Which of these new survivor/killer gameplay mechanics would you most want in the game?

A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,022

Which of these new survivor/killer gameplay mechanics would you most want in the game? 44 votes

Fuel tanks that must be found and carried to generators to begin repairs
DaDevilsSkirtF60_31Dimekkylerabdcgamer10ZoldyarjadssCephalon_LebronTotemsCleanserDerZuntorDecemberManVixlinMeltingPenguinsThiccsty9 13 votes
Heavily slowed generator progression at the beginning of a trial until a survivor is found and hit
xEaEliteManny7Pior_MorteZephanUnbound 4 votes
All generators are blocked for a short duration at the beginning of a match
An additional mechanic added to generators, a new repair phase, more engaging skill checks
CougarOPNekoGamerXUistreelGreentheNinjautterSCP_FOR_DBDMottledElmK0mp0t1kJunsuina 9 votes
New types of loops that break the traditional style of looping
BloodyHatchetDawnMadSkullKidUndershotBlondishFoxpepeistic 6 votes
More hideables than just lockers (e.g, Tents, garbage cans, small wooden huts)
MrCool75Walker_of_the_fog_96TaigaLusiem9PRSuzia69AggressiveFTWIR3KTheTrend 7 votes
revamped crow system. Crows become more surveillance orientated, survivors can shoo them away to avoid detection etc.
Reduce the overall pallet volume on all maps, but add new mechanics that survivors can use to defend themselves instead.
[Deleted User]Awkward_FiendTwinnedHawks8772HHxMysticmusefan 5 votes


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    Fuel tanks that must be found and carried to generators to begin repairs

    fuel tanks sound like a good idea, even if they could get as tricky to find as totems (without a map).

    second vote would have gone to a new phase modus, for example a gen you have to take a cover off and then only one person can repair it.

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207
    Fuel tanks that must be found and carried to generators to begin repairs

    Many of them, them being:

    Fuel tanks that must be found and carried to generators to begin repairs

    New types of loops that break the traditional style of looping

    More hideables than just lockers (e.g, Tents, garbage cans, small wooden huts)

    Some of the reasons I suggest the changes above:

    Fuels should be found fast, and they should be not shown to the killer in any shape or form, that could backfire, but it would be cool if they could appear in lockers, that would make lockers actually kinda usefull in this game and I think it would be cool! 100%

    Breaking the old loops, is kinda good, but bad at the same time, this depends on the map itself. so I can't talk about this really that much, because I really don't have an opinion to this one.

    Immersion can lead to bad games, but it would be cooler if the killer could shut down these hiding spots by throwing them or something like that, but took like 0.5s, because the killer can't waste all their time just kicking something..

    (this doesn't count lockers)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,226

    New repair phase or fuel tanks kinda seem the same in a broad sense.

    You dont need to block off or slow down gens for x seconds when theyre more engaging to repair .

    The crows do need a rebalance, but dont birds normally fly away if you shhoo them?

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    More hideables than just lockers (e.g, Tents, garbage cans, small wooden huts)

    man, imagine this thing featuring in a outlast chapter😲

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    An additional mechanic added to generators, a new repair phase, more engaging skill checks

    Gens are boring as hell, they need something to keep the match interesting.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438
    edited July 2020
    Fuel tanks that must be found and carried to generators to begin repairs

    I wish I can vote for two because my next one would have been new loops. The whole 360 around basic loop takes no skill unlike jungle gyms and L walls. We need something more skill worthy to make it fair and balanced for both side.

    Post edited by Zoldyar on
  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50
    Reduce the overall pallet volume on all maps, but add new mechanics that survivors can use to defend themselves instead.

    the only problem with gen speeds is early game where if you don't find a survivor in 80 seconds,4 generators get done. if you find a survivor in 80 seconds but don't down them, 3 generators get done. the only common situation where you don't have multiple generators popping under 2 minutes into the match is where you down a survivor in under 80 seconds and hook them, and the survivors decide to stop working on gens to help their friend. this might not happen for many reasons, such as solo q survivors being unhelpful, survivors are too far away to want to help, survivors assume other survivors will help, or survivors are all working on gens and are almost done and want to finish their gens before helping. a "trial warmup" would help intensely, just enough to slow down generators extremely at the start of the match before a chase starts. as soon as a chase starts and a person gets hit, the warmup ends and the game really begins. this will make killer less stressful at the start of a game, and make survivors want to seek out the killer to allow their teammates to work on gens effectively.

    I don't think that fuel tanks would be a good idea. it would help at the beginning of the match but in midgame or even close to endgame, imagine one or two survivors trying to work on gens but not being able to find any. to simulate this, go play survivor and break a totem and then you can complete a gen. or even worse, play with a 4 man and no communications and for each gen that you work on, you have to break a totem. this would be so stressful late game and nothing would get done early game at all. imagine trying to find a totem when you're the last 1 or 2 survivors left and there's no progress on any of the generators and it's a 3 gen.

    so pretty much, this game is about fun. a warmup at the start of the trial would be much more fun than having to (mechanically not literally) break totems before you can even start to work on gens.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,206
    An additional mechanic added to generators, a new repair phase, more engaging skill checks

    i picked this one sounded the best.