Dumbass moments from your teammates

Elena Member Posts: 2,187

As the title says, have you ever had teammates that make you 🤦?

I'll share a story of mine, once I was solo queuing and there was this Laurie on our team. I was hooked and I had kindred so there was no excuse for why one of them could get off a gen and come and get me. Anyway this Laurie decided to run towards me, I was anticipating her to rescue me off the hook. But like your stereotypical Meg main, she decides to work on a generator right in front of me while I had plenty of struggle time left. It made me want to reach through the screen and choke the player lmao.

I waited for the Laurie to die so I could ask her why she completely ignored me, her reasoning was, and I quote 'I don't know you, you're a stranger, who the ######### are you...'. I've never had anything piss me off and confuse me at the same like that sentence did. What is the point of playing an ONLINE MULTIPLAYER game if you don't appreciate strangers? Makes zero sense.

What idiotic moments have you had from your teammates?


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Teammate t-bagging at exit gate against a deathslinger with noed.

  • Cierax
    Cierax Member Posts: 21

    Not a specific moment, but the times when either they unhook right in front of killer or sometimes when im hooked and the killer is nowhere near me and i can see them crouching super close about to unhook and i want to yell for them to hurry up because its safe but they just stay crouched.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953
    edited July 2020

    3 teammates crouching in corners of the map while leaving me die on my first hook. Kindred is such an amazing perk sometimes.

    One time I unhooked Bill, I had We'll make it and tried to get him to follow me so I could heal him fast. Bill decided to self care under the hook and we were against PH with Sloppy...

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    I got downed and hooked literally right in front of the exit gate. Whilst this was happening, another survivor was being rescued with BT. I said to let the rescuer get me, as she had BT and therefore it was a free escape. The rescued person said he had BT so he's rescuing me... which led to complete disaster because he meant it as in he had the effect of BT, and not the perk itself. The killer hit me, I went down again immediately and died thanks to that completely pointless move.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    I think an easier list for me to make would be regarding amazing teammates. I swear 90% of my games are with bots. I don’t believe it’s real people.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Imagine this scenario. Unhooked Claudette, took a hit, killer chases and downs me. When I'm hooked, Claudette begins self caring while sloppy butcher is active instead of saving me. God, I hate self care.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    Yesterday I was hooked in the corner of the swamp and the Trapper placed two traps right in front of the hook not in any grass, just mud. I had kindred so everyone could see the Trapper spend 10 seconds placing traps around the hook. Someone ran across the map full speed directly into one of those traps and got downed. We lost off of that despite only having one gen left and 4 people alive.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited July 2020

    When a teammate throws down a pallet right in front of me.The killer spares me and goes for that teammate😀.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited July 2020

    I had one of the dumbest and funniest moments from a team mate last night. It was a Cheryl. We were against a Myers. We were the last two survivors.

    She was running him around while I finished the last gen. I finished it. I went to an exit. I was half way through opening it when she went down. I 99'ed the gate and waited for her to be hooked. Then I opened it as she was hooked relatively close to it.

    I had BT and was taking a risk going in because Michael could pop his tier 3 on me. But this Cheryl had been a solid team mate so I wanted to at least try. And it was her first hook too.

    So in I went. Michael was proxy camping as expected. I just ran in and grabbed her at the most opportune time. Michael however just stood and stalked the hell out of me. I thought oh hell here we go. I ran as fast as I could to the gate with Cheryl in tow.

    Michael followed. We made it to the exit. I just left. I then spectated and Cheryl was standing near the line of the exit teabagging Michael. Then suddenly he popped his tier 3. Instead of knocking her out the gate he grabbed her and TOMBSTONED her 😂

    The entire match we had no idea he had a tombstone piece. He had been using his tier 3 to just insta down.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited July 2020

    This match happened to me during the 4th anniversary event.

    I remember that it was a match in which there were 5 cakes and it was on the map of the swamp. The first thing I did was avoid being the first survivor found by the killer, so I started doing the generator that was on the ship. And guess what, it was ghostface and caught me unawares when I was in the middle of the generator. Then he hooked me on a hook that was near the ship, almost in the middle of the map. The killer went back to kick the generator that I was repairing, I suppose he had pop and is going to patrol the other gens (the other survivors were repairing the other generators). just when he seemed like he was getting far enough away, the survivors made 2 gens. Then the killer changes his mind and decides to camp for a while until I get to the 2nd hook phase. At this point, the 3 survivors return to save me and when they realize that, 2 things happen.

    The first thing is that then they quickly make the other gens again and let me die, except for a survivor who decided to save me almost in front of the killer, I thought he had BT but no..

    The second thing, the killer hooks me and I die, the worst thing is that in this match I had a bulid that had no DS. At the end the match ends with 2 gens and all survivors sacrificed. In my opinion, a waste of cakes.

  • Trial_By_Scythe
    Trial_By_Scythe Member Posts: 65

    The other night a teammate was running both Sprint Burst, and Lithe.

  • DaddyPyramidHead
    DaddyPyramidHead Member Posts: 33

    When i had Kindred and bubba was camping me. All 3 teammates showed up and lets just say we all ended up chilling with bubba in the basement.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    I hope I can use my own idiots moments too.

    I ran the killer right smack into my teammates WHILE I had Kindred on and another teammate was on the hook - so there's that. I was like OMG what did I just do? I apologized after the game and they were so good about it. Thank goodness none of them were hooked or die because of that. I would have felt horrible.

    Got a teammate off a hook during EGC not seeing or hearing the killer right behind me when I did it. They hooked me, I died, ( totally deserved) and hit my other teammate down. Thankfully one of our other teammates didn't take the exit and was waiting around (the other left immediately when they were opened) and saved the teammate I screwed up on.

    First time I saw ghostface. I froze. We literally both stood there for a good 30 seconds face to face. I accidentally end up running towards him rather than away. lol

    MIchael - standing there staring at me at a window. We both stood there. I was waiting to see if he was going to come through the window, or what. I waited too long - he was fast going through the window. I really should have ran when I could lol

    Legion - not realizing they could side over palets like the survivors the first time I faced them. ohhhhhh If they could have seen the look on my face when he came sliding over it.

    Teammates. Too many to note. Seriously. I'll think of some unusual ones and come back.