A question for peeps who play trapper
I played trapper for a while. I found that all of the games I lost with him were because I found someone too early. I would get into chase and lose potential for my power.
I had usually placed all the traps in my hand at the time so therefore had none to use in a chase.
I feel as though If you continue to set up. Survs with comms or even just a single survivor will now know your location, therefore the location of your traps; simply avoid the area or go and immediately disarm them.
This sucks the worst on some Macmillan maps and blood lodge, ones with open planes.
What would you do in this Situation?
I down and hook them, then continue to set up.
It's annoying to find someone too fast as trapper... but letting them leave for free is usually the worse option 🤷♂️
But I have to disagree, the macmillan maps are actually amazing for trapper. So much grass.
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I do the same thing I do as hag. 15 second fungoose rule. If I don't get a hit or a god pallet within 15 seconds I stop chasing. If I get a hit, I will leave them to go heal, and continue to set up, unless they run into a deadzone.
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For me if I find someone early on, I chase/injure but not overcommit unless I know it’s an unsafe area for them.
This way you scare them away Far enough that you can set up your traps and now they either have to heal or not and be Insta down.
That is what I do when I find a survivor. I don’t however spend too much time setting traps... I look for survivors and set traps along the way.
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Personally it’s the saloon map for me. Trapping main building there always gives me results. But each to their own.
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Saloon is good too.
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It really is the dilemma for Trapper. You have to decide when to chase and when to set up. It's what makes the trapper a strategic killer. I would suggest looking at the map when you first start the game. Try to find the following things.
Where is the Basement: A huge viable strategy is to play around the basement. This usually requires agitation or iron grasp in your perk list. By just trapping around basement and hooking there, you drive survivors there. Survivors then have to decide whether to play risky or cautious. If you throw in territorial imperative, you will always now when someone enters the basement to save.
Find a cluster of gens to protect: As Trapper, you are going to lose gens. However, survivors I find are way more cautious in Trapper and Hag games due to the traps. This gives you time to set up traps at loops around important generators. When it comes down to it, find a viable three gen and protect the hell out of it. As a killer, while it is important to stall gen progress, it is essential to lock down a part of the map for the end game. Because of that, you shouldn't go out of your way to save every gen.
If you think about it this way, it will help improve your games.
Extra tip: Sometimes just place a trap in the open, it is surprising how many survivors I have gotten with this. Survivors are so set on traps either being in grass, pallets, or loops that they will just run through open fields.
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Also, what does your perk layout look like and what add-ons are you using? I hate to say it, but Trapper can sometimes be reliant on the load-out.
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Depends on set up, I usually go for the hit and then gauge how easy a down its going to be, if they loop and move well then leave em after that hit and finish set up. If its likely a gen will pop during that chase then leave it as now you are one gen down and still have to set up, hook or otherwise.
Lately my build has been thana, bbq, pop and nurses/brutal/sloppy depending if I want location or chase or slowdown. With thana the hit still provides some benefit albeit minor and I don't eat up too much set up time, if its a quick down then its just extra pressure.
Also nothing wrong with the chase taking you elsewhere if there are traps to collect in that area. You now have two places with at least some set up. A few traps here and there on the map to catch survivors off guard usually always pays off.
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Even if you don't have time to set up, you can set them up 'aggressively' at a pallet and force them to leave a loop. It probably won't catch them, but if you can force them away from a safe loop and make them take a weaker and easier to mindgame loop, you'd still be getting some value out of it. Even if someone does run in to disarm it, they're wasting time doing that and you can easily reset it whenever someone else runs there.
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Was rocking the two perk build innit.
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My other comment seems to have disappeared. The Trapper is a strategic killer. You have to make a choice of when to set up traps and when to chase. When you start the game I recommend that you do the following things.
Determine where the Basement is: A viable strategy is to play around the Basement. It is best utilized with iron grasp and agitation. Set up the traps and then hook in the basement. It then drives survivors to the area which will help with chases and tracking. Survivors will also have to make the choice of whether to play risky and go in or play stealthy to avoid traps. If you add on Territorial Imperative it will let you know when people are in the basement.
