Well... Nea's skin isn't a legendary skin so...
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i fully agree. the fun of cosmetics in this game is mix and matching to fit your own unique look. i hate this locked skin trend
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It's not legendary tho.
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Oh wow, didn't notice Nea was getting a new skin. She was my survivor main since I started playing, but I was never completely satisfied with my outfit since they changed the hair. I recently switched to Lisa, and now I want to main Nea again, probably my favorite outfit for her now.
Its a very rare skin, which I thought only legendary skins would be sets. However, maybe its a set because of the clipping issues that would arise from her hoodie. Not sure about the legs though, maybe they could be swapped out without clipping? IDK.
I like the look of the full set though, so not sure if I would personally swap anything out.
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Well I didn't buy Cheryl so... okay.
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It couldnt be swapped. Just look at the pieces and co parę them with other outfits in the game. Proportions are different. It is logical and fine, even though I prefer single pieces.
Legs are much higher waist than general clothes. Hoodie would cause so much clipping, it is not funny (I know generic red SWF premades would love it, as they enjoy everything that smells as rancid as the game balance around swf).
From DBD's technically standpoint, it is not possible to keep en seperate, just look at the abomination that feng's bunny is when not worn with the rest. Disgusting.
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tbh i dont like new neas skin. to fancy for my taste, im more the old school. but i do like kinda the bunny feng... so my taste can make some exclusions when something is so cute, i still HATE THE BUNNY EARS because is just way too cute and gets way too fancy but the jacket and the skirt are nice, anyway dont support what you dont like and dont support what you think is a bad marketing practice, tahts how CUSTOMERS SHOW their disconfort with a company by NOT buying something you think is not worth, thats how we send a message, if people buy then is what it is and we get what WE DESERVE.
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Linked skins is the word you were looking for. A legendary skin would almost completly change the character
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But it's not linked, you can clearly see where the division lines are on the skin; they could have easily broken this up into 3 separate pieces, they just decided to be anti-consumer and didn't do it.
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Sweetie what
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Again, what
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It's literally a legendary skin, it's the same as the others that were released. They CAN change the character. Idk what ur on about.
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Legendary skins are the silver ones... LISA. Lisa is the only legendary skin in the game. What's so hard to understand about that? 😂 Neas skin is very rare, or purple.
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The lisa Garland skin is legendary. Nea's new cosmetic is very rare not legendary.
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then they should at least give us a discount for them being linked. i will not spend 10$ on a cosmetic set that i can never change and mix up with all the others. made the mistake once with Pyramid Heads set, never again.
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Notice the different color too
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There is a difference between a linked skin and a legendary skin. All of cheryl's skins are linked but she only has one legendary.
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No, legendary skins DO change the character, sets are linked pieces it just so happens that every legendary set will also be a set because you can't splice two different characters together so it has to be a set.
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Who cares if it is or not a legendary skin everyone knows he meant linked skin, that is a crap that should never have left from the scratch.