Entity Touched Eyes

End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

So, I'll start off by saying this was mainly taken from a different post where I discuss the killers that are "unwilling" to perform their duty as a killer. Basically think of Trapper with all of the iron hooks embedded into his flesh. But this theory moves away from that, and talks about a common theory, which is basically confirmed in my opinion, and gives examples for four of the original killers. Sorry if this is a retrend of a post, but I haven't seen many people discussing it and this is important to the lore, so, let's get into the theory. (P.S. anything in italics is what I'm saying help confirms the theory)

Spirit, Wraith, Caleb, and Hillbilly can all be explained by a common theory called "Entity touched eyes". Entity touched eyes have been a theory for awhile (I feel like it has, it is possible it hasn't), which was confirmed for Caleb's release (wait for that). All four killers have milky-white/glowing eyes. (Don't include doctor, that's just electricity coursing through the electrodes and wires in his body). Let's take a look at some lore, to explain what these eyes could mean... let's start with Philip. Wraith worked at a car crusher place (don't know what it's called, no, not autohaven, the place where cars are crushed... I'm also too lazy right now to look up what it's called) and he noticed blood from the trunk of a car. He opened the trunk to find a man bound and gagged. He frees the man and his boss Azarov shoots the freed person. Azarov explains that nearly every car had an innocent life in it, and Wraith killed his boss.

Next, Hillbilly, he was sealed away in a room because he was disfigured at birth. His parents hated the way their son looked so they just locked him up. One day, Max broke free and slaughtered his parents and just about every animal on the farm.

Next, Rin, our first true case of "but they didn't even kill anyone". Spirit had killed no one, yet she was taken for her rage, possibly from Oni Yamaoka. She came home, found her mother in pieces, and her father tried killing her (speculated that he has killed himself, not confirmed but his wife is dead, he's holding the weapon, and his daughter disappeared). As Rin laid in shards of glass and blood, she wished she could take revenge on her father, and the Entity took that offer, consuming her into the fog.

Last but not least, Caleb. Ah, Mr. Quinn, he is the confirmation of the Entity touched eyes theory. Caleb was a brilliant engineer, yet his work was being stolen by Bayshore, Caleb tried to kill Bayshore but he lived, which ends Caleb sentenced to jail. The warden makes a deal with Caleb, and he becomes our lovable bounty hunter. He returns to the prison to find the warden is no longer there and has been replaced by Bayshore (who bought the Hellshire Prison). Caleb kills Bayshore and returns to his cell, where he is taken by the Entity. This next part is straight from Deathslinger's lore in game and is the linchpin of the confirmation. "At his feet, he saw a dusty path, and, at its end, silhouettes of all who had done him wrong: the boys who bullied him, the executives who took advantage of him, and, again... Henry Bayshore, Emerging from a fog were the tools to dispose of them -- unforgiving steel hooks, brilliant and beautiful in their simplicity. Pain tore through his leg as he stood, but he endured, pushing onwards, walking the dusty path, leaving a trail of blood flowing behind him." This line of text, confirms this theory... but, what is this theory exactly?

For those that don't know, Entity touched eyes make a killer see different things. For example, Caleb sees the hooks, alright, normal, but he sees people that wronged him. Weird, he even sees Bayshore, whom he just killed moments before being taken. Yet he seeks hooks completely fine, and who do we put on hooks? Survivors. That is the theory in a nutshell. Caleb would have no reason to kill, but since he sees the survivors as Bayshore and the people that wronged him, he has a desire to kill them, and he can do it forever. Same with Spirit. She has no reason to kill these innocent people, yet she wants to take revenge on her father. So if she sees all the survivors as her dad, she has a reason to kill them. Same goes for Wraith and Billy. Philip sees his boss Azarov, he's the one that tormented Wraith by shooting the man in front of Philip. Billy sees his parents, they locked him in a room and fed him through a hole in the wall. Unless he just doesn't know not to attack others and goes off a feral impulse (like Huntress) it is safe to presume (for now until disproved) that he sees his parents instead of the survivors.


