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[5 months] 🔪 I finished my personal challenge: 100 matches with every killer [In a row - No addons]

MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Hello there, today im writing as much excited as i can be. Long time ago (very long time ago, even before i registered this forums) i got a personal challenge for myself: "Trial and error: perseverance" challenge.

#1 Warning: Im not trying to show off anything. This was a very funny challenge to do for me and to show myself that i can become a better killer and survivor. Also i don't have a lot of screenshots, didn't knew i will post this in the forums and i was willing to have it as a personal reminder but i want to share.

#2 Warning: "That build its just so useless versus...". I know, i know. Those were my final picks and i tried to be as much realistic as possible without spoiling me anything. You may differ from my builds/gamestyle and that's perfectly fine! Im not a pro playing any killer, i just tried my best to get a nice combo of perks that fit my gamestyle.

Also, before people asking (if someone's gonna read this hell of words: Yeah, i still did it even with the Tome active which i bought but i wasn't able to finish it due my personal challenge). Lost my auric cells but hey, i got a nice experience so its pretty balanced in that aspect.

My personal rules were simple:

100 matches with every killer in a row, i wasn't able to decide and the place of every killer and were picked up as they appear in the Killer selection page. Also, i wasn't able to put addons so i was naked in that aspect. I wasn't able either to use the following perks:

  • Hex: No one escapes the death.
  • Hex: Devour Hope.
  • Make your Choice.
  • Rencor.
  • ...Or any "insta-down" perk, Hex or not. This reduced a bit my perk selection a bit by the wa

Im also not allowed to do the following actions:

  • Chase the one that got hooked previously.
  • Stay more than 10-15 seconds around the hook (even if i see marks).
  • If i got the same survivor again (for whatever the reason is), down him and let teammates do his thing.
  • Make the game larger by only patrolling the same 3 generators.
  • Put memento/map offerings. Only coins and/or points offerings.
  • I can decide if i give some mercy if i find the last hatch with the survivor on the ground/in my shoulder.

✔️ Im allowed to do the following actions:

  • Have skins (why would i not have them?).
  • Put points offering or coins to prevent chest appareances.
  • Put skills that aren't "insta-down" perks (even DLC ones).

⚪ My objective:

  • Learn how to play correctly a killer by myself.
  • Find the learning curve of every killer and try to find by myself a proper strategy that works well with my playstyle.
  • Control objectives (generators, totems, doors, hatch).
  • Fail as less, learn as much, kill as many.

Today im relating how my learning curve affected to those killers and how i became a better survivor by just playing killer for months.

Let's start then, shall we?


  • Pros: Highly dynamic in my opinion. Can ruin safe pallets in persecution and take down nice loops.
  • Cons: He's slow when he comes to trap. You should have in mind that 1 or 2 generators will pop off without you even noticing. Without NOED, that makes my game harder than i was able to.
  • Loadout: Sloppy Butcher, Brutal Strenght, Barbecue & Chili, Whispers.


I didn't get so upset with the matches. I already have lots of hours playing the trapper since he is one of my favorite killers to play so... Well, you know. Games got pretty hard when i didn't got my end-game perk (NOED) ready. One of the toughest things for me was leaving some chases for the sake of not losing all my gens.

My strategy was quite simple: Search the weakest survivor and make him feel unsecured. I can already relate when someone is a good/bad looper. Also not having addons makes me have a hard time choosing where to put certain traps. I know the obvious places are Shacks, around pallets and go on.

But i got an incredible success placing them in loop without pallets (some windows) as they don't expect to be "behind" the window.

Most of the games was me placing certain traps, leaving chases due to a generator being done or a trap disarmed. I somehow managed to put a nice strategy that worked quite well in most of the games.

  • Place 1-2 traps. Carry one trap, go to patrol the generators that are next to you or in your range of action.

Due to the need of having the addons, i saw my traps as a HIGHLY value ways to ruin the good places. Also, when a survivor gets trapped, he's more aware of their enviroment.

I felt good when doing a nice games in a row, my traps finally got better in placement and hiding (remember that no addons, so they're pretty visible).

Last matches were funnier than i though. Place trap, kick generator, hit a survivor, *trapped survivor*, grab (for more points, better than hitting them) and hook. Go to the start and repeat.


