Look Around?

Can those who are in Spectate, maybe get control of the camera and simply rotate view while we watch Team mates? That sound good to anyone?
101 ways to make swf more broken.
But in all seriousness, swf on discord etc already is a bit of a legal, but annoying exploit, giving someone the chance to look somewhere else than the player when in spectate would be inexcusable unfair
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There are plenty of advantages for SWF already. I don't think 360 degree view and 2 or more sets of eyes is really needed. If anything, once a survivor dies, he should not be able to watch the game anymore until the game ends.
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Meh. I play solo. I just wanna watch others and look around. 🤷♂️
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Imagine if you were communicating with your friend and you were always looking his back telling him the killer is coming... How fair would that be? A dead survivor whispering on friends ear haha
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Meh, I play solo. I just want to watch others, not help. Maybe swf needs mic disabled when you die. But I'm sure ya all will come up with a reason that fails too 🤷♂️
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There's no in game comms. How would one disable something that doesn't exist?
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Perk has the Entity help killer whispering in their ear
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As others have said. Voice chat out of game are the comm.s
Other games have chat comms disabled abilities
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Come on... Don't compare a 32m radius voiceless perk to a human being speaking and giving coordinates...
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So you want people who have comms to have abilities disabled? How would you decipher who is who if everything is external?
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Nope, swf would abuse the ever loving ######### out of that. Same reason you cant see killers perks till the games over