Toxicity Justified?

Just wanna know if people hear this story would they say that the toxicity was justified or unjustified against me

Was in a match earlier today against billy (I'm jake). I'm somewhat of a new player, just got the game about 2 weeks ago, a little less. Anyway, one survivors dead, the other 2 are taking a beating, he hangs one down in the basement and starts to camp. I manage to scrape by right behind him and crawl down, but he's not leaving, he runs away a bit and then back and runs away and repeats it about 3 times.

I decide that if he's going to wander away a little, his only indication that I'm down here is unhooking my friend, so I figure why not open the chest in the corner, maybe get a flashlight or medkit (anything useful) - he's not going to know I'm down here because I'll let her hang just a few seconds more (she's at about 60%), then with an item in hand, I unhook her, we book it, I heal her up/flashlight billy and BAM - we've escape the basement. In my mind, it was a smart, risky play.

So i approach the chest, I start to open it, I hear him coming, I hide, he comes down, looks around and finds me, slashes me and hangs me up.

This is where the game TOOK A TURN. The other survivor comes down, unhooks her friend, both of them AND the killer camp me, they unhook me, hit me, hang me, unhook me, drop me, let me crawl, heal me, hit me, carry me around, drop me, heal me, hit me, teabag, etc for about 16-25 minutes. It was so long that I had time to open cookies and drink half a bottle of soda. He lets them get all gens, they have a thing letting me crawl around to try to escape the door, then picking me up again (i'm having fun at this point just seeing how far they will go to troll).

Finally match is over and they all type in "poor jake lol" and laugh about it and then say, "next time unhook me instead of going for a chest"

Now, obviously the chest idea didn't work out, but considering the camping situation we were in and the idea I had, I can't quite say that I regret my idea. It didn't work, but every play in this game is a risk. And if it was a bad choice, I already found that out when he caught me - they could also tell me after the match "listen, next time its more efficient if you do this instead." Do you guys feel I deserved it for my choice? What would have been the best play?


  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Playing as survivor mean you are going against the killer and your teammates.Just know people will do things in this game just to annoyed you. I would have got them down then get the chest from the basement. You do whatever you want. Just know people tend to dislike you for it regardless of who ever you play as. If a person is hooked it usually the other choice to help them out. Just play the game and have fun

  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348

    Welcome to swf.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Pretty sure you could report them all if you have video evidence. Especially if the killer let everyone else escape and you die (you didn't say whether you lived or died) as that could be considered working with the killer. Also what happened to the fourth survivor?

    To answer your actual question though, no I wouldn't say it was justified. You made a play that turned out to be the wrong one, that doesn't justify the killer AND the other survivors acting the way they did. They were total dicks, and I'd report all of them.

    Either way they held the game hostage for you (25 minutes, 25 MINUTES), and that's really messed up. I'm curious, did you happen to check if the killer and the other survivors have each other on their friends list? That maybe it was all intentional bait to attempt to grief/troll?

    Idk that whole situation was messed up, and you have a far better temper than me, I woulda lost my #########.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    If they were being slugged it not considered a game being hostage. Only thing that considered is being an ass to another person. I would have just dc from that game and went on to watch tv.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    Just a FYI with your story, the chest makes a LOT more noise than survivors think. A killer in the shack above will hear you going through the chest. So what they probably saw was you purposefully getting the killers attention while leaving your fellow survivors high and dry.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    If you don't me asking what do you play on???

  • MidniteWolfy
    MidniteWolfy Member Posts: 28

    I do have nvidia instant replay so I recorded the last 5 minutes, but the whole scenario was so long that I only captured the end exit-door part. I did think of reporting for unsportsmanlike behavior, but I had already left the match and I think you can only report in the end-game screen? I'm not sure. But ya the 5m recording doesn't capture the whole thing just the final part.

  • MidniteWolfy
    MidniteWolfy Member Posts: 28

    Just PC, i downloaded from steam for the sale a couple weeks ago

  • MidniteWolfy
    MidniteWolfy Member Posts: 28

    Yea, I know that it certainly hit that note with them lol! I don't know how much noise the chest makes since I'm still kinda new, but I thought - he's far enough that I'm not in his terror radius, he won't hear the chest and he only has the hook aura to know if I'm here, so it felt like it was a good idea, i realize now it was baaad

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    Toxicity is justified because it's defined differently by everybody. What you find toxic I may find ######### hilarious, for example.

  • CyanideBlaze
    CyanideBlaze Member Posts: 143

    Idk, survivors will just sort of Be Like That sometimes.

    I played against a Pigface n finished three gens, got off multiple unhooks, healed teammates, etc, and still when I got downed at the gate my teammates tbagged me and called me names in endgame chat even though I had more points than them after being sacrificed than they got even after surviving.

    Sometimes it helps to understand that other survivors can so far up their own asses they literally cannot comprehend what another person is doing in the game even if it's their best.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    If the killer is above you in the shack they can hear the chest. I literally heard the chest noise when i walk into the shack and went to grab that person.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    It was a fine idea and it could have worked out well if you hadn't had toxic teammates that obviously knew the killer too. My biggest issue is that.

    You were in the right - and they are garbage. I have no love for those kinds of players at all. They make things miserable for everyone. Their teammates and the killers.

    @katoptris said it well. When you play as a survivor you are playing against teammates - and the killer.

    I've gotten to the point in some games that if I even sense that's how it's going to play out. I play very differently and it's often a miserable game.

    If I sense it in a lobby (sometimes you can) I leave.

    I'm as cautious with my teammates as I am the killer. There was a week straight where anytime a teammate came near me - I booked it away from them. Try to heal me - no thank you. Follow me - I go the other way. (There are others things I do as well.)

    I joined the forum a few days ago after reading for awhile. Had the forum gave me the same disgust as I have with that behavior I'd have given the game away or just deleted it. Thankfully - this place is nice and when I have a bad game - I read something in here that reminds me I'm not the only one who feels a certain way.

    You did right - they were wrong. Full stop. No excuse for them. They are the worst part of this game imho. I will take a tunneler / camper any day over that. A tunneler and camper reminds me I need to improve. Toxic teammates. As far as I am concerned they are right-up their with cheaters. I love seeming killers hand them their butts. It brings me great, great joy. :-)

    I hope when you see a killer be exceptionally brutal with them - that you gain the same joy I do when I see it.

    Okay I can be a little vengeful like that. ;-) Welcome to my dark side.


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    His teammates kept healing him while he was being slugged which halts the bleedout bar. They couldve kept him in the game while doing that indefinitely.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Anytime someone is put into a situation where the only way they can leave the game is via DC...its a hostage situation. It would ALSO be considered working with the killer. Farming in general (allowing someone to pallet stun you so they get BPs before going ahead and getting that 4k) is fine, but when its at the expense of another player, then it falls under griefing.

    If you look under the griefing section of this... you'll see what I'm talking about.

    This is a case where OP could rightfully report the survivors AND the killer involved.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    Toxicity = fun, if you wanna play like a robot without showing up emotions, go play Civ 6 or smth, I've heard has over 9 IGN score

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Not even going to read this post and the reason is simple; Toxicity is NEVER justified.

    I don't care if the other person held you hostage in a corner until you were forced to quit the game, if people are toxic to another it just repeats the cycle and we end up all hating each other.