My Trapper Rework.

SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I feel like he isn't talked about enough, so I made a concept for how I would change him.

He now gets 3 traps. Bear Traps, Locker Spikes, and Vault Wires. There is one of each in every locker, he refills by grabbing them from the locker; Like Huntress.

Without addons he can hold 1 Bear Trap, 2 Locker Spikes, and 3 Vault Wires.

The Bear Traps work the same, with a few differences. To start, escaping the trap is no longer random. Upon stepping on one you will be stuck while a progress bar is slowly filled, you will be given skill checks, failing one pauses the bar, Succeeding makes it go faster. They also down you if you walk on one if injured.

Locker Spikes are pretty self explanatory, you place one on a locker and survivors who jump in will be instadowned. There is a small visual indicator on the side of the locker, so you can see it.

Vault Wires disable the ability to fast vault, it takes some setup but can lead to you getting a cheeky hit on survivors where you wouldn't normally.

Survivors can play a small animation where they disable either trap.

What do you guys think?
