Super Discouraging Matchmaking

So ever since this new and "better" matchmaking went live I get put in games like this... Its the exact opposite of fun to get farmed by a swf 4 stack that had a combine hour total of 7000+ I literally have less than 150 hours in the game...

I understand that its "skill based" and I should feel happy I'm considered a good enough killer to play these people. The ######### thing is I literally just do not have enough hours to have enough perks to be able to compete in some of these lobbies. I mean for ######### sake look at the ######### build I'm running because its simply the best build I have on Legion.

If we're going to match people based on skill they need to make it easier to unlock perks so that I can compete. All this new system makes me wanna do is afk for like 200 games get a ######### mmr and start farming people. Obviously I won't do that but man do I totally understand why other people do.

As a new player going up against a group of people with literally 50x as many hours is just flat out not fun...
