Fixing Spirit's biggest complaint - lack of knowing when she is phasing

So Spirit seems to be a bit controversial in that countering her is not easily done, especially when you can't tell if she is phasing or not majority of the time. There are usually 2 small signs you get that she is phasing. If you are close enough to her husk, the shards of glass will glow brighter (usually you have to be on top of the husk to notice this). The second telltale is that she can still move grass & make subtle footstep sounds when phasing (noticeable, but sometimes hard to react to quick enough). Besides that, there is no way to tell when she is phasing or just standing there. Spirit gets an ability to mindgame by standing still, which I mean playing as her is funny to do, but it does feel cheap as the survivor.

My idea of how to give more of a telltale as to when she is phasing is to give her a footprint trail as she is phasing. Nothing overly noticeable to where every survivor can easily watch her movement at all times, but still visible enough to call an actual telltale. If she happens to be in an area with no grass, you basically never get a legit sign of her phasing, but with this you would always have a sign (grass or not). This would also make it more detrimental for a Spirit to phase in the open, as her footsteps are more visible. At loops, the Spirit could try to hide your footprints behind walls/barriers that survivors cannot see over. I don't see how this would be super detrimental to her gameplay, as it gives a fair indication that she is using her power & requires the Spirit to actually think about trails she is leaving as she phases. Thoughts?

P.S. I play both killer & survivor the same, & I generally don't find Spirit to be too hard to counter, but I know others hate playing against her. So this is how I think something could be implemented to please everyone.


  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    I think just an actual visual sign like animation the killer get where she actually puts her hands in front of her and starts phasing. Maybe they make it to where she actually does this when she phases. Then she can still mind game but its not just standing still.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Make her hand moving thing visible both sides, you can still do dumb stand still thing and you know she MAY be phasing

    audio is whatever, at least this way there is a bit of feedback

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2020

    just change her animation if she is phassing survivors can see the animation with her hands (as spirit player can see it) thats all is needed. so we know if she is faking or not that simple, thats a qol change that will balance her a little bit more without actually making her weaker by any mean since the mindgame is still there you can pretend to use it and force a bad play but now survivors can now if she is using it. but now at least you wont get baited so hard and easily. tahts something they can do without much controversy.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340
    edited July 2020

    Personally, I feel like a good way to nerf her but still make her strong is this:

    She always has a phasing sound. Normal volume outside of terror radius, and very muted inside of terror radius. If you near are an active generator, you don't hear the muted phasing, but you could hear the normal volume if you were out of the TR and working on a generator.

    That way she can sneak up on you by phasing from a distance, and the survivors have to use their ears to play against the Spirit, similar to how the Spirit player also needs to use audio cues.

    Edit: I accidentally a word.