OG FREDDY, the funniest killer to play

Ah the old Freddy, he was my favorite killer, the funniest one indeed.
now he is just unfun to play as and against, you know why? Because is too strong and because is a brainless killer, too easy to play as.
are there any chances to see the old one back? At least in private games...
No because he was the worst of the worst.
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When I first started playing killer, I'd constantly swing at people who were awake. Very sad.
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So? I still liked him
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His very existence was unhealthy for the game. Even more so than current Freddy.
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Would like to see a new version of the old power, obviously buffed and tweaked so it’s more fun to play as and against.
I also think these killer specific conditions (sleep, infected, madness) should be considered to be reused for new killer powers if they are fitting and the devs find a new and different power that go well with it..
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He was fun. I had him at full prestige before he was changed.
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Old Freddy had so much issues that buffing him wouldn’t work as his power LITERALLY allowed him to hit people, if survivors were picked up from the dying state, survivors failed a skill check while in dream transition, or had adrenaline, Freddy became powerless
Hell, he was a killer with no chase or map pressure, he was an M1 killer with a power that was required to use
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Freddy had some nasty map pressure if you knew how to play him. If you had at least 3 survivors asleep map control was pretty damn easy.
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why not just give him some meme addon like michael scratched mirror and put that addon his old power
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If they would stay asleep that long then yeah, but if not then you had none
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2 post history. smells like bait to me.
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I mained old Freddy for quite a while, I think the only thing I really hated was just how mych common survivor perks screwed him over (self-care and adrenaline) both of which were even more popular than they are now. But I miss running double blocks and snatching a cocky survivor off a gen as they try to finish it in front of you, among other things.
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Bait? I just created this account for talking about og freddy, what’s wrong with that?
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I totally agree with you.
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How? He was amazing with the right perks and add-ons and had the best gen slowdown in the game when played right. I would argue old Freddy was stronger and more fun than the new one, and he actually took skill and time efficiency to play. Watch @DudeDelicious play old Freddy and you will see.
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I mained him. I got to rank 1 as him. He was fun but wasn't all too strong imo. Plus watching 2 people double stack the final gen with you being able to do nothing for 6 seconds, they pop adrenaline, and suddenly the 7 second timer stats again wasn't all that fun.
Please can we leave old Freddy in peace- he had his time and that time's over. Because at the end of the day, he was an M1 killer with no way of ending chases and survivors could easily loop you whilst you relied on finding them out of position, and they remain out of position for 7 seconds.
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All I want is a brown add-on to bring him back :(
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That'd be a nightmare in terms of balance and can you imagine the amount of bugs he's bring with him?
It'd be kinda cool and let's face it, get rid of the bloodpoint add-on lol.
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Not an add-on, maybe they can put another Freddy or an option to play his old version, so you can play with his old add-ons
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Seriously? New Freddy is way better, and dream pallet Freddy is the funniest he's ever been. Nothing better then some cocky surv butt dancing at a dream pallet that they think is real... 😂
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Look, i don’t care if he was “weak”, he was still my favorite killer, a bit difficult to play as but his power was unique
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New Freddy is easily top 3. Old Freddy was the bottom of the barrell
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When you guys will learn that we don’t care about his weakness? We only want to play him again
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New Freddy has spammable traps, gen teleportation and can hit awake survivors
Old Freddy essentially had a long cooldown before you could hit someone. And failing a skill check was all it took to make you invincible to Freddy unless he wasted more precious seconds sleeping you again.
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On Switch I can't play Freddy because he's unavailable.
On PS4 I can't play Freddy because everyone DC's whenever they see him.
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for the second time, we don’t care about his weakness
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Who? You and one other guy?
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Most of the people who want a method to play old freddy don’t care about his weakness
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They arent bringing back old Freddy. Get over it
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Im just giving you my opinion
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Quite afew ppl actually enjoyed old Freddy. He was the first killer I hit rank 1 with and most people just fail at seeing his advantages is all. Old Freddy sucked in the 1 v 1 aspect of the game, which is the part inexperienced killer players hyper focus on, but he was a master of the 1 v 4 aspect if played correctly.
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I personally can’t see anything wrong with adding the old freddy, at least in private games, as RufusBenzina25 said
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The OG was the most annoying killer to go against. I’m so glad he got changed.
