I've started tunnelling & camping... and I don't think I want to stop now!
I remember, way back in the day, I once complained to a killer that literally face-camped me that it was poor game-play from him. His response was one that stuck with me: "punish it by doing gens".
I try to be a "fair" killer. I'm decent (Rank 1) with Spirit & Pyramid Head, but less so with other killers. And I like variety. I like to play Nurse, Doctor, Hag, etc, etc. Of course, the way the current match-making is set up is that (currently) I have to go against red ranks regardless of what killer I play, which means when I play any of the other killers, I'm at a severe disadvantage.
When you mix that with SWF depip squads with object and stretched rez, etc, who insist on gloating and hurling abuse at you in the end-game chat, it makes me wonder "why do I bother? I don't play the game to be made to feel bad."
I know many have gone through this, and often quit the game entirely. But my attitude switched.
No longer will I now be "fair", and give survivors a chance under the assumption that they'll be decent, etc. Now I'm gonna unleash the full power of any/every killer I play.
Yes, I'm gonna camp the hook. There's 3 other healthy survivors around, leave the gen and try to rescue if you can. The odds are in your favour. Severely in your favour. But it means you're not doing objectives, and I'm finding that more often than not, these SWF can't cope with this. They cannot reconcile having to choose between letting their team-mate die on hook for the sake of the gens, and not being given a free save. They get confused, and they make mistakes, which I capitalise on.
Sure, I still get the accusations of camping and tunnelling... but this time they're warranted (instead of being arbitrary excuses), and I don't care. They all died, I "win".
And when they call me a "noob", I point out that this "noob" just 4K'd them all... so what does that make them? Lol.
If you don't like the camping, punish it by doing gens.
And don't forget the totems too... I could be running NOED.
Gone are the days of Mr Nice/Fair Killer. SWF have had their run for too long, and I'm tired of being the punching bag. I'm fighting back, and I urge other killers to do the same.
SWF need to learn they don't control the rules of the game, they're not the power position, the killers are! We've been shamed into playing by their rules... since when do the lamb dictate to the lions how to hunt?
My strategy is to put pressure on you, SWF groups... let's see how you cope with that with all your t-bagging, clicking, etc. Doesn't look like it's working too well for you so far :D
No one cares.
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You cared enough to comment... guess that makes you no-one. Which is about the weight I lend to your opinion.
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Well by doing this you officially lose any and all right to complain about genrushing, tbagging, clicking, or anything else that may ruin your experience since you're ruining someone else's.
Have a great day.
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99% thing said in the post-game-chat are toxic, because you ain't played by their rulebook. I just skip that ######### and leave ASAP. You can't change their opinion and they can not change you. Just play your game.
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I find it painfully boring to just sit there and stare at a hanging survivor but I guess if you have fun standing there, go nuts.
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Welcome to the efficiency club.
I'm glad you finally found your full potential.
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These "Please Validate Me!" topics are getting kinda old. But I guess at least it's not another NoED/DS topic.
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You can urge me all you want, but I'm not gonna adopt the most boring playstyle in the game and take Ls because I would rather just stare at a hooked survivor instead of using my killer power, pressuring gens, and mindgaming survivors.
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And... the life goes on 🙃
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do what you want. everyone here tells you it's boring cause it works. :)
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If I dont camp I lose anyway. I used to be rank 20 and never camped and after like 100 games of never getting a single kill I have way more fun camping and guaranteeing a kill since it makes me feel better that i was actually a killer.
I went from rank 20 to rank 8 by camping with hillbilly (sad hes getting nerfed but I mean if he was able to carry someone as bad as me i guess he needed it) using a build with Hex: No One Escapes Death, Hex: Haunted Ground, Make Your Choice, and Iron Maiden.
Been thinking of changing MYC to Insidious though.
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You need to scrap the whole build. Bubba is getting a buff so I'd switch from Billy to him. You could run Blood Warden, NOED, Agitation, and Iron Grasp. You'll get more value. BUT you'll get better at the game if you decide to play normally and not camp. You just need to learn tiles and how to pressure gens properly. This games takes a long time to get geniuenly good and you aren't doing yourself any favors by playing like this.
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I'd love to be able to if I can manage to get a group of people and play kill your friends or something. that way i can get more practice and games in. Plus im working with the perks that I have
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soooo.. is this how scrubs come out of the closet these days?
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I wont judge you for doing it but a really good swf will punish you I can tell you havent been against them and also enjoy staring at a hooked survivor instead of doing actual chases.
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k, idgaf
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this community is nuts!!
this game need a new name ruin by daylight there all better.
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If after 100 games you weren't getting a single kill then seriously you need to get better.
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At the end, you must play whatever you feel like is funny for you. This is, as you well stated, a game for having fun. If you got fun by playing what is called "fair killer" and you found that didn't made you comfortable, play the way you like (always not using cheats or third-sided programs of course).
Someday you'll find a game that will do 0 gens in 10 minutes but you'll find chests, totems and secondary objectives done and you'll think "oh, decent players exist!" and maybe that game will sattisfy you being a fair killer again.
Have a nice day fella!
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Uninstall the game.
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Well everyone get yourself a 4 man swf squad now. Say where you play, leave your names and create your swf squads here. Best way to deal with campers and tunnellers.
