Anyone else think that Dead hard is pretty bad designed?

H_Blocks Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 52
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I think in some situations is dead hard too strong and bad designed. For example where people get more distance for a vault /pallet or overall to get into a pallet/vault. I mean as a M1 Killer your chase duration will tremoundesly increase. Moreover other Killer with there ability will get problems too like Oni.

It ist just hard frustating if 4 people have dead hard and punishes you for no reason. You do everything good as Killer and lose a complete chase and maybe all your pressure because of one Perk with nearly no counterplay.

If people know how to use dead hard you will have a really bad game.

All in one:

Dead hard has a bad design because you get often punished, multiply times in one game for no reason and everyone knows the game doesn´t forgive that good for Killers.

Post edited by H_Blocks on


  • H_Blocks
    H_Blocks Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 52

    It isn´t for distance. You use dead hard for getting a vault or pallet. The difference to user exhaustion perks is that dead hard ist activateable during the chase which punishes you more then a sprint burst. The survivor has the option to increase the duration of a chase tremoundesly by getting a pallet or vault through dead hard.

    Sprint burst, balanced landing and lithe depends more on the situation and dead hard is every time activateable which CAN give you a really hard advantage

  • V1V3
    V1V3 Member Posts: 87

    You're technically right. If employed correctly, dead hard could give you a free pallet or even a stun. However, pallets in maps are already distanced enough where you can get to one before the killer catches up to you. Dead hard also is more of a one time use since the killer knows to wait out you using it. If the killer times a lunge when you activate it, the killer could hit you by the end of it's duration. Perks like Sprint Burst however has exceptional value as it not only works well in chases, it can be used to bait missed hits from the killer, quick escapes when unhooked, and avoid encounters with killers from a max terror radius.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    I always said that it made no sense to run INTO the killer with dead hard and for it to still work, It should just be a lunge, if the blade actually hits them and it just doesn't work... idk just seemed dumb.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    I don't consider it that great. My winrate is higher with sprint burst because of the free transportation from generator to pallet. Whether you'll actually get use out of dead hard is dependant on the map, as maps with less/unsafe pallets will provide little utility and attempting to actually dodge a swing with it is a death sentence, considering DBD's hit registration.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389
    edited July 2020

    Is probably a bad design perk, because it allows you to fix your mistake but just pressing a button. Imagine a killer with a perk like that.

    Anyways extending the chases is not that strong by itself, the problem is to lose 2-3 gens while chasing one single survivor because he has DH, and that happens with everyone in the game.

    Rough times for killers.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    I don't know why so many use it. Most competent killers expect it and wait it out. Or if they find out you have it they just wait it out for the next time.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    Dead Hard is a perk that sounds useless on paper but works surprisingly well in game. Getting to the next loop or tanking an easy hit should double the chase time and keep the gens flying.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Please tell me how the killer can “wait it out” if you use it to make up distance to a window or pallet you wouldn’t have otherwise made. And like @ClickyClicky said, it hurts certain killers in particular - Nurse and Huntress are really hurt by it, it counters good trap placement by Trapper, you can DH through a perfectly timed Doctor shock and still make the pallet, etc. You can’t “wait out” scenarios like that or you’ll just keep chasing the survivor waiting for their DH and giving them free distance.

    A survivor who Dead Hards in the open can be waited out but nobody cares about the perk in that particular use case. That’s not why people use it and it’s not why people complain about it.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004

    Using DH to get to a pallet/vault isn't the problem, it's literally the main purpose of the perk.

    This isn't hard to understand, I don't know why this is at least the second thread in about a week where someone can't grasp this.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004

    Using a perk designed to gain distance to gain distance isn't "fixing a mistake" any more than using Spirit Fury or Enduring is to "fix your mistake" of getting stunned. You can arbitrarily reduce any perk that actually has a use into doing something that the player "doesn't deserve" to be able to do, and for what reason?

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    Dead hard is not a bad perk, probably THE best exhaustion perk.

    just right now they get ######### by servers and killer ######### pings.

    Dev's are up the tick rate of there servers and hit registration in upcoming changes.

    hopefully that will fix it.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900
    edited July 2020

    Easy. They are right up on an injured person, wait for the predictable dead hard to dodge the attack, and then down them. Don't always get a Trapper, or a Nurse, or a Doctor either. So running it for situational things like that is a waste of a perk slot, IMO.

