Survivors Holding The Game Hostage

Just had a game where I got a 2k with The Plague and 1 gen left(3 gen strat) they started being immersive and didn't want to do any gens.I was trying to find them for over 10 min and gave up and dc.In end game chat one survivor who immersed with the other said "Kate we did it".This is beyond me why is it allowed.Im not against stealthy playstyle,im agains them not even trying to do any thing so i can find them.
That's not allowed.
Purposefully hiding with no intention to do gens for an excessive period of time (which is obvious when they're not touching gens for 10 minutes and even admitting it by saying "Kate we did it") is considered holding the game hostage. Next time record it and submit a ticket.
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Sorry but when I read this I laughed out loud. This has happened to me as well like once with Trapper. Which Is why I now have Doctor when I see 4 Claudette's. Because ######### your hiding in a bush and ######### your hiding in random dark corners.
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It's not allowed, you can report them for it.
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Yup, it's quite infuriating. They apparently had fun hiding though. Holding the game hostage is a bannable offense but I assume you need to submit at least video evidence to hope for any consequences for those players. I don't know about you but I don't record my matches.
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What about killers when they down survivors and don't kill them and let them bleed out? Is this not the same? As it happens every other game
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What else are they supposed to do though? Finish the last gen and get killed by Noed?
They probably were looking for totems and hatch.
You losing them says something about your playstyle and not them
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No, because there's still a timer on bleedout. There isn't a timer when survivors refuse to progress the game.
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You're on XB1 so you can record the last few minutes by clicking the XBOX button in the middle and then "X". It will record up to 5 minutes that you played before which probably is enough to proof they were intentionally hiding especially if you run Surveillance like in your screenshot.
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Hypocrisy at its finest
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As much as it sucks to be left on the ground for 4 minutes the game will end. This is what makes it not a hostage situation.
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No, it is not the same. You will bleed out in 4 minutes when you get slugged.
If 2 survivors are intentionally hiding -especially on a big map- the game can potentially never end.
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If it's literally a game-over situation like in the screenshot, report them.
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It's not hypocrisy when there is literally a timer on bleedout - eventually the game will end because the survivor will die. Survivors refusing to progress the game and hiding from the killer is actually holding the game hostage. The bleedout timer is only 4 minutes and starts at the first down. Survivors holding a game hostage for 10+ minutes is not even close to equivalent.
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It's not. That is how devs have stated things are.
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Why not open the exits and guard both of them
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Can't reply to all 4 comments above. But it's 3 v 1.just the oppiste of a real game. Just because survivors can hide in lockers for an endless time, but when they get downed and the killer just stares at them and has a timer, what really makes this different? The fact the killer got fed up and DCd. JuSt RuN iRoN mAiDen
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Actually I'm on PC but playing with a controller.
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You still can record what happened with the Xbox app and or get a screen recorder
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It's still not the same. Lemme get it into your thick head
A killer can slug an entire team, but eventually they will die after a few minutes, you can check your phone while your entire team dies and you will at some point end the match.
However, if the survivors refuse to stop hiding, there is no end to it unless they get found. No endgame collapse timer, no crows if they exploit the pointing an locker animations. As the killer, you can't just sit down and wait, you have to either dc or spend years running around, wasting everyone's time, until someone either gets found or dc's.
And also, IT IS NOT OK TO EITHER THE LONG SLUGGING OR THE ENDLESS HIDING. But one is taking the game hostage while being an ######### and the other one is just being an #########
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You litterly just tried to just if one then said its not okay. Your biased so your points invalid
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Why are you mad though?
You could of easily found them if you actually planned a route out like opening the exit
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Did you just had a stroke?
I said that both of them are annoying, but only one can truly be banned because it effectively takes the game hostage.
Also, you telling off someone else's opinion because you think it is biased? Talk about hypocrisy
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You first line there basically says it all.
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I think if you're literally the last survivor and the killer lets you bleed out for no reason (the killer could wait out DS and you're on your last minute of blood or the killer could wait for 1 survivor to bleed out so the other survivor can't get up with Unbreakable or escape via the hatch etc) even though the killer knows your location it can be considered griefing.
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Just take aura tracking perks. :^)
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But you can't do that to poor old killers. They don't like things going against them
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Oh boi get outta here. You are the one who is biased. Everyone gave you solid points but you just DONT WANT to understand.
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Point out one solid point here
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A Hostage situation by definition means the game will not end unless someone dc's. Its a very simple concept.
This is why when survivors hide as in the ops situation its considered holding the game hostage since they are not doing the objective.
If a killer has 3 gens close and refuses to chase and just hits and walks back prolonging the game for 20+ minutes that can also fall under the same bracket.
If a survivor is bleeding and they let it happen its not a hostage situation as the game ends within 4 minutes. While its considered being toxic its not a hostage situation.
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Rather than DC. Face a wall. Get BPs. Game finishes. No one holds it hostage. The OP decided he couldn't take it so DCs
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Someone that just sits on your body for 4 minutes for absolutely no reason other than to act like a big shot is not a killer.
