Every Killer is S tier in Solo Q

Just found this interesting clip and it just showcases how terrible Solo Q experience is. Im a solo Q main and I wish Devs would put some effort and love for the Solo Q players to make it more fun and balanced.


  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I never played swf, and I'm a solo queue main. All they need to do is add more emotes to signify what you want the survivors to do. Also, bond is a great solo queue perk.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576
    edited July 2020

    So Basically solo Q should be buffed because of bad players?

    Because that's Just a bad way to balance things. There should only be added new emotes so survivors can communicate with eachother. But solo Q shouldnt at all be buffed because of the potential of having bad team mates.

    Edit: they also are hopefully fixing matchmaking wich will buff solo already.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    You'll never get that out of the devs. They're way too killer-sided. The devs nerf the game around top tier survivors but don't do the same for killer.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    This post is the exact reason killers AND survivors should be up in arms to get the devs to address swf. The game cannot be balanced for killers or solo survivor until swf is addressed.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Can't view it.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I've had randos coordinate a hook save with zero communication with a face camping killer. We all met at the gate, crouch coded to go for a save, and off we went to save them.

    All it takes is one good looper and everyone else doing their part to win. The basics are so simple. And whats that everyobe says in every single killer thread? Survivor ez. Just do gen.

    There's also in-game items that communicate position like the map marker. And rando specific perks like bond to find people quicker.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    @LowSpecGamersMatter You have to post the actual link for Twitch clips. The player doesn't work on these forums for some reason.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    This is why the Emblem system and matchmaking in general needs to be addressed. Many many survivors are boosted beyond their skill level because it's almost impossible to rank down and insanely easy to rank up as survivor. Red ranks are diluted by many players who are green rank skill at best.

    If they fixed these systems solo queue would be much more tolerable, data on kill rates would actually be worth anything, and maybe they could finally start balancing the game properly (they won't).

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    SoloQ is awfull and most times you'll die, but considering how points and rank work on survivor you'll be fine. I reach rank 1 as survivor without even being able to escape in most games.

    What triggers me a lot is that when I play Killer I play against a 4 coordinated and god gen rushers survivors, but when I'm playing SoloSurvivor and the killer is chasing me for an entire 2 minutes, only 1 gen pops. That freaks me out.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    I play primarily solo queue survivor.

    As soon as you learn that the are more perks out there than BT, DS, DH, Unbreakable, and Adrenaline, solo becomes a lot of fun.

    Instead of obsessing over "punishing" killers, make the experience better for yourself. Empathy is a fantastic perk -- you get to see where the action is and where is going. Kindred is great for optimizing hook saves. Inner Strength not only heals you up quick, it also incentivizes doing bones.

    Change your perks, change your game.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Hate to break it to you. But the devs aren't killer sided. Nor are they survivor sided. They make changes that they think are in the best interest of the game. You or I may not agree with what they think is best. But they aren't favoring either side.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Define most times. Out of curiosity, i kept stats of my solo survivor games, and i had an escape rate in red ranks of 73%. After rank reset, it went down to 64%, because a lot of games were lost due to other survivors. That was after the Chains-of-fate-release.

  • Keeper
    Keeper Member Posts: 27

    I had same experience, it seems like theres a lot more swf than I thought and you only meet them when you play killer. It's kinda sad how bad Solo q is right now half the games are killer sided specially if its a nurse/spirit/freddy. On top of that you have to deal with proxy campers and tunneling and your teammates farming you on the hook near the killer.

    I just had a game where my teammate unhooks infront of the killer without BT and I got mori'd right after the unhook nothing you can do about it.

    And sometimes you get red ranked teammates that just urban evasion around barely doing anything useful. Like i dont get it whats the point of just crouching and watching the killer and ur teammates dying without even getting hooked and doing objectives. A single protection hit or distraction from those people can easily turn the tables around..