  • Pros: Pretty annoying to play against. He has the semi-stealth factor since you can see him if you are a bit aware. Also, his speed boost when he comes out the invisibility is pretty nice if the survivor is missplaced (running in a non-pallet area or unsafe pallets).
  • Cons: If the survivor is somewhat aware, your invisibility goes against you since they can run away while you're getting out the invisibility. I hate lanterns.
  • Loadout: Pop goes the Weasel, Bamboozle, Brutal Strenght and Unrelenting.


Well, i also loved this character even before starting the personal challenge, but when i wasn't playing my challenge i was using certain addons (Bone clapper + The Ghost - "Soot") that makes: My bell when cloaking/uncloaking sound in every part of the map and, when uncloaking my terror radius and red stain is supressed by 6 seconds.

But i can't use that loadout here, this is no-addons challenge also so... Welp, let's do a new strategy. Him having the normal speed (4.6 m/s) helps a lot since you can play him M1 without using the power but that's not fun. We are true killers, so we need to give the power some love!

For patrolling gens and kicking doors/dropped pallets this power is incredible since you'll stay in the invis zone. Of course, in a chase that usually works against you but you can bodyblock possible escape routes while uncloaking, that makes him pretty cool.

My playstyle (even if its not the correct one) was to track generators and search, while in invisible, the survivor(s) that were dealing with it. Sometimes i "made myself dumb" when i saw they were working on an unsafe generator (that wasn't on my protection range and will make me lose a lot of time) so, yeah. Do that gen... Do it... *Creepy laughs*.

The chases at my first matches were pretty horrible. Survivors just were able to make me lose even myself in a sea of pallets and nice structures so i went frustrated the first 20 matches approximately.

Pop goes the Weasel carried me so hard. My strategy swapped from long chases to a short ones, as with the trapper, searching the weakest survivor and take profit of the Pop goes the Weasel in this case made me gain some nice time.

But what happens when the 4 of them are by far more skilled than me (not so hard to accomplish, to be honest)? Then my Pop goes the Weasel goes against me! So i needed to change my mind and, sometimes, change my Brutal Strenght by Knock out. That perks makes the downed survivors in a range of 32m impossible to see the downed survivor.

Was useful? Sometimes. They most of the times search the survivor, other times they got almost instantly him off the ground but that's the kind of pressure i want. Searching the downed survivor is by far sometimes more useful than hooking in time-saving methods. Allows me to do a fast-patrol to the gens and see if they are really searching or rushing up the objectives.


  • Pros: Fast map placement, also with a bit of skill your active is an insta-down that will save a lot of time with chases. I did this BEFORE the rework announced in the PTB.
  • Cons: Some hitboxes are pretty annoying, for example while using your chainsaw next to a dropped pallet with a survivor, the pallet will have preference (or that happens to me all the time). Without addons, his power is one of the hardest one to control (along with the Nurse). If survivor goes to a very short structure, you have no choice but stop using your power to prevent the generator rush.
  • Loadout: Barbecue & Chili, Monitor & Abuse, Pop goes the Weasel and Infectious Fright.


First games were like HELL. No really i was thinking "i hope the 100th game arrives fast, this killer is just horrible for me!". My power attacks were just terrible, survivors with not even a 360 were able to make me lose myself and stun my power with a wall.

Took me a long time to discover how to use correctly the power and how powerful was this killer. My initial thoughts were replaced with "oh no you don't!" when they made a mistake with my chainsaw semi-charged in unsafe pallets. Also, Hillbilly has the power to make survivors drop your interest pallets with the chainsaw baits (aka. god pallet in shacks).

While hooking i really understood that with Pop goes the Weasel i could just go to the farthest generator and take profit of it. A friend of mine while playing heard me complaining about how hard was to find some survivors with Hillbilly due to the chainsaw sound and he recommended Infectious Fright *Blessings to him by the way* .

Infectious Fright carried me since it works with my downs (auto-attack and chainsaw ones) so i could see and track near survivors, using it along with Pop goes the Weasel to have objectives very close to me.

BBQ is just an incredible perk that helps me to get the furthest survivors too so... Nice combo of perks to make myself pretty powerful: I got gen control, survivor perk control and a perk that i find interesting (if not almost needed in my actual Hillbilly build): Monitor & Abuse.

The reduced Terror radius helps, of course but i wanted it for the secondary application: FOV +10, that with a Hillbilly helps a lot with pesky survivors trying to avoid your near chainsaw with 360 or just moving like crazy. I know i could just use the Shadowborn perk instead but a bit less of Terror radius gives me some advice to be stealthy when it comes to move inside buildings with low mobility.

