Super Discouraging Matchmaking

So ever since this new and "better" matchmaking went live I get put in games like this... Its the exact opposite of fun to get farmed by a swf 4 stack that had a combine hour total of 7000+ I literally have less than 150 hours in the game...
I understand that its "skill based" and I should feel happy I'm considered a good enough killer to play these people. The ######### thing is I literally just do not have enough hours to have enough perks to be able to compete in some of these lobbies. I mean for ######### sake look at the ######### build I'm running because its simply the best build I have on Legion.
If we're going to match people based on skill they need to make it easier to unlock perks so that I can compete. All this new system makes me wanna do is afk for like 200 games get a ######### mmr and start farming people. Obviously I won't do that but man do I totally understand why other people do.
As a new player going up against a group of people with literally 50x as many hours is just flat out not fun...
it hasn't gone live for PC yet
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Thats even weirder... So why on earth are most of my games like this on Killer?
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Because matchmaking is ######### and has been for 8 months now.
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I was under the impression it had gone live as I've noticed some differences, or thought I had.
Algorithms take time to adjust. It's never quick. Give it a month or so - honestly - and see how you feel about the in game experience. (Ignore the numbers - numbers - like stats - can lie. ) 😘
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IDK, going off of those points it seems like it was a good match for both sides and they were all likely on death hook as well. I'd love to have high point games like that every time.
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Yeah If it hasnt gone live they definitely tweaked some stuff behind the scenes imo. My games are significantly harder than theyve ever been on Killer. Survivor is about the same, just have to deal with the solo queue tunnel farm that mid ranks presents lol
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The matchmaker has always been borked. Sometimes it can be like that due to queue ratios. And technically you are within their +- 6 rank parameter, so the system sees this as okay and normal. But It's not like we don't understand where you are coming from. It's something that a lot of players speak about.
The current ranking system doesn't do players any favors. It's really easy to rank and it doesn't say how good the player really is. It also doesn't help that Legion gains emblems incredibly easily despite not being very strong. You might have been unknowingly shot up in ranks where you aren't used to how everyone plays. The same thing goes for survivors.
I know it sucks, but there isn't much we can say but things like:
Turn off chat, just focus on improving, don't take this game that-that seriously because it isn't even balanced enough to warrant ripping your hair out for.
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Tbh the only reason I got that many BP is because I was farming my ability to injure them the david got hooked at the end and I think I was able to hook one other player... The score definitely does not show how much of a thrashing I took.
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I mean I can understand that, but man is it super super discouraging as a newer player for almost 100% of my games to be this different in time played/rank I get outplayed quite a lot which is fine, but for me to almost never be in games that feel balanced just makes me not want to play honestly
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Thats not that bad. Earlier I was in a two man for a head on video. (Were both red rank btw) and got two rank 20 teammates, and a rank 11 killer. Trust me it can get a lot worse than that.