My Trapper Rework.

I feel like he isn't talked about enough, so I made a concept for how I would change him.
He now gets 3 traps. Bear Traps, Locker Spikes, and Vault Wires. There is one of each in every locker, he refills by grabbing them from the locker; Like Huntress.
Without addons he can hold 1 Bear Trap, 2 Locker Spikes, and 3 Vault Wires.
The Bear Traps work the same, with a few differences. To start, escaping the trap is no longer random. Upon stepping on one you will be stuck while a progress bar is slowly filled, you will be given skill checks, failing one pauses the bar, Succeeding makes it go faster. They also down you if you walk on one if injured.
Locker Spikes are pretty self explanatory, you place one on a locker and survivors who jump in will be instadowned. There is a small visual indicator on the side of the locker, so you can see it.
Vault Wires disable the ability to fast vault, it takes some setup but can lead to you getting a cheeky hit on survivors where you wouldn't normally.
Survivors can play a small animation where they disable either trap.
What do you guys think?
And why do you think Trapper needs a rework?
He is SIMPLE and one of best killers because of that - simple to play, and fun to fight with because of that. Simple to understand. I would be happy if every killer was like that. They really ######### up with Freddy, Doctor etc, because they forgot this rule - Keep things simple and fun.
Thats said -
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I wouldn't mind those ideas as individual addons
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His early game consists of setting up traps or looking for survivors. His mid and endgame consists of hoping your traps work and continue chasing the survivors, these new traps and refilling method give him slightly more options. And he still seems simple to me, considering this would streamline him getting traps and make escaping the trap simpler. Not to mention the fact that both the extra traps are still pretty easy to understand. You stick a wire on a window and a spike on a locker, simple as that. Perhaps rework was the wrong word, but buff seemed a little to limiting.
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They could be, we haven't really gotten any new abilities with addons though, unless you count doctors notes.
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The trapper after planning and collecting his traps, the survivors already make 2 gens at the beginning of the game.
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Yeah, they really should do something about him.
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Addons make doctor stuff /beam /ring
Addons make dream pallets
Honestly I think all addons should do a status effect like the hatchets or make the power different like above.
Stat and range increases are lame.
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He needs a Red Bar.
He has to put a trap down every 30 seconds if he's holding one or he'll get tired and cause him to fatigue.
Once he's fatigued, he cannot pick up a trap or hold a trap, or place a trap for 50 seconds.
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Your right, I totally forgot about those.
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Yes. And all placed traps are closed after 2 minutes.
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Uff, I think it is still op. While the red bar is there, the killer cannot give hits.
what do you think?
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Nah, he shouldn't even be able to move.
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Able to carry 1 trap, rely on RNG, traps spawn too far away are Trapper's big problem. He need QoL improved, not a rework
Start with 1 trap, able to carry 2
Trap escape gives skill check. Success 3 skill check will escape. Success 5 skill check with Green stone
Traps spawn 30m away from edge of maps
He just need those
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Trapper is my absolute favorite killer and I've mained him for three years now. I vote no way on this. Way too strong. Just give Trapper the ability to carry an extra trap as base kit and get new ones (with a max) from lockers. That fixes his issues.
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Thats fair, I may have gone a bit to far lol.
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Some of it sounds fun, like the vault trap, but it is also really strong. I would not mind seeing an addon to trap a gen. The next person that gets on the gen injures their hand and causes it to blow up like a missed check would.
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@Pryzm as for 2nd abilities. I have alot of them
Deep traps: Takes x3 time to setup trap, but trap will almost become invisible. Survivors also requires x3 time to disarm trap.
Gen trap: Only 1 trap at a time. Trapper can not setup another Gen trap if 1 already in game until Survivor trigger it. 1st survivor touch Gen with trap with get Overcharge skill check, fail will get trapped, requires another survivor to get out.
Vault trap: same as Gen trap, just on different objects
But those are just dream, my ideas on QoL is more doable for Devs
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Having been playing him almost exlcusively lately, taking a break from hag and doc, I'd say his key weakness (not that I mind he's an awesome killer) is his map pressure lacks when he has to wander off to collect traps.
Refill from lockers wouldn't be a bad idea, which could cap at 6-8 traps max so you have to pick stuff up once you've put down your max total traps.
Refill from locker till you've placed max traps then you have to start collecting. That way you limit his early game setup weakness and make when to place and refill a strategic choice, drop a lot of traps early and can no longer refill from lockers or save a locker for the late game for some strategic late game play but have fewer traps out early.
Also I have been doing just fine 4k'ing with current base kit with no bag addons but I don't think 2 traps as base kit would make him over powered. (Because bags really do make a difference even the lowest level one).