I'm down to getting 4 killers and I'd like advice, all welcome/Edit-decision made now, tnks!

As the title said I've 4 killers left to get but can't decide on my next on. The 4 killer left at =demogorgan, the Legion, the spirit and the clown. I was think about maybe the clown or spirit-I'm more or an aggressive player yous see. Thanks got any constructive help people can give!
Spirit is the most competitive and the most fun out of the group imo, clown has the best gen defence perk , legion is..an acquired taste I suppose..and demo is pretty cool..just not that strong atm
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If you are competitive: Spirit.
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Don’t bother with Clown, unlock Pop Goes The Weasel from this week’s shrine and you’re good.
Spirit is a strong killer and her perks are decent so she’s a good choice. She may be a bit difficult for a newer player to pick up but once you have killer fundamentals down she’s a powerhouse.
Legion has one good perk (Discordance) but is otherwise just okay. People seem to either love or hate them. They’re pretty good for newer players since their power is fairly straightforward.
Demogorgon’s perks are bad, but he’s a fun killer and pretty solid. Not overly strong, but not overly weak either.
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Well I've already got discordance and if you say I get pop just now from shrine then I'll get it there. So that leaves demo or spirit and I feel like I'll mess up spitit till Ive got better at the game justlike I have with nurse. So I demo (and pro regret it haha Thanks for your help
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While Legion may be considered weak, they do work good in collecting BP easily and pipping is usually pretty easy with them.
Spirit is competitive and has great perks, but you have to be good at hearing and guessing I think.
Clown... yeah haven’t touched him, just unlocked him to get the crown.
And Demo can be really fun actually! It doesn’t bring the best Perks but the abilities are very fun to use. personally I would go for it.
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Yep after talking to someone else I reco think demo is the way to go, thanks 👍
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Spirit - strong killer with decent perks
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If you're competitive, spirit. But I'd suggest Demogorgon. I think he's a lot more fun.
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If you like going fast - spirit
If you like going fast but also don't want games to be too easy - Legion
If you like making noises, leaping, feeling like an alien, and teleporting - Demogorgon
If you like crazy clowns, laughing, slowing survivors, and awkward bottle throwing - Clown
I'd say clown just for Pop Goes the Weasel, but that's in the shrine right now - pick that up. Personally my preference in terms of fun is Spirit, Clown, Legion, Demo
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I'd probably pick Demo. His Perks aren't that great. Surge can be ok on Stealth Killers combined with Surveillance or something. Cruel Limits and "Bruh" -Maker are really trash. The Killer himself is pretty fun. He isn't weak and doesn't get boring.
Spirit might become pretty boring after a while since she is pretty easy if played longer than 30 Minutes.
Clown and Legion are both the worst Killers in the Game which require Reworks.
I'd still pick Legion over Clown because they are at least somewhat Fun to play and get a huge Amount of BP.
Clown is just Depression.
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Thanks all! I bought demogorgan and he's fun but I can't say I'm getting much kills lol but I just started with him so I don't mind, he's fun to play for sure 😊 thanks again!
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Depends, if you care about fun, you should get Demo, if you don't care about fun and want to make everyone in the lobby, including yourself, suffer, get Spirit
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I bought demo and yep, hes fun, just gotta "git gud" with him lol but yeah, definitely enjoying playing him, I just need to get those BP for him
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I read the title as "I'm down FOR getting 4 killers and would like advice" and thought you were asking for 4 killers vs 4 survivors a match and were seeking advice on how to make that happen and I got this mental image of all four survivors being face camped at once in a match and I my hands began to shake...
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get STBFL, you'll never look back after you use it
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Nea is the strongest killer
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Hahaha nope no need to worry about that, I hope your hands have stopped shaking ;)
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"I'm more or an aggressive player"
Sounds like Legion to me.
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lol real tho get plague. Anti heal is the biggest meta breaker and her perks are not terrible.
You'll find puke is the easiest to land of any range attack in the game. And thats nice.
You can also skip the first hit in a chase and go right to down though infect. That pesky speed boost won't save them
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That's who I'm thinking of buying next funnily enough-so many people say he's rubbish but I've seen players use him well and so long as everyone has fun then it's all good
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I've got plague already-I have good days and bad days with her tbh lol my mains are pig and freddy, I play Dr a lot too
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Pig Master Race.
You can thank me later.
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Already have her and play her quite a lot, have her at lv 50-i can see why you'd say "thank me later" :D