nerf in place c:

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Trappet: This would make trapper too RGN based and still deal with the main issue that trappers have which is wasting time picking up and setting traps. Trapper needs to carry more traps by default. The not getting trapped thing is interesting but removes some counterplay that survivors have like deadharding through a trap and leaving trapper on the other side.

    Wraith: I think your buff to wraith is too strong. I think Bone clapper being base and maybe yellow windstorm would probably make him very formidable without any need for anything else. Since he'd be faster maybe he'd be able to deal with a bit lower resistance to being lightburned so i think that can stay.

    Hillbilly: I think I like your proposal for Billy.

    The Nurse: It'll make the nurse too strong, and I believe you can already slap her out of a blink with a pallet if you time it right.

    The Shape: I like your changes.

    The Hag: Mint Rag and infinite range like that is too strong. Imagine how awful it would be with something like Make your choice. The hag is slow and territorial, she only has 10 traps which can be destroyed by survivors and she cannot chase normally. Her power lies on securing an area. 3 second cooldown on trap placements would be detrimental.

    The Doctor: I think Buff 2 is already part of his kit. The other 2 are alright.

    The Huntress: The second part of this nerf would reduce her lethality by too much, i think. One of the few things that make her decently strong is her m2 to m1 combo.

    The Cannibal: I like the changes.

    The Nightmare: Seems alright? I dunno if it would make him too weak. He'd basically be an M1 killer.

    The Pig: Those pig changes might be a bit to oppressive cuz its instant unlimited stall that survivors need to do it.

    The Clown: I think I like your changes. Depends on how much quicker the reload is.

    The Spirit: I think I like your changes. I also think her shards lighting up when she phases could be a good thing to open up other mindgames.

    The Legion: I think this would make them ridiculously strong in a chase. It's pretty much old legion but waaay more lethal.

    The Plague: She is in a good spot as she is, making her 110% will just make her another killer that needs to be territorial cuz theyre too slow. Exhaustion when Broken would be too much.

    The Ghostface: His stealth removes his red stain which is so useful while on a chase. I think it'd be too easy to stay away from him if you could see him and he couldn't crouch. But i'd have to see these play before saying it's good or bad.

    The Demogorgon: His portals are already a problem because of how situational they are and the fact they can be destroyed. Making them destroyed every time he teleports will make him waste too much time that he doesn't have in order to set them up. It's more a nerf than a buff. The pallet thing is a buff, but the advantage of shredding a pallet is being able to set it up from a distance. Not so much the time it takes. The thing with Shred stance slowdown will kill his potential to mindgame loops which is bad on a killer that already can struggle against loops.

    The Oni: I like the ideas you propose.

    The Deathslinger: First buff is mostly useless. You will never have these kinds of longshots, survivors would probably be able to dodge them easily. Second buff is decent although you mostly want the first hit to be a normal hit and then follow up M2, so it'd be situational. His missed shot coodown plus reload is already very punishing. A longer cooldown would just make him worse.

    The Executioner I can think of some things:

    1 Buff: Extend the range of Punishment of the Damned to at least 10 meters.

    2 Buff: Survivors Only get rid of torment when saved from a cage, not when saving someone.

    Nerf: cooldown of 0.5s or 1s when cancelling M2 before he can M1.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Feel free! I did do this for fun of course, not entirely with balance in mind. I’d love to see your concepts of 2B1N.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Imo this would just suddenly make Freddy reliant on add-ons, or at least one add-on (either paint thinner, garden rake, or prototype claws) because pallets are pretty damn awful. Not to mention using one wakes them up? Making the pallets base is definitely not a buff.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited July 2020

    The Nurse

    Buff 1 - 115% movement speed killer.

    Buff 2 - The first blink has old omegablink range only when charges are maxed out. 

    Nerf - The Nurse can be stunned out of blink when a pallet is dropped on her.

    How about just no? Nurse was broken with 115% when she was released. Learn to play her or leave her alone, she doesn't need any buffs. Also omegablink on first blink? Come on.

  • Switcheroo
    Switcheroo Member Posts: 48

    I'll just do the killers I'm confident with doing:


    Buff: The Trapper starts with all traps in his hand and can hold all traps at one time

    Buff: The time it takes for survivors to free themselves from a trap is increased to four seconds

    Nerf: The Trapper has to commit to placing a trap and can no longer cancel mid animation


    Buff: Crouching doesn't move the camera as much so you can still see above grass easily

    Buff: Hooked survivors can no longer reveal you

    Nerf: Being revealed no longer grants you killer Instinct


    Buff: Oni can absorb blood that is very close to you

    Buff: There is no sound cue for all survivors when Oni's power is charged but they can still hear him activate it

    Nerf: Oni has to wind up his demon lunge until the point in the animation where his weapon is being held over his head completely for it to be an insta down attack. (There should be some sort of indicator for when this is for the Oni, like a sound cue or a flash)


    Buff: Iridescent coin addon (shots from 15m away or further make survivors become exposed) is reduced to shots 12m away and instantly reloads your weapon on a successful 12m or further attack.

    Buff: If you shoot a survivor as they are vaulting a pallet, the pallet is destroyed

    Nerf: The Deathslinger's weapon has a visual indicator for when it is not reloaded (the harpoon is hanging out of it or Deathslinger holds it a different way)


    Buff: The ranged attack applies torment and injures survivors

    Buff: Survivors who step into torment trails have their aura revealed instead of killer Instinct activating

    Nerf: Trails cannot be placed in the upstairs of a killer shack

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Some of these buffs were more nerfs then anything

    For example on trapper he is add on reliant with bags so a better buff would be giving that as base kit rather then removing it and hindering him too much

    Then on nightmare dream pallets are some of his worst add ons so all of those are just 3 nerfs and no buffs

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Ummm... thats not how those characters work... and that doesn't help them overall the nerf is more major then the two buffs combined.

    "Here peasants have these crumbs while I hold your gold for you"