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Nice one :3

    It'd be cool if the devs would add a slight optic effect to the killers in question so that we can get glimpses (hah!) of what they are seeing in-universe.

    Also.... with the Entity having to spent more and more and more energy on ... holding (?) killers like PH or Myers and their worlds, could the day come the vision etc slips?

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    If The Entity feeds off any emotion, it perhaps has the ability to know what tactic will draw the most emotion out of the killers. With Philip, Max, Rin and Caleb, the powerful emotions they feel at the injustices they've been witness to has a greater strength than if they were to be tortured. Maybe The Entity realises this through experimenting with different ways for different killers!

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    This all leads to another question:

    if we do assume that killers can interact after trials, how would the entity get around anyone (legion e.g.) who sees the actual survivors spilling the beans?

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    I suppose a quick answer to that would be each killer is being dealt with in different ways. Those who are tortured would fear being tortured more for saying anything. Those who just enjoy it such as Legion or Jed Olsen wouldn't want to spoil their cushy role. Adiris sees The Entity as a God, so fear would work with her and Leatherface.

    Even those who are so powerful they can break The Entities rules such as Michael or Pyramid Head probably don't speak anyway! Michael just kills, and Pyramid Head's ties to Silent Hill probably means it could leave any time it wants to.

    I just feel that having the killers able to converse is a troublesome situation regardless. However, if this is indeed a thing The Entity I'd imagine uses multiple tactics tailored for each Killer.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited July 2020

    So we might reach the moment when the Entity bites off more than it can chew?

    edit: is that a genuine lore-reason we don't get 2:8? cause can you imagine in-universe killers trying to organize who goes after whom and ending up confusing each other because Wraith would be all 'Who is Bayshore?'

    edit 2: You know what's most bitter here? Once again Caleb is getting exploited...

    Post edited by MeltingPenguins on
  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

    It is entirely possible the Entity can come across a situation where it indeed has made a mistake, but through the observer, we know it only attacks worlds that don't understand the metaphysical relationship between their own thoughts and the world they live in.So maybe that won't happen yet.

    Seeing as how we don't know exactly how long each killer has been in the world, and the Entity grows stronger each passing day, I doubt there would be a time this visage slips up, revealing what the survivors truly look like. The Entity definitely goes about each killer differently, Entity touched killers see survivors that look like the people that wronged them. Tortured killers have their body mangled in some way to show they weren't willing at first. Those that enjoy the hunt don't have any difference to their body, examples would be Huntress, Clown, Michael, Ghostface, Legion (Some of these killers also have black, soulless eyes, mainly Huntress and Clown. Which might mean they just enjoy what they are doing).

    Every killer is being exploited technically speaking. Plague prayed to a god in hopes of the her plague ridden body being cured, but this god just turned a deadly plague into a deadly weapon. She houses a living infection inside her body and induces herself to vomit to not only attack, but get others sick. Spirit wanted revenge but she still remains cut up and dismembered. Caleb gets to hunt, but he is hunting people he doesn't realize aren't his enemies. Oni doesn't have glowing eyes, but he probably sees the survivors as false samurais, and he was forced into literally becoming the thing he hated being called, an Oni. Huntress may just not know any better, or she just sees it as enjoyment. Trapper has iron embedded into his flesh to show that he was tormented to do the bidding of the Entity.

    If we go on like this, we can find small flaws in certain killers to show that they are being misused and treated unfairly in the realm, but they don't care anymore, because it's better than what happened before they got taken. Spirit can live on, so can Plague. Caleb can hunt the people that wronged him, Oni can continue his legacy of a samurai and cut down the false ones. Huntress gets to have enjoyment from her chases. Trapper gets to hone in on his trapping skills and doesn't have to worry about a family fortune. No matter their situation, this is better than when they were in the real world.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    If we do assume for a moment the order Killers 'appear' is chronological for the Entity's realm. Which means it only recently brought in the killers and arenas it has trouble controlling.