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    Would you mind to elaborate, with like facts and actual matter in your statements.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    My friend if the devs were killer sided the game would never have launched with extremely survivor sided mechanics and swf wouldn't exist at all. They're likely trying to balance the game as best they can, but they're honestly bad at it and making decisions based more on low level play than high level play; hence the latest Billy changes that they called a "minor change" but is actually a huge nerf.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339
    edited July 2020

    I wouldn't say That; I always play exclusively Solo Queue, and a lot of killers I play against; I'm either better than, or lucky against; less than half the time, do I lose. Especially against like Bubba, clown, and others as long as I don't get tunnel/camped, mori'd, and at least have teammates that are somewhat sentient

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    So killers should get buffed because of bad killer players that are crying in the forum? Same question

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,317

    I mean that is why whenever you play solo survivor, you practically need to get Iridescent in every emblem and practically carry entire team. It almost feels like you are the team rather being part of a team. If you win, its like you barely won. Solo is in balanced state.

    I think Tru3 summarizes Illustrates SWF VS Solo. Solo is nothing like SWF. SWF perfectly illustrates two very important points. The first is that SWF does everything faster by like... 3x because communication and optimization is far superior than solo. The other part that SWF showcases is the ability to bounce back and effectively nullifies any kill pressure that killer produces. In some sense, SWF undermines killers skill. They can fail every single possible loop and chase and in the end, It just doesn't matter. Some people use "Genrush" as excuse when they're not playing well as killer and they get beaten by solo's and stuff that is actually problematic just gets thrown under the radar. It does not help that majority of the killers are balanced around lackluster solo-play and new killers barely have any add-ons to compete against the top while leaving SWF as it strong as it currently is. You would think that they would at least add decent iridescent add-on for killers to deal with this problem, but that remains to be untrue.

    what you get is two radically different games modes that look like following:

    1 gen done+1 down(Demogorgon) vs 5 downs, 3 generator done in same 4 minutes.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    As solo survivor I think I die in 8 of 10 games, but I get pip in all of them. Have to clarify that I like to play for fun and have challenges so I don't use DS or DH.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I have no idea how you never play with hope. Some days I will have absolute d-bag killers and run DS for the next while. And then I'll eventually miss hope (or quick and quiet) and switch it out for that until I encounter a string (2-3) of killers than push me back into my DS stage.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    Wish I knew what the feeling of being able to hold a chase for 2 minutes was like ):. I want this level of frustration.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited July 2020

    But thats the problem with solo queue.

    ”most times you’ll die” “without even being able to escape in most games”

    Who wants to play a game where you put in so much effort with little to no chance of winning? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That’s why I gave up on solo survivor.

    I couldn’t care less about pips thats just a consolation prize. I want to escape! Via the exit gates!

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I really don't understand all the solo hate. Because the hatch mechanic is a thing my solo survival rate is stupidly high (I play only solo as survivor).

    So either;

    1. I'm a damn God at DBD because I do not find solo a difficult/unpleasant experience.
    2. People really don't like the slightest challenge.
    3. I live in a bubble and have magically been getting good games for 4 years.

    I know your team can determine if everyone gets out or not but the point of the match is to escape, not save everyone. Your team can provide assistance but at the end of the day its not your goal to save them all. Even if your team all stood afk and were systematically put on a hook you still get the hatch to spawn and can walk out of the trial.

    You just need to change how you play as a solo player and stop being so altruistic if your team is bad. Playing with good players allows you to help the team succeed, playing with poor/less experienced teams means you need to play more selfish so as to not drag yourself down, or if you choose to try and help them don't expect them to know all the "correct" plays.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Thing is tho, he isnt even good at the game. He thinks everythings a streamsnipe or a swf or a hack. He refuses to acknowledge his own mistakes. If you want something accurate, watch the jrm.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I mean A LOT is boiled down to the skill of the player him/her-self.

    Many killers want to claim “I lost because of SWF” but never wonder if they themselves are just bad at the game where those survivors are probably just decent.