Determine the best possible 3 Gen: You will lose Gens as a killer most of the time. It is important to notice what the least distance to travel is between 3 generators and trap around it. Trap the loops, the grass, windows, and pallets. Even if you lose generators, survivors will be force to come where you are and the network of traps you set up.
Other Tip: Sometimes just place traps in the open. Survivors get so nervous when playing against trapper. They will be cautious around the typical places. They will just sometimes run into traps in obvious places.
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Usually as Trapper, in the beginning of the match if I find someone right away, I smack them then leave them for a gen patrol. If I find nobody at the gen I went to, I trap the strongest loop near it and continue to pressure the next gen. Or just straight up skip the trap and go to the next gen and try to add some map pressure around there.
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Pop Goes the Weasel is a good perk on him. I would pour blood points into him and try and pick up Ruin or Corrupt Intervention to stall the beginning game. This allows you time to set up your trap network. Nurses Calling is also a good perk as there are going to be a lot of people hurt from your traps. Add in the add-on that hurts people when they disarm traps and it is vicious.
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basement is not important. if it happens to be in your area, great. but you shouldn't waste time looking for it or defend the gens around it just because the basement is there.
finding the cluster of generators and defending it is way more important. since they are what determines the best area to defend.
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I would agree with that. I think in general I was pointing out the 2 prevalent trap placement strategies. I mostly focus on the cluster and look at that for every killer. You have such an advantage at the start knowing where every generator is.
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I'd probably play Trapper the same Way I do with Hag. I set up my Traps inside an Area I want to keep and I lure them into my trapped Area, if they leave my Area completely, I stop chasing.
He might do that Job even better since he is a 4.6 m/s Killer who can down People quickly with Mindgames. Hag has to rely on her Traps.
But both should be played pretty similar. Lose 2 Gens, lock 3 Gens down with your Traps and the Area you want them to be in and they'll probably go down pretty fast.
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I don't play Trapper a whole lot, but when I do if I find someone early I usually just injure and avoid any long chase - if they're out in the middle of nowhere and I know I'm going to catch them fast I will keep in chase, but if I can see they're going to run me around then I break chase and carry on with my set up.
I sort of expect to lose a couple of Gens at the very start when playing Trapper because it does take me a while to set up properly especially on some maps, but then I tend to snowball a bit more with him than I do with other killers (plus it's really satisfying when someone goes in one of your random traps :) ).
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Trapper is a great killer. He's arguably the most psychological killer in the game, except maybe Hag. Setting traps is all about anticipation and learning from the past and the current group of survivors. You can't be obvious with your traps, or you can act obvious while laying a trap...pun intended. I'll elaborate more in a sec.
Weakness: Trapper's biggest weakness is the gawd awful idea of giving him only one trap base kid and making traverse to dead zones all over the map to get more. You find yourself having to walk the map several times just to set up an area, by then you've lost pressure. The cure? I have more bags than you can count. I hunt bags over all ese in the bloodweb. I've foregone getting perks on a bloodweb filled with bags. (I'm an addict and I may need help!)
Early detection: Never, never over-commit to a survivor found early. If you can get a good pallet or two broken and a swift whack on the butt, let them go. Especially if they wander near a cluster of traps you can pick up. Trapper needs time to prepare, and you can't waste time in a long chase early. If you do, you lose, period.
Being sneaky: Everyone expects the trap at the killer shack window, so give em that trap, but put it further away, or place another in the likely path they'll take to get to the trap. Another trick is that people expect the trap at the pallet, but if you put it at a corner they will likely hug tight while looping that pallet, you are more likely to catch them. People rarely expect a trap behind the tree next to that gen they will most definitely work on. Think of where they will move if you approach the area. You can learn that by playing survivor and watching your teammates.
Trapper is fun, but has some huge drawbacks. Good groups can exploit those drawbacks in big ways leaving you to your wits and limited weapons.