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

    Well, we don't entirely know that. The devs have stated that there are killers in the trials that we haven't seen before but others have. Meaning the same for survivors. Let's take a moment to look at the timeline. Plague is the oldest from Babylon, and then Huntress confirmed WW1, so approximately 1917 (when Germany invaded Russia during that war, it was 1914, we don't know for sure where she's taken from. Safe bet is 1914-1917). This is where we can't really confirm many years of being taken. Clown has a set year, Doc does as well, with the newest being either Spirit or Legion in 1996 (i think that's the date on the photo for the graduating class, that or '98).

    So while interesting offer on killers being added into the trials as we're seeing, while entirely possible, I do not think that is the case. But it does bring in killers that it either has trouble controlling or let it do whatever it wants. Examples are Michael, Pyramid Head, maybe even Demo.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    yes. what I meant was that they are added 'chronologically' within the entity's realm, so not necessarily in the way we perceive it.

    also: if we assume the number of 'slots' for tomes in the archives is any indicator for how much lore framework exists (meaning a framework licensed killers and their dbd-lore can be woven into) it's too many slots for a story in which there's never a moment when the entity's control falters/slips.

    though what that might mean for killers and survivors is something for its own thread.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    I think the only trouble with this idea of killers becoming harder to control chronologically in Michael Myers. He came in early on in the game's life and he kills regardless of The Entity's will. I also believe there's a Huntress perk that blocks out the red hue where she looks, hence "blinding" The Entity.

    This Entity is a powerful being, but in no way is this creature currently a godlike thing. It's almost as if it's in an infantile stage, maturing as it envelopes more killers and survivors. However, as with any living thing, it makes mistakes. It struggles. I'd say, despite its strength, it's actually a weak organism in comparison to what it could be.

    So, drifting off-topic slightly, if this is a youngster, where is/are its parent/parents?

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    another question:

    Why are there no survivor in the 'current' roster from before the 1950s?

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    That's an odd one. Also, especially since The Entity chose to create generators for the survivors, it could go further back, but even then there would be a point when survivors may not know how to use it. Why The Entity chooses light - a source that weakens it - as part of the game.

    There are so many questions, should we explore deep enough!

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited July 2020

    I'm standing with the theory that while the entity gets the survivors, things like gens, hatch etc are coming from a different eldritch being, that Ben and Vigo are hitherto unaware off, and thus we don't know. and maybe there was a 'victory' on the other beings side that limits the timeframe from which the entity can plug survivors?

    also on the maintopic here: Here's a nice song for the killers then:

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

    I had never taken that into consideration, I had always believed hatch was created by one of the survivors, but it is completely possible it was made by an outside source. The thing I'm curious about is if we'll ever get to know the name of the Entity, because no matter what it is, demon, cosmic being, eldritch truth, great one, ancient, it has a name. And knowing its name could be one step closer to killing the creature.

    And I am genuinely curious for what they have planned because they have 10 slots for tomes so they are planning to take his for awhile, I just hope they answer a few key points down the line, like Vigo, Benedict, the Observer and more about the Entity in general.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    I was under the impression that Vigo created the hatch, once he found out how to utilise the auric cells the world was made of. However, the gens and gates could hold on to the idea of another creature asserting itself. Is this other "thing" something of a protector?

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    It could be a protector, it could be something that wants to destroy the Entity that way to take over.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    I always had issues with this theory that the Entity controls what some killer see and is all about the eyes. Personally, I dislike that it takes agency from some of the killers and because it goes against some of the Entity’s corruption, that yes, uses every tool available to control killers, but its deal is that it corrupts people, it makes them into worse monsters, slowly taking away their humanity, not just by torture or coercion, but the nature of the Entity itself makes people worse, which we see in the Archives:

    The Entity is the cosmic embodiment of evil. Back home we witnessed how its very presence turns worlds inside out… how it seems to remove or extinguish any sense of empathy or compassion within communities… how it brings people to the brink of madness and… well… pushes them in.