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That’s not true, he was very funny to play as and against
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OG Freddy wasn't weak and was mid-tier at worst.
His base-kit had BEST IN CLASS Stall (Something killers want desperately due to gen speeds) and tracking. (Which allows harassment of survivors to keep everyone off gens)
His stealth was probably second-in-class. His small terror radius (IIRC it was hag-size on a 115% killer, and can be made NON EXISTANT with Red Paint Brush and M&A) combined with the dream world fog and mist made him hard to track or notice.
The only weak part of Freddy was his chase. Even then it wasn't that bad. Yes you wait 7 seconds to make the survivor vulnerable but during that time you're flickering in and out of existence. You usually start the dream transition right next to the survivor and not many killers can get a hit in within 7 seconds of spotting the survivor. With addons it can be as low as 3 seconds.
If you tunnel one dude at a time and take long chases you'd have a bad time. Freddy's playstyle involved a ton of disengaging from chases, glancing at survivor auras to see who's doing what, breaking a chase just to re-sleep a guy who woke up, catching people out of position in dead-zones, stressing survivors as much as possible (I loved the OG pill bottle. First sleep on a survivor you can usually get a gen-grab, all subsequent sleeps you can run after someone else and the survivor will run around like a chicken with their head cut off expecting a Freddy who isn't coming for them) etc.
After all the pallets are down (and Freddy's stall put even hostage doc to shame) survivors were screwed.
OG Freddy felt similar to OG Doc and I miss the juggling playstyle.
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Ah yes, the old pill bottle, i used to play freddy with the pill bottle and the red paint brush. God i wish that the devs are listening to us right now and that they give us a chance
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Doesn't matter with skill check freddy on the game map.
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He wouldnt be very threatening. Because it would still take 7 seconds to sleep you, you could still push and finish the gen before he gets a chance.
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Old Freddy was extremely powerful if played right to the point of being OP
New Freddy is extremely powerful if played right to the point of being OP
People will never be happy.
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I always loved hitting people with the sleep beam, then just waiting around the corner. Quite often I would find someone working on a gen at shack, so I'd sleep them then wait just outside the window for them to INEVITABLY vault it just as they finish the sleep transition, lol
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He really really wasn’t. He was annoying. You had no idea of where he was, as the lullaby meant nothing. So there was no way to stop being put to sleep. Plus whenever you’d successfully escape a chase he could always see your aura? It was just one of the most ridiculous things they’ve ever added to this game and there’s a reason he’s so different now.
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So you are telling me that now it’s fun to play? He is too strong he is a mix of clown and doctor with teleport, makes no sense, Clown has an anti loop power, even freddy does but he also have teleport... Doctor has fake pallets, even freddy does... Buuuuut freddy also have teleport
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So you are telling me that now it’s fun to play? He is a mix of clown and doctor with teleport, makes no sense, what’s the point of playing clown when you have freddy
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I bet you're fun at parties. He just wants a chance to play as the OG version of his fave killer again, it'll probably never even happen, so just like, lighten up and let a dude dream.
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Consistancy. Freddys snares only affect people who are sleeping, so if you happen to find someone who is awake...the entire first part of your chase is as a powerless M1 killer. Clown's bottles dont rely on any special status effect like that...they work on EVERYONE. Freddy also can only trap places that hes already been to, meaning if you dont have survivors that run in circles... they wont run into your snares. Really good survivors are able to link multiple structures together to avoid just looping 1. Clown can toss his bottles ahead of survivors and still get value without having to loop a structure. Overall...Freddy is stronger, but Clown DOES have things he excels at over Freddy.
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The thing that i can’t really understand is why they changed him so much, an entire killer ruined by a new generic base kit, they could just decrease the time to fall asleep from 7 to 5, they could also remove actions during the dream transition
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It’s really a shame that the funniest killer now it’s the most annoying
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when the swf tried to bodyblock and then realized they couldn't, that was always fun.
Not so fun when 4 adrenalines waking everyone up, chasing them down, putting them asleep and waiting 7 seconds only for them to run out of the gates their friend opened.
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I’m not sure about that, i heard so much people that find Freddy annoying to play as and against, it’s a killer to easy to play