If only the developers would help him with his limited trap issue. Imagine starting the game with 2 traps, and being able to retrieve limited numbers of traps from lockers instead of having to travel across the map for those 3 traps in a dead zone. Yeah.....that would be so nice.
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As trapper you want to setup your traps before chasing someone. Unless you know you can get them quickly. You don't want to waste too much time trapping though. I suggest corrupt intervention to buy you some time in the beginning to setup. Also bring trapper bags. Being able to carry more traps is a god send. At the start of a match I even pick 3 gens that I WANT to defend. I'll let them take certain gens so when they have 1 left, it's in a mine field of traps. Whispers doubles for trapper. When you learn how to use it not only is it great for finding survivors but it will also tell you when survivors are not near you. This means you can probably place a trap and no one will see you do it. Whenever possible, hook someone in the basement and trap the hell out of it.
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Great point about Corrupt Intervention, that so good on him - really helps with that early game!
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Open maps are trappers bread and butter. The loops are few and far between which are great for him as you have those trapped with a few to spare.
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I find the worst maps for trapper are The Game because there is no tall grass. Every trap is out in the open.
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Otz has a decent guide that might help you.
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The only trap you need to place is your devour hope shield.
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He actually sucks the worst on maps with buildings as there's no grass to blend them in with. Also it takes a really long time to find and set additional trap while every other killer with traps has all of them in disposal. I do prefer if survivors disarm traps as that buys a little bit of time. Still I think he needs a small buff such as an increase in trap setting speed, increase the amount of traps trapper has by default, or no longer have it that you need to keep finding traps on the map. Instead you have all of them with a minor nerf to overall amount of traps or changing the escape from traps to be seconds not a RNG mechanic.
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My opinion blood lodge is absolutely awful for him. Even though there’s tall grass there, it doesn’t matter as you can be seen from a mile away putting them down.
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Indoor maps are rough on Trapper. The Game, Lery's (hit or miss based on lighting and where the loops are), most of the Underground Lab. The traps stick out and are harder to be tricky with. The Game is by far the worst. I hate the new map because aside from being colorblind and that map being one blurred pallet of color that gives me a migraine, it is a serious pain to get recover traps around the map. Who thought of this thing? It's an amazing piece of art, but functionally asinine. Between the migraine issue and the convoluted task of having to traverse that inane map to find traps, I usually just wander around in the courtyard until the match is over. Not worth the headache, literally.
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The weird thing about Trapper and Hag is that they can afford to let gens go. Set up your 3-gen, let them pop those far away gens and when endgame comes, they'll regret it. You've trapped every loop and every path, they're either gonna get trapped or let you know which gen they're going for by disarming. You don't need to overcommit to early-game chases because of this, just smack them to scare them off if you're still setting up your zone of control.
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trap the bottom or top of the stairs, you'll be surprised how often they catch people.
the destroyed walls on hawkins actually hide the traps quite well in the debris. try them out.
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The point of breakable walls is to reduce the value of loops by the killer going through them. Placing traps there would only undo that. Otherwise you're better off leaving breakable walls. Try imagining how survivors will run through loops and put traps in odd places of them. You can also be cunning and place traps underneath places where survivors drop far from vaults. I did it with the floor hole and tubes in Hawkins Lab and the results were hilarious.
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Hag can, but trapper can't. His traps are extremely limited and he has to spent a rediculous amount of time back tracking across the map to find more.
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I wouldn't call myself a Trapper main but he is one of the few characters I have P3 right now and I play a decent amount of him.
The main thing I can say in response to your post, since it mainly seems to be about finding somebody early, is don't be afraid to injure somebody and leave. If it's early in the game, it's crucial to get your traps into position. I watched an Otz video recently where he was talking about Trapper and he was essentially trying to describe the Trapper, and he sort of said along the lines of "There's maybe 12 pallets on a (hypothetical) map, and Trapper starts with a base 7 traps or something, so each one of those is essentially taking one of those usable loops away from the survivors." That's really butchering it, but I think that's a good way to look at it: even if the survivors see you putting down your traps, it's good to get them into those positions where you can take advantage of their ability to cut off survivors' loopable areas. If you get to late game, you're not really going to have time to grab those edge-of-the-map traps.