    And that said, I don’t believe it, because at the end of the day, the eyes are a design choice and not all characters with glowing eyes are consistent in the “they believe that they are killing their revenge targets over and over” idea:

    -Hillbilly has glowing eyes, but he has shown to be an indiscriminate killer in his backstory and archive entry(in observations), so there is no reason for making him see things.

    -We know from outfits descriptions that the Wraith is aware of what he has become and is more of a “revenge against the world and hating what I become” theme with him, that not knowing that he is killing innocents:

    Wrap your face in the blood-stained cloth of your prey and take to the shadows to stalk your next victim.

    And if he was blinded by the Entity, I don’t think he would have the agency to form a relationship with the Nurse.

    -Spirit is described as an onryō, a undead that seeks revenge against all of the living for her state and what she suffered. Even the stuff about the one that actually caused her pain being untouched seems to be basic onryo lore:

    The Spirit draws her power from their wrath, haunting the living as retribution for her suffering.

    Proper attire for a proper ceremony. No one gets out alive.

    -The Oni is the one character that is basically confirmed that is not seeing things. As we know that he is aware and dislikes the existence of the Entity, knowing that is using tricks to make him angry:

    Kazan shuddered with rage as he stepped into the area. Unable to restrain himself, he unleashed his might on a statue atop the shrine, clubbing its arms and head to pieces. Even after he left, a rot seemed to pervade the air. The chime of bells played softly on the wind, as everything around them crumbled. Torn from Kazan's memories, the shrine now stood on the estate of this childhood home - a trick by the Entity that infuriated him even more.

    He doesn't need to be fooled to think that the survivors are unfit people that don’t deserve to live,their existence in the realm is probably proof enough for someone like Kazan, that loves to blame people for his own issues.

    -Deathslinger is the one that I think fits the most, but again, there is not 100% proof that is the case, given that Caleb still seems sane enough to know that if he saw the survivors as the people that wronged him, people that he kills time and time again, he would know that is just an illusion and that he is killing normal people in reality. So he would have to not care about killing strangers no matter what.

    And about controlling killers, I don’t think that the Entity has trouble with that or at the very least, has anything to fear from them. What can PH or Myers do if they rebel? Nothing, the Entity is a cosmic entity well above their paygrade and at the end of the day, even PH, despite making a deal and probably having more freedom than others, is still a tool for the Entity. Even the Observer, that started thinking that he could take out the Entity, that his position gave him a chance to defeat it and that the Entity was just an Ancient One, found “something” about it that made him lose all hope, realize that he was wrong about most stuff about it and almost go mad:

    Life is not life in this prison, and death is not an escape. It is merely the start of a new trial and most survivors are aware they are caught in something they will never understand. Why this is all happening is no longer obvious to me. The truth is… I don't know what to believe anymore… The Entity is… not what it is… or what I thought it was…

    And the thing is, the Entity has way more killers and survivors than what we see in game, like, it is described as taking over the populations of entire planets, so at the very least,it has hundreds or thousands of different killers and survivors running around, so one or two rebelling wouldn’t change much. You need to take out the very system itself of the trials to cause some real damage to the Entity.

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

    I agree that there are holes in the theory, and while yes, it's possible that I'm wrong, there's no harm in speculation. But the theory can still prevail given some details.You commented on Hillbilly being an indiscriminate killer, which while true, doesn't explain why he would randomly kill the farmer. Maybe he was protecting his home, but the farmer didn't do anything wrong to him, so why randomly kill this one person? I get the Entity probably forced him to do it, but if he was still human before being taken, why randomly kill them?

    Yes, Wraith definitely seems outset as a vengeful warrior to right the wrong, but remember, the theory talks about survivors only, meaning it probably wouldn't affect a killer because they are all basically working together, plus, the Entity feeds off any emotion. So if it sensed Wraith was in love with Nurse, then by all means, let them be in love, it just gets more nourishment from that.

    While Spirit is basically an Onryo, it doesn't sit right with me that she kills innocents without attacking the one that wronged her. She really only wants her father dead, and while the spirit attacks anyone living, it just doesn't make sense she attacks and has Grudges (the score event for hitting a survivor out of your power) against these survivors that haven't done anything. But yet again, could be another case of the Entity just consuming all of their humanity leaving them just a hollow shell, a puppet for a puppeteer if you will.