    Lithe is a much better distance perk, IMO.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I think DH is fine, it can be kind of BS sometimes but overall it gives distance when you need it on certain conditions like all exhaustion perks. I definetly like it more then perks like DS that support horrible plays without any thinking, timing or skill.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    “Using it to get to a pallet or window is very situational.”

    How is a chase perk that allows you to get to safety when injured in areas that you will run to in a chase in any way situational? There will be times you can’t use it because the killer is near and there’s no pallet around, but that’s your mistake for being out of position when injured and not a weakness of the perk, lol. An injured survivor is gonna be running the killer near a pallet/window 90% of the time, if they’re above rank 10. That’s the opposite of situational.

    It’s a useful perk against the powers of Trapper, Billy (if you just stay injured), Nurse, Hag, Doctor, Huntress, Spirit, Plague, Demo, Deathslinger and Pyramid Head, and the M1s of everyone else. It’s probably the least situational exhaustion perk in the game.

  • DeadByMittens
    DeadByMittens Member Posts: 60

    Dead hard is a 50/50 perk in my opinion. It can be really good but it messes you up a lot sometimes.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    lol pretty much everyone that played this game for more than a few months

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    But the thing is right... is that if you lose 2-3 gens bcause of dh then you were getting looped for too long before and after the usage of dh

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Its not the same situation. DH can be used in many situations to give you a sencond chance, sometimes after the killer outsmarts you in a loop, sometimes to reach some pallet or window...there are a lot of situations were DH is useful.

    A perk like spirit fury is only usable in one single situation: when someone breaks the pallet and stuns you, and you have to break 2 pallets before so is not a perk that you can use on your first chase.

    And we have to remember that the Killer uses 4 perks against 16 in fact in order to balance the game its understandable that the power level of the killer's perks should be a bit higher than survivors.

    Which is not that hard to do specially if you go against a M1 killer. Not every Killer its Otzdarva. A regular killer is usually in a situation that one single mistake loses him the game, for example chasing the wrong survivor or commiting to a chase that is not worth it. What do you do in a situation where you have a gen close to a strong jungle gym (for example the bus on heavens), you commit? you leave so the gen is just lost? What happens if 5 of 7 gens are in similar situations? Dealing with all of that + 4 DH (and more things) make Killer harder than ever.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I don’t find DH too bad I just think make it not give immunity to things like bear traps

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    It's a mistake eraser, simple as that.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22

    This makes no sense. The point of lithe is the same thing to get to another loop. Are you going to complain about lithe... And theres windows all over the map and within every loop. You literally loop until you cant loop no more lithe to a different loop. This is the point of the perks...u honestly think dead hard is the only get away perk to lead into another loop or pallet? Quick n quiet and head on is the same thing. Stun n then go to a different loop. Your trash survivor if dead hard is the only perk u use tht way. Not to mention dead heard is bugged right now so ur complaining about a perk thats not even fully usable all the time.

  • BumBumOReily
    BumBumOReily Member Posts: 19

    Honestly just bait out the dh for distance 4Metropolis

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    lithe has a requirement, and that requirement usually isn't game breaking, as the game has algorithms that govern the spawning of windows.

    What makes dead hard especially unfair is that the killer can read a survivor, outplay them, and not be rewarded for doing this. Dead hard does not teach players to get good. What makes dead hard even worse is what you pointed out in your post, there are 3 more perks survivors can run with dead hard.

    In an ideal scenario, a mistake should be punished. Perks like dead hard do not punish mistakes. There is no counter to dead hard, other than relying on the player that's using it to be bad at the game and not aware of their surroundings. When you combine multiple perks like iron will, dead hard, unbreakable, and decisive strike, it can take a killer minutes to take down one survivor, which will lose the game. The only reprieve the killer gets is that thankfully the vast majority of survivor players are extremely terrible, but when the killer gets a group of good survivors, the stark imbalances of this game are elucidated.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2020

    If you can't counter play dead hard you just suck. That's my opinion. Assume every survivor has dead hard its not difficult. Ive been doing it for 2 years. Also again lithe can be combined with other perks head on too. They all can do the same thing. And it has a cool down. So its not like they can dead hard you two times. Also there are potatoes tht use dead hard. Dead hard into trees. Dead hard too soon and so on. N again the perk is literally bugged. If you complain about a bugged perk then im sorry your doodoo. I dont care if i get incoming hate. I said what i said. Oh also the cant counter it. What killers do you people use? Because half of the killers have abilities that can naturally counter if you have common sense. Huntress spirit billy bubba pyramid head nurse learn how to play the game instead of calling everything unfair or broken this is why we have such crap players now.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    But without the drawbacks of it automatically happening when you do a certain action. The advantage of choosing when to use it is huge and allows you to run any style of loop as efficiently as possible before using it to guarantee you reach another loop and start the process all over again.