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You mean the I dont have the skill to play the game in an exciting way so I must use a crutch like camping that's about as fun as watching paint dry...club
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PC EU, Karu. Lmao.
But in all seriousness that's the best way to beat these killers but not everyone plays swf and it's awful--we want more solos not less.
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edit: survs have Camaraderie, if camping will go completely out of hand
editedit: only €49,44, and all your problems are fixed!
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The death progress on a survivor when hooked should be slowed when a killer is in range, according to the heartbeat strength to the point where it just stops decaying when your standing there face camping.
Problem solved.
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The devs have tried that...
Survivor's abused it so badly that it had to be removed.
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Must have been before my time... Though I don't see how survivors abuse it when all the killer had to do its walk away!
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I cant exactly practice when my queue times are 15 minutes or longer. Plus, if the game is rewarding me for what I'm doing now then thats what I am going to keep doing.
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I get it. I am so tired of the clicking and teabagging... but I can't bring myself to tunnel anyway. When there's a decent group of survivors that don't click and don't teabag, I play as nicely as I can, and I don't feel so bad for losing then, in fact I'm even happy when they don't lose theit items etc... I just try to play as well as possible, and if I don't win, it's cool. However, when they click and teabag me, when it turns into that typical situation where you realize you cannot have any control whatsoever and where it almost feels like being the bullied guy in highschool that simply is outnumbered by a group that enjoys making that one person feel bad about themselves... then I stop playing completely and pm them and ask if they feel good making fun of me and kinda confront them with the fact that I'm aware that they're much better than me and that it hurts that they rather make fun of me than just trying to let us ALL have a fun match... some of them stop when they read that and realize that not every killer is a toxic one, some find that even funnier and increase the toxicity. I guess I'll stop playing killer completely as I don't find it realistic to actually work on my gameplay when all of what those groups do aims at making me feel bad in comparison.
But you do you, and if this is your way of dealing with things, I don't judge you. Just try to make sure to not play like that against groups that aren't toxic at all and that play normally.
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You can? It's called playing the game to improve?
I have a friend who couldn't play Nurse- still can't tbh. 20 minute queues but he was determined and played nothing but nurse for almost 20 hours. Not including queue times, just recording his games. He's infinitely better now than he was at the start.
Play to learn and you'll improve. Play to remain the same and that's all that will happen.
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Welcome to the club brother. Enjoy the many 4ks, salty survivors, and wear their tears as a badge of courage, and honor.
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So...you're camping and tunneling...exactly like the vast majority of the killers since day one...nothing new or important here...you can be proud of yourself...want a cookie ?
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As long as it works in your favor
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"I'd rather be braindead and play in a way that's sociopathic and selfish in nature because I don't want to challenge myself and let others have fun". There, I fixed it for you.
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You do you. Sometimes camping a hook is the right call, other times it isn’t. I’d suggest mixing the two options whenever possible and let the survivors cry about it if they want. Their logic is generally flawed anyways. If I hear someone crawling around or glimpse someone running near the hook I’m not leaving. Why would I? Half the team is by me doing nothing and one’s on the hook. I’d prefer multiple hooks on each survivor but if you hand me a free 50% stall I’m taking it since I’d be stupid not to. Overaltruism deserves a good curb stomp imo.
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You're free to use scummy tactics. It's not bannable. Just enjoy less BP.
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I approve of this thread.
Play to win, dude. However you see fit. Take that survivor rulebook and wipe your ass with it.
They tried that. It was easily abused by survivors. Go figure.
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It honestly seems like he’s just tired of toxic swfs (which I can understand) but you don’t need a swf to deal with face camping/hard tunnelling killers. It mostly just requires brain cells and abandoning altruism. A survivor is on a hook for 2 minutes if the other 3 do gens that equals 3 whole gens (not counting the time the 1st survivor was in chase for).
So the killer could potentially be looking at 1/2 kills with no chase points and a garenteed depip at red ranks. Whilst the others teabag and flashlight click at the exit gate. I would assume they’d also depip at red ranks since they’d have not many points either and that would be an issue.
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"Go nuts Tiger"
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So, killer hooks a survivor. Visually SEES a survivor run to the hook before he has a chance to walk away. He's supposed to just LET them get the unhook? Or chase them around the hook (which would be the survivors fault, not the killers) and have the progress of the hook slowed?
Are you okay? Jesus christ.
"I dOnT sEe HoW sUrVivOrs CoUld AbUsE It"
"ThE kIlLeR jUsT hAd To WaLk AwAy!"
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indeed, camping and tunneling is casual, chilling, fun... if you dont mind about low BPs it is perfect
it is even better if you can FACEcamp instead, specially to punish perky SWF
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The way he writes this post, it's like he's figured out a secret way to win against SWFs lol
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I don't validate camping, but tunneling is just efficiency.
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Lol thanks for letting us know ? ??
My guess by the last comment is someone must have really done you wrong. I never understand the purpose of these type of posts. Like, play the game the way you want... I’m pretty sure you don’t need anyone’s approval last time I checked.
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Literally the only reason you made this post was to spark outrage. Nobody cares... except for entitled salty survivors.
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Ino how to counter it but the thing is in swf you can easily get everyone to escape.
Trading with the hooked survivor when they are about to die while the others rush gens. Unless they are an extremely good killer for camping you should be able to pull it off.