Anyway, that's the best way I can think to put it right now. It's pretty much just simply math -- getting those bear traps into position and constantly being able to reset them faster than a survivor can disarm them has won me over many kills just by sheer pressure and being able to pinch the survivors into a tight spot. Don't sweat the early too much, because the late is where you're gonna shine as Trapper. If there's an easy enough hit go ahead and take it because it takes however many seconds for the survivor to go through their heal process, and only takes you a few seconds to hit them and wipe off your weapon. Like others have said though, if it's early on and the survivor you see is going to a strong area that is going to take you quite a while to catch them at, it's best to just keep to your setting up and bide your time.
Good luck with the tips you pick up from the thread :)
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My roommate mains Trapper and he does this exact strat.
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There are no breakable walls in hawkins.
But there are destroyed walls.
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Basement not important as trapper? It's arguably his biggest strength. Get someone in the basement, trap all the entrances, and it's gg for that survivor. Typically more members of the team will funnel into it as well.
I find that due to the RNG nature of traps, as well as the extensive time needed to set them up; it's best to try and use a trap to it's fullest potential. And that's killing someone outright in the basement with it. Losing 1-2 gens to set up a few traps and just getting a single hook off them isn't enough.
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Thank you kindly 😊
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I agree with most other posters here but especially Pryzm.
I'd just say: watch lots of Otz videos (I watch em while queuing).
I used to be a Trapper main but probably play Doc more lately. I used to be getting 4ks regularly with ol' Chuckles but when I prestiged him I got a different set of perks and I've been losing more often so probably shouldn't give advice.
That said..to the issue of early survivor chase-not ideal but doable if you don't waste too much time and you can pick up traps on the way. If you waste too much time and they pop some central map gens you're gonna have a bad time tho.
You are going to get screwed with by red ranks SWFs-I've had traps that were tarred that I could barely see to pick up sitting setup well hidden in grass get disarmed by trolling red ranks-try not to get too butthurt about it and occasionally they'll get cocky and complacent and even run into two obvious traps in front of the open gates.
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It also increase the risk of finding a survivor too early, but still better than them doing gens while you set up traps.
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Trapper can indeed defend the basement quite well. But it doesn't mean it's important. You can defend almost any hook just as well.
Putting so many traps around a hooked person means you don't have them near the gens, where you actually want them.
If they manage to get out 1 time, you will have wasted a lot of time and resources. Plus at least 1 perk slot for agitation. If they can't escape, it probably means you are camping the hook or they are making bad plays, and you don't need the basement for either of those.
Losing a few gens is irrelevant if you never lose the last 2-3 because you properly set up your traps.
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I don't agree with that. I think hag can defend almost any hook as well as the basement. But trapper without tar bottle is mostly limited to putting traps in grass. If there is no grass near the hook, they are a relatively easy rescue. Trapping the basement entrances and being nearby means you can reset the traps if someone disarms it and goes for the save. It will basically be impossible for someone to get out unless they both dead hard over the traps.
You always have to be camping near your traps as trapper as it is. They are largely worthless unless you are right nearby to get a survivor from them before they get out on their 2nd or 3rd attempt. If you are setting up with the basement in mind you can typically secure a 3 gen near it, and pull people from any nearby traps into the basement and seal them in.
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The Game is the worst for the Trapper. Most times I don't even bother spending time putting down traps if I get that map with him. Just hold them for chases.
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I just keep playing. And learning slowly
From total defeat
To 4k with paddle jaw vs Red ranks. Survivors' blood point proves I didnt even tunnel.
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Use both dark add ons for trap and cover up the door way or the fall drop. 9/10 you will catch anyone even high ranking.