    Oni I was just throwing out as a maybe. I didn't think he saw survivors as false samurai because he has the black eyes found in killers that enjoy killing, mainly Huntress and Clown. Hell, he's one of the strongest killers but the easiest one to get rage out of. Which is why his whole power is basically him getting extremely mad but he doesn't care because he can still honor his name by killing.

    Caleb just made sense because why would he see others at the end of the trail? But like you said, he would figure out he had killed them already. But maybe sanity isn't the problem and it's more of vengeance and humanity. He wouldn't care if they were the same so long as he got revenge. Or he just has no humanity left meaning he wouldn't care about killing them over and over, he still gets what he wants in the end.

    Yeah it definitely seems like it has no problems with controlling the killers. PH and Michael are examples, and it's not like they can bring an uprising, they'll be tossed into the void immediately. And the Observer seems to have gown down the path of insanity recently, if he doesn't know what to believe anymore, how can we be certain that ending the trials will end the Entity once and for all? On paper it makes sense, get rid of the only way it can get nourishment, and you succeed. But if the Entity sees this coming, it can easily stop them, or just let it go on and quickly create a fail-safe in case anything goes wrong.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    Oh, there is nothing wrong with the theory per se, just that personally, not a fan of some aspect of it. About Hillbilly, the lore implies that it kills because is jealous of the freedom that others enjoyed while he was trapped in his room:

    After the deed was done, he continued to live his life at the farm, taking out his deranged violence on the animals that were allowed to run free. As he finally broke free from his shackles he ran through the cornfields, chasing and slaughtering whatever he could find. They never found the bodies of Max and Evelyn, but they did find tortured and disembowelled animals all over the farm.

    We know that he killed plenty of people that came to the farm and may even went out to attack others:

    There was some kid who used to wear a jacket just like this. He went for a drive one day and never made it home.

    He repurposed a broken firework launcher into a weapon to bludgeon sozzled partygoers at the local trailer park.

    The Silo is one of the oldest remaining buildings that made up Coldwind Farm. The great storm of 2003 brought the ancient structure crashing down. It was weeks later that searchers discovered twelve bodies that were buried in the ruins. Their crushed corpses were buried deep in the slurry that oozed out from the base and made identification almost impossible.

    In my opinion, is a combination of defending his territory, not having empathy towards others and being very angry towards the rest of the world, that he probably sees in a similar light to his parents, because they were the only human contact that he had in his life, and they were awful to him, so why wouldn’t strangers be as awful as his parents? In his mind, it would be better to just kill them.

    The thing with Wraith is that contrary to Caleb, he didn’t seem to be obsessed with revenge, more on the fact that he killed innocents and that damned him forever:

    Returning to the place where it all began, he contemplates the time when he was a decent human being.

    Rusted steel weaves and slices along his body, sharp edges scraping with each moment. It was the same fate as his victims he fed into the crusher, though they may have been granted the mercy of death.

    The darkness burns brightly within. With it comes the anger and violence of a man compelled to kill.

    And one of the outfits implies that he has been consumed by those negative feelings, so there wouldn’t be need to fool him given his state, but we know very little of who he was or even what happened after he killed his boss, because I don’t think it was, that he killed his boss and went to the realm, no something happened to him.

    About Spirit, I tend to compare to Kayako of the Grudge, where is a similar deal where a victim becomes a vengeful ghost, but stalks and attacks everyone that enters her house, even if they had nothing to do with her death. Rin has a similar modus operandi, as technically, she is haunting her old home because killers tend to stay in their realms, with some exceptions (Clown and Ghostface):

    "When someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage... a curse is born. The curse gathers in that place of death. Those who encounter it will be consumed by its fury. "

    The Grudge

    And I think that she is just in an extreme emotional state that makes her lash out against everyone that she sees because they happen to be in the way, seeking revenge on the fact that they live and she didn’t. The dead haunting the living because they hate then for having the ability to enjoy life while they can’t is a common plot and motive in fiction.