I know this is not the correct way to play Hillbilly, but is the one that worked for me. My M1 hits are only for pallets that i want to force but i don't have range or window jumps. An injured survivor will make more noises than a healthy one so let's take profit of it while i down someone to start the match!

Actually i love this killer so much. Mindgames with the chainsaw are so fun and interesting to do since survivors need to know where to move correctly to not end in the ground.

I'll re-do the challenge with only Hillbilly + Leatherface when the rework comes out so... Im excited to see how those changes will affect my actual gamestyle!


  • Pros: Incredible map mobility. Annoying as pallets doesn't work that well for survivors, what makes the matches incredibly fun! She's powerful even without addons.
  • Cons: Hard to learn. Her power is complex and sometimes you can get stucked in objects, terrain and/or have the power non-usable (happened in 2 matches). Also, she has the lowest mobility between all killers so chases without the power are out of the negotiation table.
  • Loadout: A Nurse's Calling, Tanatophobia, Pop goes the Weasel (can be changed by BBQ) and Sloppy Butcher.


Oh the pain! I remember clearly when i touched her by my first time. With some large hours playing this game, i never get his power on my hands so this was completly new. To be honest, this is one of the killers i got more frustrated by playing by multiple reasons:

  • His power is absolutely crazy but has some serious problems sometimes (colission issues, i got stucked behind the map 2 times in the Legion snow map, my power got stucked and i wasn't able to use it).
  • His power requires to know a bit about him and his range. Also, you need some fast reflexes for doing the hit when the survivors try to avoid her.
  • His speed is one of the most slow ones in the killer list (3.8 m/s), so you must use your power to end chases. When a chase gets long enough, she's potentially out of the game imo.
  • Requires precision. Let me explain this, i know there is a AIM HELP for killers but sometimes this aim help goes against you hitting the environment (pallets, walls...).

I knew it. I can feel it in my bones. This wasn't a killer for newbies and i was going to get genrushed in every game. Of course, my fault! If i wasn't able to end chases and apply pressure, how i was able to stop the generators?

Solution: Getting better. Between matches, i got a break. I needed to learn maps and, knowing there was different versions of the actual maps, know "a bit" my environment and how maps were placed. If i was able to chase succesfully a survivor with the power knowing where to Blink without eating floors and/or furniture in certain maps, i might have a chance.

And there, my learning curve started to grew. While my reflexes were getting better, my blink placements were still a disaster but not as much as my first games.

100 matches weren't enough to make me a godlike Nurse, but went enough to make me a decent Nurse. Im sending from there much love to Nurse mains. I love you all, you've a hard time using this killer.

Final words in this killer? I. LOVED. IT.

No, really, i loved it. Hard but rewarding. You're not afraid by stupid loops and you need to know your environment and map to place yourself correctly. Also, doing a bit of prediction is almost something to have in the game when it comes to surprise the survivors trying to escape your grasp.

At the end, i managed not to kill everyone in all matches, but having a very nice time playing and making the survivors fear my screams. That sensation is... Woah.


  • Pros: Ranged hatchets that allows to hit, if you're capable of predicting where hatchets will land, survivors from long distances. Amazing way to counter some pallets as they will drop them while you get near, allowing you to throw one hatchet and injure a survivor.
  • Cons: Slower than the default killers (and yet, still faster than the Nurse). Pretty hard to have some predictions. Also, hatchets have a weird hitbox (a circle one) so sometimes your hatchet "impacts" to pallets when you clearly saw not going there. But also that hitbox helps you with survivors too...
  • Loadout: BBQ, A Nurse's Calling, Discordance and Whispers (can be Changed for Im All Ears).


Well, for any reason i though this would be easier than the lastest killers i played before. Why? Well, i always saw most of the Huntress get hatchet hits from far away and predicting where you'll run so, why i couldn't have that prediction skills?

Damn i was wrong. This is actually a pretty complex killer that requires some patience and knowledge of your maps but, most important, from pallets and windows in certain maps to know where to throw some hatchets. First of all i was trying to hit survivors and, when i got out of hatchets i just follow the survivor until i get him.

But surprise, the Huntress has a lower mobility than some default killers so until bloodlust, you can have a hard time chasing. A few games passed by and i deleted this playstyle completly as it was useless for me. While chasing, 2-3 gens were out in no time.

I feel tempted of looking at youtube how god-tier Huntress plays and try to mimic their gamestyle, but that's against my own rules since i want to find by myself how to play killers. Finally i found that if i wasn't able to finish a chase, atleast i would slow down generators by running Discordance.

