This is a message to all survivor mains out there. I don't want to argue, I have just one request. Considering how unbalanced this game is and the very little time required to do gens, tunneling is necessary and it's the most effective strategy. Give me one good reason not to tunnel, I'll wait. (No "because it's not fun" accepted, genrush isn't fun to go against too)
So you don't want to discuss something on a discussion board?
I don't tunnel when I'm the killer because I think it's unfun. If I tunnel one survivor out as fast as possible, generally the other 3 survivors realize this and will turtle up. Now I get to play a long game of hide and seek as survivors run at the very first sign of you going to them because they don't want to be the next tunneled out victim.
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Do you create a discussion but don't want to argue?
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Getting DS'd tunneling will waste more time than pressuring multiple survivors and keeping people injured.
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
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FEEL FREE TO ASK @2ndBusiestmusicnerd OR @Respectfulnancymain BECAUSE THEY'VE BOTH SEEN ME PLAY.
Edit: I stg I've tried to fix the same typo three times now.
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Depends of the team and who you are tunneling. If you tunnel me, you probably can get me out of the game fairly quickly.
However, if you get my daughter first, well enjoy your 5 gen tunnel as we all escape through the gates without you getting 1 hook.
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Play how you want. But don't try the tunneling is needed line. It's a bunch of bullshit.
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If you think that tunneling is necessary you dont deserve to be in red ranks🤷
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Reason to not tunnel: improve your skills. If you always resort to tunneling, you will not improve.
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Because pressuring only one Survivor and just letting the other three do whatever they want is a good way to get few points and depip.
Seriously, slugging is the way to go if you want to 'win', not tunnelling.
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Whatever. I dont care. Tunnel, camp, do whatever you like.
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Tunneling is the one thing I loathe running into as Survivor. When I play killer I won't tunnel. I will slug off the hook of the opportunity presents itself before chasing the rescuer; either the rescuer had Borrowed Time and the freed Survivor has to stop and mend, or the rescuer doesn't and I keep that person off of gens until they get picked up. If the person has Unbreakable, either they're forced to use it or they get picked up and it takes the healer from what they're doing.
One way or another, I'm letting up to 2 or 3 people off gens for at least a little while.
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Tunneling is necessary SOMETIMES when you want to 4K, as proven by Fungoose. However it is pretty situational for me. The only time I tunnel, I don't even pick the survivor up, I slug and snowball map pressure.
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But you agree going after the same person all game until they die is not necessary at all, correct?
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There is a difference between tunneling when it's effective and when it isn't effective. If you're literally going to tunnel one person until death hook and not even go for anyone else, then that's just playing bad. So yeah, 100% agree on that.
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I tunnel everyone at the same time. It’s necessary.
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Ds, Unbreakable, BT are necessary. "To all killer mains out there"
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Tunneling is necessary? That's news to this red rank killer who goes out of his way not to tunnel!
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No, its not
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Tunneling is not necessary
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git gud
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It's one of many strategys to win, but it's not necessary. Tunneling Hag is very good though if you play it right.
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Lol at this point it don't matter what rank you are. Rank 20 Killers are getting paired against red ranks all the time and vice versa.
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What's tunneling to you? Going for someone directly off hook is not necessary.
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Depends on what you qualify as tunneling. Is it necessarily tunneling if I don't find anyone and go back towards an unhook but the person that was just on the hook run right into me? Do I slug them and pass up a hook state at 3-5 gens still up or do I gamble on getting a DS out of the game early or a 2nd hook early? Is that actually tunneling? If it's not, will I still be called a tunneler despite going for the smarter play?
To me tunneling is targeting one person purposely to remove them from the game despite others throwing themselves at the killer to try to get them to change targets and despite the 2nd chance meta.
If I'm playing killer and you unhook and I can't find the unhooker but the injured Survivor is right there I'm going for the smarter play and targeting the easy prey in front of me. If I'm playing Survivor and someone unhooks me without borrowed in the killers face I'm not going to hold it against the killer for downing and hooking me a 2nd time because my supposed teammate decided to just farm me.
"Tunneling" is more complex than some people make it out to be. Scott Jund made a video about the entitlement issue that touches greatly on tunneling after he was "called out" for tunneling despite video from his perspective showing he clearly wasn't.
In regards to the OP here though, true tunneling (focusing solely on one person to remove them from the game immediately) is not necessary but what many consider tunneling (not seeing anyone else and going for the already injured target) can be necessary to progress the killer objective.
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okay I will
If you tunnel you are more likely to get stabbed by DS and have the survivor get away, along with this you have almost no pressure placed onto generators.
You WILL almost always lose if you tunnel, if you don’t tunnel you are more likely to win. Along with this, a smart and coordinated team will crush you if you tunnel
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It's pretty situational. But it is unfortunate that if you want to compete with gens speeds, you have to combine tunneling, patrolling hooks, 3 genning and slugging.
3 genning and patrolling hooks close to those gens is at least strategic, but it's not fun for survivors. Nor is it fun to be constrained to one area as killer because if you leave you lose the 3 gen and die.
Tunneling is a curious one. It's interesting to see how frustrated survivors get when they are put in the position of the killer, ie chase after chase after chase with no break in between, instead of having their otherwise nicely paced matches of high action chases, paced by chilling at gens. But it does not let them do the rest of what they can do in game so i can understand how frustrating it is. I don't think its healthy for the game for it to be necessary.