Those people are usually frustrated kids that want to feel powerful which is why they will often not appear as killer again. That's what I noticed. The most rude acting killers never play a lot as they can't take a loss and EVERY active killer loses once in a while with absolutely no exception.
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Its not. You bleed out in 4 mins.
You can avoid doing gens forever.
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It's not allowed but totally not punishable. Devs could easily implement a time limit or something but they actively choose not to. Seems to be a running theme with this game.
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The game will literally end within 4 minutes (max) if you get slugged and bleed out.
If the survivors refuse to work on the last gen and just hide, the game can go on indefinitely unless the killer finds them (who knows how long that can take against good hiders) or the killer DCs.
You may not like having to wait those few extra minutes for the match to end when you're slugged, but the game will definitely end. The only way for a game to end in a match where the killer can't find the survivors is for the killer to DC. This is the difference. One automatically ends the match, one relies on the killer DC-ing and losing all their bloodpoints at the survivors refusal to progress the game.
It's not killer bias, it's game mechanics understanding.
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No, that's a waste of the report function and the people who look at them waste their time.
Its not hostage taking as it will end, and it's not griefing as its not multiple games and isnt holding it hostage.
The report will do nothing but waste everyones time.
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No the other doesn't.
Yiu have to do 5 gens to open a gate. Just because survivors don't do it in a timescale is not holding the game hostage. That's entitlement at its finest
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This has been a problem for years now, and BHVR won't do anything about it. The last time they did anything about players holding the game hostage. They gave survivors a free win mechanic (The Hatch).
Yeah. The entire purpose of the The Hatch was just so that the last survivor would be less inclined to take the game hostage when they are the last survivor remaining, by either finding the hatch for a free win, or the killer finding the hatch and forcing EGC (Which we all know that if you don't find the hatch almost immediatly, camp a door and you will open it before the Killer has time to walk across the map to get to you anyways - hence the Free Win Mechanic).
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It is punishable.
I created a thread with video evidence myself ages ago (with censored names, of course) because I wasn't sure myself and one of the mods or devs (can't remember) replied it was in fact bannable and told me to report them next time (obviously with another clip).
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Fair enough, but why are they allowed to hold the game hostage in the first place? Why should people be banned for what is a developers mistake?
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I've tried to make this point numerous times but people just can't accept it as bleeding out had a timer but a match doesn't. It's frustrating trying to explain it to the people moaning so your best leaving it
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Just die before the killer loses patience and disconnects. Got it.
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Its not about the OP dcing its about players not engaging in the game by means of doing the objective when a hostage situation occurs.
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There's no timer on gens. So it's not a hostage situation. The games been developed this way. No one was asked or forced to DC. It's a choice
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Using your own logic here, the same can be said about slugging...the only difference is that the slugging game ends in 4 minutes. Not the timescale you want it to, but at least it will end.
This guy's game was held hostage for over an hour:
That is definitely not "works as intended."
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There are many issues with this game and most are simple fixes. I find it odd that the devs would rather ban people who take advantage of thier awful game design instead of actually fixing thier game.
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This has nothing to do with the struggle phase
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So, that's all the counter argument you are going to give
Nvm this guys, this madlad just replied with "no u" to an online argument. No point in trying anymore
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If you take your head out your ass for 2 minutes to actually try and understand the whole concept I'd be happy to debate. But you are such a 'mad lad' there's no point at all. THE GAME IS DEVELOPED WHERE THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT TO DO A GENERATOR. GET IT IN YOUR HEAD. THE DEVELOPERS MADE IT THIS WAY. THE DEVELOPERS
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Report it and let the Devs sort it out. That is the danger of a 3 gen strat. It works when they don't pay attention, but you risk a prolonged game with immersed players. In some, not all cases you get players who legitimately are trying to figure out how to get to the gens, but are hiding in the meantime. In others, you get players who figure they will punish you by hiding and trying to get you to DC.
3-Gen strat with caution. No matter what, even with honest players, you will be looking at a very very long match. I had a group 3-gen vs my Trapper recently. It was an overall accident by them. I was not playing that strategy, but it just ended up that way. I was dreading the next thirty minutes of cat and mouse. I killed two, and two got out with a key they found. I was so relieved, honestly relieved that it was over. They did not try to hold the game hostage, but what could they really do? 3 Gens close together riddled with traps all over. I mean these gens were close. One in the killer shack, and one 2 seconds outside on either side. Absolutely nuts! That may be the only time I've ever been grateful for keys as a killer. lol
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But it still wasn't intended to be that way.
Survivors should still be supposed to at least try to do the gens (the developers intended for it to be that way) if they refuse then there is no way for the game to end.
This isn't "trying to avoid the killer" kind of hiding, this is "let's see who dies first so I can get the hatch" or "let's just not do the objective" kind of hiding.
And of course there isn't going to be a timer for the gens to be done, that would be unfair.
The players are taking advantage of a mistake made by the devs in order to screw over someone else by avoiding the game from ever progessing. THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF TAKING A GAME HOSTAGE
Plus, you were the one who started telling people they were hypocrites the second they disagreed with you.
I guess we are both stupid anyways