what is harder to play on a killer or a surv?

for me killer is way harderer to play in terms of moral
when you play killer survs tbag you at any pallet or window, they accuse you after game if they dislike something, they alltogether write "ez" if they succeeded in escaping or somehow outplayed you, they whine if they lose, they prolong game by staying at the gates and tbaging.
i mostly play killer but recently i played surv and you know what? I feel relief
I dont feel this insane pressure as when i play killer counting each second because any wrong decision (walking to the wrong gen for 5-10 sec) means complited gens Getting a flashlight after a difficult chase just an amazing feeling almost as good as in a bunch of bodies picking up surv with "antitunneling perk"
As killer you always 1 vs 4 in chat dont you dare for a moment broke any of uwritten rules imposed on killer (camping someone or following him after unhook) they will tear you apart
Im a main killer but i also play survivor with my friends, definitely killer is more difficult, even a noob survivor can win because he’s carried by perks
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Killer is way more difficult simply because we are being pressured by time, and playing our cards right!
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I think the most biased of biased survivor mains would recognize that being the killer is the harder job in the game. Killers generally have to rely on survivor oopsies rather than their own skill (that's not always the case of course but a lot of times the difference between a 4K and a 0K will be some survivor done screwed up and it cost them). Survivors also are able to use teamwork and if you get a group of either really good solos or a SWF team, there are times when it is damn near impossible to do anything as a killer.
That's not to say that being a survivor is easy but I've said it before, if you somehow got four survivors who were of completely equal skill to a killer, the survivors more times than not would win the game.
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Resident Doctor Main here,
Obviously I main killer, but it is hard for sure at higher ranks. Mainly with all the SWFs and DS/Unbreakable combos. I've played as survivor before and it's way easier for the most part. Sincerely,
Resident Doctor Main
"The only good survivor is a Pizza Dwight."
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in terms of difficulty....
Solo survivor -> Killer -> swf
People may disagree with me putting survivor as the hardest but with how watered down ranks are now in solo survivor you’re expected to carry an entire team and babysit new players. Trying to do gens while the rank 20 keeps missing skillchecks and setting back your progress. Having your entire team go down in the shack and then you have to rescue them all from the basement. Getting healed and having them miss the skillcheck and bring the killer over. Basically everytime they screw up it’s up to you to bail them out. Give me killer anyday.
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killer is way harder.
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Obviously killer
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Killer is harder if matchmaking doesn't give you potatoes.
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Killer is the harder role to play, simply by nature of having to spread your pressure, and be strategic. There's only one of you as killer.
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Nah... What breaks killers is 4 gens done in 3 minutes since it is impossible to pressure 7 gens and hook everyone..
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Which platform?
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Survivor at low ranks, because killers only need to tunnel somebody out of a match, and/or face camp, at let the survivors throw the match for the save.
Killer at high ranks, because the power role shifts, and you're now on the survivors time clock. If you want to maintain your rank, or even pip, you need to juggle the heck out of the map.
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I wouldn't say killer is harder, but it can definitely more stressful. It's a 1v4 at the end of the day, and you are that 1 that has to find ways to outsmart and outplay 4 survivors.
it varies from killer to killer of course, but overall killer is usually a mentally harder experience.
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At low ranks killer is easier at, red and purple survivor is much easier.
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Well maybe it's the region you play and survivors want to have some fun.. Because in my region there are lots of matches with toolboxes, prove thyself etc. Which is sad because that is not even necessary to have fun and still escape..
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Killer is harder but of course, both sides have their ups and downs.
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Killer is by far harder to play
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Hands down: Killer.
There is far more pressure on your performance with the 1 vs 4 set-up.
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SoloQ is the hardest thing because it gives me a headache after 3 Matches, then I switch to Killer unless it's daytime. During daytime you wait like 5 Min. + for a Match. No thanks.
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You can still get an easy pip as solo survivor.
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Playing survivor doesnt take strategy, you do gens and do exit, nothing else to do and your teamates often can carry the 4th player even if they are not good at the game, hell, one good survivor can carry the win. LOL
Playing killer, you have no one to carry you, all mistakes are yours al;one and you are required to pressure entire map and do the work.
its 1 v 4,