Does anyone even own the Stadia?



  • Deadsea
    Deadsea Member Posts: 143

    Daddy Google ? Lol. I hope that "Daddy Google" isn't my guardian. I'd end up in an orphanage quick cause they abandon their projects and customers.

  • CaptainBrooksie
    CaptainBrooksie Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2020
  • Halun
    Halun Member Posts: 177

    Wait. Stadia is still a thing lol?

    I forgot about that entirely...

  • DoctorEggman
    DoctorEggman Member Posts: 1

    PS Now does indeed suck, even on good internet. So anyone sour on cloud gaming should at least give the free trial for Stadia a chance. You don't need to buy any additional hardware. There's something surreal about just plugging in an old Xbox or PlayStation controller into a crappy old computer or Android phone/tab you have collecting dust and being able to run AAA games on it with no sweat.

    I always laugh when people act like physically owning a game is a thing with their massive Steam libraries. Even stuff you have a Blu-ray disc of needs an update (Stadia never needs to update) and in the end you're just digitally licensed to play it, there's no real ownership anymore like we used to have. Read those EULAs, peeps!

    Stadia is far from perfect, but I really enjoy the convenience and the barrier for entry is virtually non-existent. I blame Google for not marketing these changes better. People are still using arguments that were only valid in 2019. In their defense, 2019 was the last time they thought of Stadia thanks to a poor launch and marketing lately.

    Please do yourself a favor and at least give the free trial a shot. If you buy anything on sale for dirt cheap, you don't have to stay subscribed to play it anyway. You might find yourself playing your favorite games in places or at times you hadn't previously imagined. Like the bathroom stall of your local fast food establishment!

  • rjonrye
    rjonrye Member Posts: 2

    Your points don't really make sense???? One person having good internet and one person having bad internet can happen even on PC or console it just doesn't affect the game as much on Stadia. You also mentioned about internet going out in another post guess won't be playing DBD on any platform if your internet is out... but guess what? I'll be able to play on my phone using my unlimited data plan eventually. Stadia isn't going anywhere because they knownits the future takendestiny 2 for example the game is getting so big in size they will be rotating out content to make room for new stuff. When cloud gaming is a standard this won't be an issue

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    I can't believe no one was pointing this out until you did, I was just about to make a comment. All these pro-stadia posts have posts in the single digits, praise the stadia to heaven and back and give prices and links to learn more about it. I wouldn't be surprised if they were bots or paid to post these.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    I tried it. Garbage. The controls were a bit delayed. Some youtubers made videos showing how bad it is

  • basdardos
    basdardos Member Posts: 5

    Or maybe were just coming onto the forums cause now theirs an added interest from stadia players

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I'd say bots, but one of them mentions DbD by name.

    There's gotta be someone actually writing at least some of this stuff. Although bots might explain how they've never visited the forums despite posting.

    @MandyTalk Sorry for the tag, but you're the only mod whose username I know off the top of my head.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    So they just joined the forums because of the coming Stadia cross-progression, happened to see this one post, and then after commenting once on one thread just left? All around the same time?

    And all without having visited the forums?

    Maybe I'm a nosy Nancy, but something just really seems off to me.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    Plus, if I was curious about Dead by Daylight because of stadia, I wouldn't go and spam posts on how good stadia is, I would talk about the game or ask questions about it.

    The posts are too unique to be by bots, but each post is quite similar. My bet would be that they all are by the same person who's creating multiple accounts. Kinda like how people on Reddit create accounts in order to reply to themselves to make them look good.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    lol at the stadia employee that made 20 new accounts to praise stadia.๐Ÿ˜‚

  • basdardos
    basdardos Member Posts: 5

    Not stadia employees and of course if a load of stadia players came on to a forum and was interested in the game and immediately seen a post blasting the platform when they clearly havent tried it their going to put their opinion across the same as you all are blasting a system you havent tried ( as for the one person who said they had , look at trouble shooting tips you may find it becomes your new system of choice , I have an xbox ps4 and switch I've preferred stadia since being a founder because of the pure fact I can play on any device (pretty much )

    Trust me try it before you blast it

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    How much money do you get everytine you post, friend? ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Just answering the question. I know the 11.6k is from Destiny 2, but that's where they got the stat from.