    About Caleb, my interpretation is that, like Zarina that also saw stuff, it was an invitation and a way to entrap them into entering the realm, but although as I said, I like more the idea that Caleb is like a bounty hunter of the Realms, hunting the survivors like the bounties in his past (I doubt that Caleb would care if you were truly guilty of the crime that you were accused of) and collecting coins and inventing stuff, as my headcanon is that the gates of his realm are an invention that he thought of and the entity made it real, and I could see him, Amanda and possibly Max working on inventing stuff to torture people.

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

    That's fine, not all theories should be believed. I do understand Billy's reasoning now. Defense on his home and not knowing if others would treat him the same, almost like Cannibal in a way. Those descriptions must be the new addons because I don't remember those quotes, and I mained Billy. Maybe I just didn't see them.

    Wraith makes sense because he never wanted to kill anyone, Azarov basically forced him to unwillingly. Hopefully this tome explains a little more about him because he definitely did not instantly get taken into the realms.

    Never considered Grudge because I haven't seen the movie. Interesting comparison and actually makes sense. Meaning Rin would have a grudge on the survivors for two reasons, she believes they're in her way to getting her father, or she's angry that they get to continue living and she doesn't.

    Never took into consideration of Caleb creating the exit gates, but it does seem like something he would probably create. And yeah, it's very possibly that they saw these things just to be dragged into the Entity's realm. And yeah, him Max and Amanda are all really intelligent killers, so I would be surprised that all of them have the capability of being able to invent deadly contraptions.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think it makes more sense for those with glowing eyes (besides Doc) to just have hatred as their primary motivator, more than anything else.

    Billy, I don't think, is smart enough to know why he was hurt, and have a reason to actually hurt them. He just hurts others because he knows nothing else.

    Wraith: He hated himself.

    Spirit: she cursed vengeance, but she was just more furious of everything in general, and, on top of that, it seems to have been an ancestral thing, at least based off her archive lore... and the Awakened Origin set also seems to indicate that as well.

    Caleb: He was a bounty hunter/engineer with a penchant for causing pain.

    Until there are details to back up that theory, such as some lore from Rins perspective, we will never know what they see.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    the 'funny' thing about caleb here is that there's a bizarre innocence to his contraptions when they are meant to cause pain. Like, sure, with the torture device for the boys who bullied him, it was on purpose, but there's an odd tone with the stuff he made for the warden. it's a bit like there's a disconnect between the why and what. I'm not saying he completely lacks empathy or compassion, but there's a... detachment... and not even in a negative sense O_ó

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    The Hillbilly descriptions come from outfits, his initial lore (the part about the animals) and the rest is in the maps descriptions, that is basically a gold mine of lore, specially at the beginning, they put a lot of lore there.

    I think the Awakened Origins is meant to be a what if scenario and not part of the canon, because it implies that Rin went into an eventual rampage after beating the students due to losing herself in the bloodlust curse. Even if those descriptions are meant to happen just after she became a spirit, it wouldn’t work because her generic outfit is her wearing what she wore the night that she was killed.

    Outfits descriptions are a bit tricky, because clearly some of them are not canon, other are and other seems to be what if. Like the other outfit in the collections of the Awakened Origins is the Oni, which we know is not canon, because the Oni never literally transformed into a demon, he started looked like one, but that looks was the base set of the character( and he was always a muscular giant), he didn’t seem to gain literal horns and start eating little kids.

    And now that you said that, is one of the issues with the lore archives is that, besides the observations, we don’t have a perspective on the trials and specifically, on the killers, like their tomes are their backstories and stuff, but we are not going to see how Wraith is dealing being trapped in the realms, for example, so is not very probable that we get a point of view of the Spirit.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    True... The Legion lore is messed up as is due to the inconsistencies between the Archives and the original. The original has Frank pressure the group into stabbing that store employee, while in the Archives, it is Julie that pressures them. The difference being the way that Frank looks in them. In one, he is a dark presence that drags people down with him, in the Archives, he is much more... insidious... by convincing Julie that they need to kill people...