Slugging is just boring for everyone. It's sad that it's necessary.
In a perfect world survivors would have an objective that puts them at risk of interacting more with the killer, that needs some brain power to complete and is completed at a reasonable time, so then survivors could get a bunch of extra tools to deal with camping tunneling and slugging.
Unfortunately we live in a world where the objective survivors have is holding one button on a thing for 80 seconds, reduced to 47 with 2 people.
I don't really like that these practices are necessary, but it's been a while since ive stopped feeling bad about doing it in game. It's definitely better to play like an arsehole and have a chance of winning than playing nice and fair for some M1 gamers to then act like they outplayed you because of bad game design.
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That depends on the situation. If you're Clown, going up against a team you know is a 4-stack SWF, and nobody is an obsession, it makes a lot of sense to tunnel someone out early. Especially on a map like Cowshed or Torment Creek.
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If survivors genrush and you don't tunnel you lose, this is the reality.
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Sure if you face survivors who genrush bad or don't genrush at all. A problem is m1 killers as well. Maybe if you are playing freddy or billy you have a chance, but what if you are playing doc or bubba? (Which is a m2 killer , but he's really uneffective right now due to his low chainsaw speed)
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Sure go watch my Twitch VODs and judge the survivor's for yourself. Like I said tho @Respectfulnancymain has seen me play so feel free to ask them for their thoughts too. Same with Musicnerd.
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You play with your daughter? That's awesome
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Sounds like the game is just not fun. So why are we playing?
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Tunneling is unnecessary. For example, imagine you chasing the same survivor the whole game, it gets to be irritating and frustrating. The survivors made all five generators in a short time, however, wonder if there is a survivor who is inexperienced in the game and he ends up playing with red ranks because of the matchmaking of the game. Well, then you end up tunneling this inexperienced survivor and you end up ruining his game, even though it's not his fault. Now think.
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Thanks! She got us into the game. She had to save my ass a lot at the beginning, now I'm not so bad, but she is definitely the one that carries us!
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I prefer slugging thanks
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Yea like people have said tunnelling is not required to win games. If you tunnel someone fast enough to death it might work but it usually won't. Instead you should be slugging, which is absolutely required to win against a decent team or you're not going to.
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At high level you have to tunnel/camp sometimes to win.. only casuals think you shouldn’t
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Funny because my particular main kikler has the opposite. Tunnelling is TERRIBLE for Pig, both for rank AND my powers.
Slugging is more necessary than tunnelling and people don't hate you for it as much.
Honestly, it's killers like you that have brought about this "second chance meta" that a lot of other killers complain about. You make statements like this and follow through on those actions, then survivors will do whatever they can to survive.
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Ah guess I'm casual at rank 1 within a week & being a pretty big killer main at this point thanks never realised :/
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Oh this is a message just for survivor mains? I play both sides so guess I better head back out.
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I can tell you're completely unbiased in this discussion by your name alone. Totally know you're completely open to any and all responses to your post. Completely open mind. Mmmmhm.
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The reason you struggle now is because you never learned to play properly. So many killers progress in ranks by tunneling because the quality of players between purple and red is very different. So these guys tunnel all the way to rank 4 or so then cry because survivor is too strong.
No, you never learned how to pressure gens, adapt, play chess on the field. You are still playing checkers and getting smoked.
I had a great match today where I had to get creative and anticipate where survivors might go when they think I'm on the other side. So (Freddy) I teleported to an out of the way gen figuring that is where they would go to heal. Set two dream pallets and here they come. They thought I was coming from the other direction. Downed all three quick because of surprise. I learned that from the many butt whoopings I got on the way up the food chain.
I lost one gen to score three hooks, 2 of which were death hooks.
After the match two said that I completely rattled them with that move and they fell for the stoopid dream pallets because of it.
Learn to play better, mix tunneling in as a tool when needed, but not as the only one.
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Bruh thats all you guys make it on here an argument rather than a discussion its clear by the wording he will talk just in a respectful manner
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ds exist
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Tunneling works some of the time. It just depends on how much you can lose. If you can get rid of someone quickly while protecting the gens at the same time, it's very efficient and so is camping. Just depends on the situation. I've had to tunnel someone out of the game after 3 gens but due to it, I was able to hook a second person near 3 gens and they had a choice. Rescue and run away or try to do the gens and get caught by me then repeat the process until another dies.
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The way I see it is tunneling is a great way to swing the game in your favor and possible "win". But, it is an unfun way to go about the game and is generally used if you are unskilled. This is a great way to climb the ranks, but you will never be as good of a killer as someone who does not want to tunnel. In the long run, it hurts you as you won't learn the tricks needed to become a better killer, as you rely on cheese strategies. And when you run into survivors who all run DS, you'll have a lot of issues/probably lose.
That said, I tend to pick 3 and only focus on them. This means that I might chase the 4th survivor if they are caught out, but I will never prioritize them. If there are 2+, I will only go for 1 of the 3 and force them to play super safe as death hook approaches. Before this, I would proxy camp hook a lot and tunnel a decent bit, but I noticed this held back my skill as a killer. I'm hoping one day I can improve to the point where I won't need to "assign" one survivor as my AVOID.