I've started tunnelling & camping... and I don't think I want to stop now!

PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I remember, way back in the day, I once complained to a killer that literally face-camped me that it was poor game-play from him. His response was one that stuck with me: "punish it by doing gens".

I try to be a "fair" killer. I'm decent (Rank 1) with Spirit & Pyramid Head, but less so with other killers. And I like variety. I like to play Nurse, Doctor, Hag, etc, etc. Of course, the way the current match-making is set up is that (currently) I have to go against red ranks regardless of what killer I play, which means when I play any of the other killers, I'm at a severe disadvantage.

When you mix that with SWF depip squads with object and stretched rez, etc, who insist on gloating and hurling abuse at you in the end-game chat, it makes me wonder "why do I bother? I don't play the game to be made to feel bad."

I know many have gone through this, and often quit the game entirely. But my attitude switched.

No longer will I now be "fair", and give survivors a chance under the assumption that they'll be decent, etc. Now I'm gonna unleash the full power of any/every killer I play.

Yes, I'm gonna camp the hook. There's 3 other healthy survivors around, leave the gen and try to rescue if you can. The odds are in your favour. Severely in your favour. But it means you're not doing objectives, and I'm finding that more often than not, these SWF can't cope with this. They cannot reconcile having to choose between letting their team-mate die on hook for the sake of the gens, and not being given a free save. They get confused, and they make mistakes, which I capitalise on.

Sure, I still get the accusations of camping and tunnelling... but this time they're warranted (instead of being arbitrary excuses), and I don't care. They all died, I "win".

And when they call me a "noob", I point out that this "noob" just 4K'd them all... so what does that make them? Lol.

If you don't like the camping, punish it by doing gens.

And don't forget the totems too... I could be running NOED.

Gone are the days of Mr Nice/Fair Killer. SWF have had their run for too long, and I'm tired of being the punching bag. I'm fighting back, and I urge other killers to do the same.

SWF need to learn they don't control the rules of the game, they're not the power position, the killers are! We've been shamed into playing by their rules... since when do the lamb dictate to the lions how to hunt?

My strategy is to put pressure on you, SWF groups... let's see how you cope with that with all your t-bagging, clicking, etc. Doesn't look like it's working too well for you so far :D