    I am more inclined to think that the original is better, but that is my opinion.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    No, he makes torture devices for the warden. There is nothing innocent about them. When his father is around, he makes wholesome inventions, but by himself... he was already on a dark path.

    He also has a problem of being taken advantage of. It is a theme throughout his story, and it is even more ironic that he is being taken advantage of here. He is paid (in iridescent coins), sure, but what can he buy? Not much, I imagine.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited July 2020

    when i say 'innocence' i don't mean it in the literal sense. Don't confuse that. It's... are you familiar with the 'nightmare fuel station attendant' trope?

    and yeah, it's bitter. and i worry for the entity should caleb ever realize

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    He is just a man with a gun. What can he realistically do? He is too driven by his emotions to really think logically.

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

    Based on certain parts of outfits, they are all correct. Now, I'm not saying 100% that they are all lore relevant, but for example, demon Oni was used. That one could be a alternate timeline where he was literally becoming the thing he hated. Another example of this is Susie's Lunar Event cosmetic where it says she wore that cosmetic to kill people. Yet Susie only killed the Janitor, and no one else during her original backstory, hell even in the new lore Susie only caused mayhem and injuries, no deaths.

    I tried explaining Legion's tome awhile ago, I think there are two distinct possibilities on why it is such a big retcon to the original, because they can easily read the original and base it off that. I think that either its a different timeline, which explains why Julie came up with the name, why Joey is one of Julie's best friends, instead of a random party goer. Why the death of the janitor is so vastly different. Or, it's Julie remembering specific details wrong. Frank came up with the name, obviously, because we have Jeff creating the mural. So Julie creating the name moments before or the day of the janitor's death makes no sense. Another problem, Julie slaughters the janitor without Susie or Joey taking a stab at him. Which didn't happen, so it could be Julie remembering herself in this way instead of a coward to impress Frank. Remember, these are memories lost to the fog, meaning they have a chance to be different. If it's one person, we have to believe it is right. If it's a group of people like Legion, we have to assume details will be wrong. They will remember all of it differently than each other based on what they want the other's to think of themselves.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Maybe we can assume that the entity takes outfits from realities 'near' the killers.

    Like, you have reality A, where a killer and (probably) their memories as seen in the tomes stem from.

    And then you have reality B, C and D, which are timelines that went only slightly different. sometimes overlapping, sometimes not.

    Caleb IS a good example:

    We have two or three sets where he has dark hair, and while hair can go grey quickly, given the short timeframe in which the hellshire gang existed (6 years) it seems a little... off, especially since I think we can assume that his leg injury happened during the time of the hellshire gang.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    Yeah, the alternative timelines was basically confirmed with the Jeff outfit from a dystopian earth and of course, is obvious that some outfits are not the canon characters,like the Trapper was never a sea zombie with a hook in his head, for example.¡

    The Legion I see it more like you said, Julie remembering things from her own point of view differently, they say that they are going to make tomes for each member of the legion, so they could do more scenes showing the death of the janitor, although I think it could get boring quickly, having the same cutscene over and over.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I think all of this is entirely accurate, I mean it makes sense, also characters with black eyes like huntress, clown, and so on serve the entity willingly so this all adds up

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    It is more likely that it is how Julie wants to remember it, not how it actually went. It makes her look better, but ultimately, she was just led along by Frank.

    I kind of wish the observer would sort of explain this to people: that memories have a bias based on who they come from. Certain people remember the same things differently.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I like this theory, thanks for sharing it!

  • End_of_Slayer
    End_of_Slayer Member Posts: 147

    Sorry for taking awhile to respond, but yeah. I really just believe its her version of the incident. It"s how she remembers it compared to the others in the group.

    Yeah, seems so that the characters with black eyes do it willingly. But once again, these are both theories. None of it is confirmed.

    I'm glad you liked it! Just something I thought was confirmed because of Deathslinger and its something I've been thinking of ever since Spirit released.