    I think sprint burst is stronger when used with a coordinated team, but if you're the person trying to loop the killer Dead Hard is easily the best exhaustion perk because it's a free health state and a free extra loop cycle. Don't downplay it like that.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    dead hard cannot be countered when used to its fullest extent. Like I said, it is able to be countered if the survivor using it is bad. You are at a jungle gym, you moonwalk fake and the survivor doesn't read it properly, you go to hit the survivor, they dead hard into the pallet. What was going to be a down and adding map pressure now just single handedly lost you the game as it will take a good 30 seconds at the very absolute least to catch that survivor, if they are not a bad player, that alone just bought them 1-2 minutes.

    Balancing a skill around bad players is bad game design.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22

    how do you get stunned unless you sucked enough to be baited into a pallet... Why not break chase ultimately you just suck or arent using your killer correctly. This explains the player base now. The fact you think dead hard is honestly impossible to counter unless the survivor sucks just shows you needa practice. Watch some vets or plays is what i recommend. Because if no vet killers are complaining theres most likely no issue. But if you wanna blame a perk and not your play style go ahead.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    I never even mentioned getting stunned. Breaking chase will not always yield another survivor within the span of 30 seconds to a minute. It's funny you act like you're good but it seems you've never actually played this game before.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    There's nothing wrong with it.

    Why are you asking for perfection from survivors? Any stupid killer can hit a stupid survivor. The skill ceiling doesn't start and stop at swf swat teams.

    It gives a small boost, that can turn things in your favor, but more often than not it only delays the inevitable. After using it you're vulnerable again, and unlike every other exhaustion perk, you have to be injured. That means the killer making a beeline towards your trail of blood and exasperated wails.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22

    Ive played the game for 3 years. I dont whine about perks. Unless its excessive. Like old DS. Even ruin didn't have to be changed. Ppl just suck. N u said dead hard into a pallet ok they dead hard n threw the pallet down now break the pallet. Ppl act like breaking a pallet cost 3 gens. Your build is trash or you cant use your killer properly. Unless you are using clown or legion or meyers or maybe trapper this shouldn't be a complaint. Literally who tf are u using that cant counter dead hard naturally? Youre just bad. I rarely rarely get dead hard. Even freddy can counter dead hard with a corner snare like Jesus learn the game. Good luck getting better.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2020



    I will never understand why people complain about this perk which gives you LESS distance than any other exhaustion perk. My guess is they find it annoying because it makes them look dumb when they can’t play around it.

    The perk does exactly what it is intended to do. People complaining about a pallet, lithe...SB... BL will get you to an entire safe zone AND you don’t have to be wounded to use it. Let that sink in.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    A jungle gym pallet is a safe pallet, meaning it needs to be broken. I don't understand how you're thinking that the pallet isn't being broken in this scenario. The unfortunate thing is that breaking the pallet gives the survivor at least 30 seconds of time to get to another pallet or a chain of pallets and windows. Yes, a single dead hard and a single pallet can cost you 3 gens because the maps in this game are poorly designed. The algorithm that determines tiles does not take into effect chains. It will take a certain tile, add a value to it, and that's its strength. All maps then have a certain number that is the limit and this is how the game procedurally generates a map. Like I said, the problem with this is that on certain maps you can have a jungle gym chain into a junk tile and then chain into something like the cow tree or the killer shack, each one of these represents at least 30 seconds of chase if the survivor you are chasing is moderately competent. This is without perks. Add perks and the chain doesn't end at the killer shack, it gives the survivor enough ground to get to a junk tile pallet which is then next to a T wall which is then chained to either another junk tile and then chains into another jungle gym.

    I play high red rank at peak times, when most survivor comps are SWF.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    When someone says Dead Hard is "too strong" I just flash them the dedicated servers card.

  • H_Blocks
    H_Blocks Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 52

    ZaKzan I agree. In my opionen is the perk in some situation like you mentioned too strong because you havn´t got any counterplay and waste a lot of time. Moreover you can´t change the survivor because it would take mor time to find him and down him.