SERIOUS poll: Is decisive strike fine?

Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

So I'm writing this due to the recent "formal" dissing in the general discussions. Now, as a killer with 1600 hrs ( this is my profile btw my question is, is actually decisive strike a balanced perk? is there any counter, especially the most used arguments are that is combined with builds like Unbreakable, Borrowed and Dead hard it's unhandable.

Now I want a serious poll, not things like git gud, you are a noob killer/salty survivor, etc.

SERIOUS poll: Is decisive strike fine? 254 votes

Decisive strike is too weak
ItzSoulzCephalon_LebronKevinnnnyN0_th4nk5 4 votes
Decisive strike is weak
LetsPlayTogetherWylesongRevivedBeast184darkai123GylfieGetGoodToWinjamiestannalathelegion_fan 8 votes
Decisive strike is fine
SmilerAllu12finStargamerXD[Deleted User]ad19970Fog_KingHorror_GamingKernelzillaHertsuFINKarl_ChildersAngryFluffyFavi_MPxTaigaalaenyiaMegaguardainmrpiesellerpichumudkipMrsGhostfaceEliteManny7GreenPufferFish 67 votes
Decisive strike is strong
WeederickThatbrownmonsterBossWhite_OwlFibijeanCheersVolantConch1719SchinderellaMegaWaffleDimekNekoGamerXCashelP14H_BlocksAven_FallenNightmareRebornAzurlynx[Deleted User]Boosted_Dwight[Deleted User]Uistreel 86 votes
Decisive strike is too strong
elasticheartJackikinsFatelanceGibberishSlay___AdelooSeiko300AcromioUberSolusBlueberryGHERBEARRULESWeskerMiniPixelsTapeKnotF60_31Dr_TrautsJacoby2041CallmehandsomeTragicSolitudeCrazyChicken_DK 89 votes


  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,216
    Decisive strike is strong

    You combine it with things like Unbreakable and/or Inner Strength, it can be a bit annoying, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Just annoying when you get caught by it during it's last second.

  • BingBongBoi_69
    BingBongBoi_69 Member Posts: 39
    Decisive strike is fine

    It's fine because if it's used early game then the killer doesn't need to worry about it late game when it may cost them the game. And if it hasn't been used early game then the killers just go after the other survivors.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    Decisive strike is too strong

    If its used early game, it stops snowball, which can and often will cost killer the game.

    And the second part doesen't even have any sense.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279
    Decisive strike is strong

    i think it'd be fine if it deactivates when you hook another survivor.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123
    Decisive strike is too strong

    it makes no sense it be called an anti tunnel perk if it still works when the killer downs survivors too quickly. if they nerfed ds they could buff other perks without making it super unfair for the killer

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499
    Decisive strike is fine

    You could always just slug

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    And waste 1 minute if the match for the survivor hiding in the locked, then open the locker, grab, hook and walk to the next gen

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499
    Decisive strike is fine

    Just leave them alone. The whole reason people do that is to waste time anyway. You're wasting all that time waiting for one person while you could be going for the others. While I disagree that it is to stop tunneling the reason people get hit by it so much is cause they only go for the one person.

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498
    Decisive strike is fine

    balansed perk just people can abuse it

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080
    Decisive strike is strong

    I try to not tunnel, but some DS users make it a goal to be annoying as possible during that time. They unhook right in front of you, jump in lockers and bodyblock while you're chasing someone else. Thats not tunneling if he jumps onto my weapon

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499
    Decisive strike is fine

    I agree. That's why I don't think it's an anti tunnel perk. People who say that think that they are entitled to use their DS.

  • Ancheri
    Ancheri Member Posts: 157

    DS is too fine

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236
    Decisive strike is fine

    DS is fine. If it's an issue for you, don't tunnel. Also: slug.

  • The_Doctor_2005
    The_Doctor_2005 Member Posts: 13
    Decisive strike is strong

    I literally can't say anything else, you've said it all already. DS needs those nerfs and I say it as a survivor main.

  • ExiledJason
    ExiledJason Member Posts: 2

    It's a great perk for newer players. I've had so many instances where the killer just tunnels me as I'm saved from the hook, especially if you're the injured one and the person who saved you is still in a full health state. lol It has been my only way out of situations where killers patrol your hook too (which is camping without just standing in front of the hook, lbr), especially if you're caught in a dead zone.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Thanks, with enough people (from both sides, as well as people who do play both sides - myself included) continuing to push for changes and revealing the underlying issues that exist with this perk under the surface that not everybody realizes, I'm certain Decisive will be next on the list of High-Profile perks to receive a Hex: Ruin scale / level rework.