  • basdardos
    basdardos Member Posts: 5

    So bashing systems aside etc , being new to this game and I will get it on stadia that way I can play it in the toilet at work while I skive ๐Ÿ˜‚ joking/ not joking

    How is the game ? What's the best features if dlc etc

    Genuinely I'm interested

  • laggyx
    laggyx Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2020

    That's only numbers of D2 Stadia users. There a way to see all active Stadia users, regardless of game? For example, I have D2 on Stadia but don't played it.

    Well this post was listed in "things I'd be interested in reading" based on posted searches. Most likely because so many mentions of "Stadia", but I'm sure it's easier to blame bots than to accept there are those with a different view. I mean, wth is wrong with you people? No one from the Stadia community is complaining about DbD; I'm sure many are excited to finally be able to play it, but this community is coming off as incredibly elitist. I honestly shouldn't be surprised about it, I've own about every console made the past 30 years and always build my gaming rigs. I made this account for this one post after reading this 3-page circlejerk.

    For those complaining about Stadia, let's try and clear up some misconceptions.

    The Stadia version will most likely be the PC version but on lower settings, this won't effect you and your PC.

    For cross progression and cross play. It's far more likely your account is saved in the cloud so there isn't a need to save and transfer to another platform. You log in on PC and your level and stats are there, log in on PC/phone/Chromecast with Stadia and it's the same level and stats. When it comes to playing with Stadia users, you won't be able to tell. They can use m+k or controller just like on PC, so going based on movement will be a crapshoot. If they include stream connect (doesn't make sense to include in this game, but it's pretty neat in coop games) then you could tell because you can see everything they do. Ping is entirely based on the person's internet, but that's already the case on PC. The Stadia user might even have a better ping based on where the server is hosted and dedicated connections that have already been troubleshooted, plus they'll NOT be the ones you're waiting for to connect and load during the loading screen before matches (they'll be waiting on you).

    The price of entry. You'll get about 20 games if you get Plus right now for about $10. You DON'T need Plus unless you want the free monthly games (2-5 games/month) or to play with 4k and the hi-def surround sound. Just buy what ever game it is you want and you can access it on PC/Android device/Chromecast. The most expensive "upgrade" is buying the Stadia controller. It's an upgrade and not required ($60).

    You'll lose your games when Google moonlights Stadia! That's completely possible, but some publishers have mentioned giving the PC version of their game if it were to happen.

    Those bashing on Stadia from watching the early reviews. That's like me basing any game off someone else's hardware. I might be able to run it better or not at all depending on my rig. You've got to try it for yourself before you can say it's garbage and that's coming down to your internet speeds, router connection method and security settings. Mine is an enjoyable experience, but I can't guarantee it will be for you. I legit haven't turned on my rig, Xbox one, PS4, or Switch since I started trying Stadia months ago.

    You're going to have people who've never had the opportunity to play DbD before. Help them love the game as much as y'all do.

  • Hail2dakingbaby83
    Hail2dakingbaby83 Member Posts: 10

    Yes I do. I own Stadia, PC ,Switch, PS4 n Xbox one. N this game on all the platforms. Stadia is fine. N yes I am gonna buy it on Stadia as well cause I'm supporting the game. Before u ######### on another platform, think a f u really a gamer or not. Cause a legit gamer don't crap on others platform taste. Also, it's more people in our fandom. Maybe after they join, killer queue will be faster n I can try killer for once.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Those are 2 different teams. The design team makes cosmetics, while the balance and technical team "fix" the game.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
  • werewookiee
    werewookiee Member Posts: 2

    You can check me out. I'm werewookiee on Steam, PSN, and Xbox. Played it on PC and Xbox. I have Stadia and it has only worked fine for me. I DO hear a lot of people in here saying it doesn't work but haven't tried it. Sorry to say, but Xcloud, Stadia, GFN, PSNow all work fine (well, maybe not PSNow). I've played a good amount and I'm not one to post in forums usually, but seeing this toxicity in the community made me make an account to comment.

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306
    edited July 2020

    Well before it gets closed I will say it was an interesting conversation especially when the bots came with all the statistics and numbers claiming they were not bots lmao. But otherwise pretty interesting to read.

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