Everytime i was gonna recharge hatchets in a locker, i tried to throw my remaining hatchets to the gen that was glowing in yellow and, somewhat, most of the throws were successfully when i got the rid of it! Then i though that, if i wasn't able to finish certain chases, A Nurse's Calling could help by finding people that i injured but i stopped the chase for the sake of gens and/or reloading.

Works. Works flawlessly i must add! Let me explain this a few. While the hatchet does a flying curve, somewhat you can predict where it will fall with a bit of time and patience. So when they got in a low pallets healing themselves and not expecting me...


BBQ was an auxiliar perk that helped me to know where the remaining survivors where if not near. Sometimes i swapped Whispers with Im all hears and in chases this perk is amazing. You can see the survivor behind walls and pallets when they do a fast action like vault jumping. For a Huntress, this information is just gold.

Im not the most skilled Huntress, but i started to love this killer and his peculiar way to act. While i needed to adapt all the killers to my needs, Huntress was somewhat one of those killers i needed to adapt to his gamestyle to grow as a Huntress.

  • Im still editing this post to add more and more killers. I'll be adding comments to tell when i added more killers. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Post edited by MyWorldHasCome on


  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    This comment is saved for posting more killers. I will edit this when the maximum characters/images has been reached on the main post. Please Moderators don't delete it if possible!

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    This comment is saved for posting more killers. I will edit this when the maximum characters/images has been reached on the main post. Please Moderators don't delete it if possible!

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    Ngl I did not read as I'm too tired for all those words, but the way you formatted the killers and their builds is satisfying.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Like the user above, I love the way this is formatted, I really like the idea of this little challenge of yours too. My only question...why unrelenting on wraith tho ;) ?

    I'll be excited to see more killers, you have alot more to write haha!

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Hello there! Well, i like much more the M1 killers so i try to adapt the killer to my needs... I know to do this challenge "correctly" i should learn from guides and know what to do in each moment but i want to invest myself time without guides or vids to adapt the killer and maybe (just a maybe), make it for my needs. In some killers as the Nurse i needed to force myself to learn the power, range and cooldown (since Nurse without addons is a hell to play...) but hey, atleast im trying it!

    Also, im pretty bad playing killer so i need a way to "unfail" my hits to the wall and pallets (+10 stone, +10 wood)

    Thanks for the comment!

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Haha thanks, i try to make it less stressing to read since it's a pretty bad structured, cool that you liked the way i tried to make it less boring. Have a nice day! Thanks for your comment!

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I love it when people experiment like this. Props dude.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Finally a good thread without the constant whining about something. I bet you had the most success with Freddy.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    You bet! When i got the correct perks Freddy was almost unstoppable. Also, the power is incredible strong both versus looping and long range objectives :)

  • Belphie
    Belphie Member Posts: 7

    That's so cool! Honestly I'm impressed doing 100 each :) rly cool rly dam cool

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Nice. These kind of experiments are the best for helping you learn what works/doesn’t work in the game.

    I’m tempted to do the same and test out some things. I keep getting sweatlord swf though lol so I keep leaning on the meta perks.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Thanks! Was so satisfactory when i got carried with some killers that i thought to myself "i will never touch that. Im not capable to play that!"...

    Sometimes a personal challenge is what makes the game funny. I got the most fun by just playing to make myself better! No pressures on ranks or blood points. Just a healthy challenge to make myself proud of what i did :)

    By the way, i still getting sweatlord as you with SWF, some stuff never changes...

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    I fixed so many typos, im sorry about that. Since im not english speaker you might read truly grammar errors in all the post. Please make me know which errors i got in my grammar so i can correct it, thanks!

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,847

    I wish you posted the actual results of each killer in terms of kill rates. Something like:

    • 0 kills - 9 games
    • 1 kill - 16 games
    • 2 kills - 29 games
    • 3 kills - 26 games
    • 4 kills - 20 games
    • Average: 2.32 kills per game

    Either way, thanks for taking the time to do this and post your results.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Yeah that would be awesome, sadly i didn't even took the initiative to save my progress in a text and save all that useful information, im deeply sorry about that! As i said in the starting, this was a personal challenge and i wasn't thinking on posting this on the forums but i went like "huh, i could, that won't damage anyone".

    Again, im deeply sorry for that, that was a nice idea lost for not thinking about it... :(

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Updated! Im still a bit busy but im updating this thread with the killers. For information, i did this challenge a few days ago so im not posting new results but the ones i have. I miss this challenge to be honest...