Were Engravings nerfed ?

I don't know, but it makes sense if they did, because they did increase the base chainsaw movement speed.
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Probably it doesn't matter much, because the increased charge time should discourage usage anyway due to heat build-up. And to think they were the only add-ons I used, aside from the occasional drift king Billy. What have we become.
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It doesn't make sense as the overheat mechanic already made them really bad, as longer charge time makes you overheat faster. This nerf ( if it's true ) is overkill and makes the add-ons completely unusable.
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I'm taking it at face value, not everything else along with it. I agree the Overheat mechanic in it's current state is way to punishing for just playing a killer.
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they straight up murdered billy and then pissed on his grave
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Excuse me, but they didn't increase his movement speed.
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They stacked and gave you + 35 % Speed on your Chainsaw, so you moved at 265 % Speed. Now you will move at 240 % Speed with both of them. Before you moved at 245 % while only using the yellow one, not to mention the doubled Charge Tiime increase.
I don't get why they nerfed those, they weren't a Problem on their own.
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Anything worth running on the PTB Hillbilly has a penalty tacked on. It’s why players disliked old Nurse’s add ons. Nothing just does good things.
Less likely to hit a wall? Can’t turn.
Go slightly faster (nerfed the engraving speeds)? Same slowdown on charge time.
Yellow charge time addon becomes purple? Huntress movement speed (laughably bad).
Increased turning? Hit a wall and your chase is over.
A lowly iridescent addon that makes the killer not instadown. Laughable.
The flashlight addons are an idea. I’d prefer action speed boosts in addition to a movement speed buff. Otherwise it doesn’t do anything really.
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In the Hillbilly PTB with his addon rework, the engravings had a reduction in their speed increase, but kept the charge time penalty.
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Yes. They were nerfed. I don't wanna play with Billy anymore
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No worries. It was a good question.
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Yep, they were murdered in the PTB.