  • that1chick69
    that1chick69 Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2020
    Decisive strike is fine

    Its fine! Don’t like it? Don’t tunnel!! End of story

    p.s I don’t use it to be annoying while it’s active. I use it to prolong chase or to heal up.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186
    Decisive strike is strong

    I think it's mostly fine and as a killer main I don't mind seeing it. I think it could be tweaked to be more appropriate for it's intended use.

    #1 on myy wishlist for changes is that it can't be activated after the EGC has started. This is really where it's abused the most.

    Second, I'd kind of like to see it also not be able to be activated if there is only one survivor left, for similar reasons. I had a match recently where there were two survivors, one with a key. I hooked the one with a key, went looking for the other. Saw them running up to unhook, downed them as they were unhooking, then downed the unhooked survivor right before they could get into the hatch. I hooked the one that unhooked and they were sacrificed, closed the hatch... then had to just wait for 60 seconds to pick up the unhooked survivor. I knew if I picked them up, I'd get DS'd and they'd use the key on the hatch. It's really unpleasant for both of us to just sit there and wait.

    Third is less of an issue for me but I think it should also not apply to grabs, as BT doesn't either. I mean I always just lunge, but it's frustrating to newer killers and would discourage players from attempting to abuse it.

    In return maybe it could also get a buff, like no scratch marks and maybe even no blood trails for X seconds after using it. Paired with "off the record" it would be a very strong anti-tunneling combo, but be more difficult for survivors to get "creative" with it.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    Decisive strike is strong

    DS is only too strong after egc begins, before that it isn't too bad Imo. If you down a survivor near an exit gate and there is no other hook close enough to get to and the only one is near enough to the gate for them to crawl out, it is op.

    Let's say you have had a rough match, you hook the survivor. One of the others hook trade with bt, the unhooked survivor now unhooks this survivor with bt. You may down them but ds guarantees the escape, if you don't pick them up they get out by crawling to the exit.

    Now you can say your close to the exit, chase them out before hooking this survivor. The survivor would require a bt hit and a normal hit all the while standing at the edge of the exit. Your doing this and someone else could be healing the downed survivor with a medkit, 2 people if all 4 are still alive. You have no choice but to accept the loss.

    TLDR it is op after egc begins, not so much beforehand.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    Decisive strike is strong

    Decisive strike is strong and it stonger in the EGC.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Strongest perk in the game, nothing compares with it. Nothing can happen to you for a whole minute after unhook, sorry this is not an anti tunnel perk.

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526
    Decisive strike is too strong

    "You can also slug" says the survivor who uses the small pp combo.

    DS is unbalanced, it is the strongest perk right now and makes the survivor INVULNERABLE when used with Unbreakable and Deliverance, it's designed as a anti-tunneling perk, but right now it isn't. if they made some other changes like:

    1. Deactivates if the surv progresses the game (Gen, Totem, Heal)
    2. Deactivates if someone else is downed
    3. Least for 30 seconds
    4. The timer don't go down while in a chase

    I am NOT a killer main, I play both a lot, and as a survivor I use DS almost every match for the anti-tunneling and realize how broken it can be if used in a aggressive way.

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498
    Decisive strike is fine

    only killer mains say it is to op :)

  • OktobmerButOktobmier
    OktobmerButOktobmier Member Posts: 25

    #########, its not op. only killer mains say that.

    its already been nerfed, if you dont want decisive's in your game just bring a ebony.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    Decisive strike is strong

    Problem with that is survivors will start more threads saying 'ebony moris too strong, please nerf' lol. It's a vicious cycle my friend

  • OktobmerButOktobmier
    OktobmerButOktobmier Member Posts: 25


    whoever is saying ebony is too strong is a idiot, like who is saying that?