    SWF doesn’t give you the necessary skills to win a match. Sharing information doesn’t mean much when you do not know what you’re going to do with it.

    Just to be clear I’m not saying I don’t see the difference in information sharing but I am pointing out that there is a lot more involved when winning than just “being on comms”. Half the time people are talking about their own personal life while playing not sweating like many seem to think.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    edited July 2020

    Solo queue is usually solo hell. More often than not you will get the most brain dead potato team mates who practically give the killer a free win.

    Constant reminder there is rarely a link between rank and skill.

  • Switcheroo
    Switcheroo Member Posts: 48

    What kind of emotes would you suggest they add though?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    buffing solos to close the gap with SWF IS the solution, emotes, UI indicators, etc

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    SoloQ survivor main as well. Honestly I think an ingame proximity chat could be pretty cool, like survivors could talk to each other and the killer can hear it too but cant talk back. Then you could also make perks centered around it

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    3 matches in a row where the survivors I get paired up with are allergic to gens because the killer burned a mori. I'm the first one to be found, last about 2 minutes in a chase and no gens pop. The other survivors are red/purple ranks. Why should I even try? It's awful, man.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Agreed. I'm currently rank 3 with 3 years under my belt, and get boosted ass potatoes for teammates ( ALOT ). Making rookie mistakes, and playing like they don't have a clue. I mean, there's no better feeling than being on your first hook, and seeing scared yellow silhouettes creeping around not attempting to save you. Even when someone is being chased. Every now and then I get a good team, but not often. Solo queue sucks. I use to run with a bad ass squad, but they quit playing a long time ago. The more the game changed, the less fun it became for them.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    SWFs skew the power levels. Maybe killers are too strong for solo Q currently but they need to be for SWFs so it a catch 22 situation. That said upcoming matchmaking changes might pair you with less potatoes (hopefully) going forward.

    Devs need to do something to bring solo Q closer to SWF level rather than nerfing killers.

    However I found Bond to be hands down the best perk in solo Q - its the closest you can get to SWF level information.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    This. Whenever I used to play as a 4-man we’d mostly be talking about other stuff. It’s a game at the end of the day. We weren’t sat there going over our battle plans like we’re about to head to war lol.

    I sometimes feel like I’m playing a different game to everybody else as I actually find SWF easier to kill. I haven’t gone against a single SWF that hasn’t thrown the match in some way by being too altruistic whilst trying to save their friend from being downed / hooked.

    The teams you should be worried about are the solo ones that don’t care if their teammate dies on the hook. Obviously not every solo player is like this, but there’s more of them than in SWF.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Agreed. Swf can be more difficult, but usually they're just overly reckless.

    A good solo team just pounds gens into oblivion. If you find the weak link, then it can be an easier match, but if you find the expert looper, it's going to be tough.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    I like the first comment here. If all survivors play correct solo is equal to swf.

    Oh yea I forgot that solo q is usually playing at this skill level. My fault

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Hmm, i played a 3 or 4 swf for some time, and the games were really easy to win. Knowing the other one wouldn´t just give up on hook or something really helps. Sure, we didn´t win all the time, but a majority were 3 escapes, and a lot more 4 escapes than 0-2 together.

    On the other had, games became boring (to me). You constantly knew if the killer was a thread to you at the moment or not. We know very soon who the killer were, i knew noed wouln´t be a problem at all, and we knew where we could get help, be it healing, a distraction, or someone to take over the chase you are in.

    Thats why i play mostly solo Q again, because the lack of information gives tension to the game and makes it intresting in the first place. Thats why i am against just buffing the information line of the game for solo survivors, because it will take away that tension.

    As killer, i am just not good enough to keep up with highly cooridnated survivors. While it is true that skilled solos do the same to you, swf boostes survivors of equal skill as the killer way over the level he can deal with. Sure, if you highly skilled as a killer anyway, you can handle the mediocre swf even though they have communicaton. If you´re just as mediocre as the survivors, you can´t.