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    Decisive strike is strong

    Just look through the pages on the forums, it's either complaining about noed and/or moris. A lot of please nerf threads from survivors, same with keys lots of threads about those from killers.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Devs have said multiple times that DS was designed to be anti tunneling perk, which it isn't but just "immunity for 60 seconds"

    Scott puts nicely how broken DS currently is and few changes can make it actual anti tunneling perk

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195
    Decisive strike is strong

    I think it's a good perk to use when you're playing solo. It can definitely be overwhelming in a SWF group where everyone uses it. I believe before the actual change when the developers were thinking of new solutions for the perk they had an idea of when a survivor uses decisive strike it would give them the broken status effect for the rest of the match which I though was pretty interesting.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399
    Decisive strike is fine

    I think it's fine. It requires a skillcheck (which can be missed by plenty of players), and there's only one time to use it. Countering it involves not going for that person who might have it or just slugging them OR you can always eat it early game if you're that worried about it. If someone's getting in your way because they want to use it, smack them and leave them alone. They can't bodyblock on the ground, and if they have Unbreakable and use it, then that one-time thing is out of the way too. I play at lower ranks in killer, but it's super rare that I actually get hit with DS because I play around it.

  • GetGoodToWin
    GetGoodToWin Member Posts: 4
    Decisive strike is weak

    It's necessary, if you're good survivor you're not gonna be needing that perk other than if the killer decides to be a shitbag and ruin your experience. Other than that it can be used to annoy the killer, be more aggresive, other than that it gives no other advantage, since the time wasted could be instead used to work on a generator, instead of forcing a ds stun on the killer.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    Decisive strike is weak

    I will simply say and I am probably wrong but I feel it is only to strong when used in those SWF teams who can plan when and how to use it. I play solo survivor and almost never even see this perk. I just feel like everytime people cry for a perk to be nerfed on survivors it only hurts solo que and not SWF players. Then this makes solo survivor players either stop playing or play less and then you may see a rise of SWF. If the game becomes to hard for solo players because perks are getting nerfed thanks to SWF players then all that will be left is the SWF.

    Sorry I know I am probably wrong but just saying the real problem is SWF who cancel out a major part of the game by using mics. The game was built to play without mics and not to be able to plan every single move and what perk every survivor is gonna use. I think overall the perks themselves are fine but the people that use them are the problem. =(

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Decisive strike is strong

    It should be changed to a can of beans which you bounce off the killer's head *bonk*

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183
    Decisive strike is too strong

    By itself it's mostly fine, but it's not by itself so it's too strong. It needs to deactivate in lockers, and the combo with unbreakable is literally a free no skill health state that you can't do anything about.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Survivors know that this perk is much, much more than an anti-tunnel perk. They'll pair it with Unbreakable or Soul Guard to get in your face, bodyblock & otherwise pester you in hopes of wasting as much of your time as possible. They'll even do a gen in your face because they know they'll just get back up for free if you dare do something about it. Put this on 4 survivors in a group and its an EZ-escape (unless the killer is a top tier hypermobile, in which case you should prepare for a nerf because only survivors can have fun)

  • BrigYeet
    BrigYeet Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020
    Decisive strike is strong

    DS is fine as it is, really powerful when you get to use it, but still fine. It is easily countered by just going for someone else or taking the DS early so they don't have it later on.

    DS is only an issue if you make it one. Don't tunnel and go for someone else and DS will probably never even be used.

    It's not the survivor's fault if you decide to wait one minute at a locker just to tunnel someone, that's a you problem.

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207
    Decisive strike is strong

    If you're not a tunneler, it is not strong. if you are a super tunneler that just wants to camp you, and kill you, DS is super strong, and you're going to get punished for tunneling if you pick up the survivor.

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207
    Decisive strike is strong

    Enter a locker, force the killer to be in the locker for 60 seconds, easy counter.-

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Holy crap tons of votes! Thank you guys

  • FranzDerPalme
    FranzDerPalme Member Posts: 75

    The Locker mechanic would suck, because most of the killers would just slug the person on the ground

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Why not stopping ds from being active if the killer ends another chase really fast? So if the killer chases another survivor, and the one just unhooked gets downed immediately for using the flashlight or whatever reason ds deactivates. And maybe to punish even more the anti tunneling purpose of the perk if the killer gets dsed the stun is 6 seconds long, instead of 4.

  • isilmerel
    isilmerel Member Posts: 136
    Decisive strike is strong

    All DS needs to balance it is to make it deactivate as soon as the survivor works on a gen, heals, or hops in a locker.

  • Coxcombed
    Coxcombed Member Posts: 5

    The skill check on ds makes it feel awful for me on both sides, i hate using inconsitent perks, and it's broken if used well. The perk has a god awful design that makes it always feel bad

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476
    Decisive strike is too strong

    Current form is too strong, not against strong perks but I am against too strong perks, if current ds took up 2 perk slots for example I would be fine but for a single perk its too strong

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    Decisive strike is too strong

    I guess it's the correct answer considered what happened in the dbd tournament

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476