Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

More Reworks for Underused Perks


When the killer preforms a break action within 16/20/25m of you, you gain an 8/9/10% haste status effect for 5s. Cooldown of 55/45/35s

Boil Over
The killer carries you 3/5/7% slower. Hooks are not reveiled to the killer unless they are within 24/20/16m

Deja Vu
One uncomlpeted generator is always reveiled to you. When working on this generator gain 4/5/6% repair speed and your repair noise is reduced by 4m, however, skillchecks are 10% smaller. If you fail a skillcheck the reveiled generator will change.

When a generator is repaired, gain a 4% speed boost for 10s. When the last generator is repaired, gain an 8% haste staus effect for 24s. 
Vaults are shown to you within 10m/fast vaults make no noise/all vaults count as fast vaults no matter the angle (15s cooldown)

No One Left Behind
For the entire trial, gain 8/9/10% speed for ALL altruistic actions. When the exit gates are powered, this bonus increases to 30/40/50%. You gain a token for every survivor that escapes the trial. Each token gives a stackable bloodpoints bonus of 15/20/25%

Prove Thyself
As long as you are alive, all survivors great skillcheck zones are 10/12/15% larger. For every player that hits a great skillcheck, gain 1/2/3% altruistic action speed, up to 30/42/54%

Slippery Meat
You gain 1/2/3 additional chances to free yourself from a hook. Each failed attemt makes the next attempt 2% more likely to work.
For bear traps, gain a 4% increased escape chance for every failed attempt and attempt escape 10/12/14% faster

Every time you preform an altruistic action, (Safe unhook, protection, distraction, trap rescue, wake up) gain a token, up to 8/10/12. Each token decreases the amount of time you and 1 random survivor suffers from negative status effects by 3 seconds and increase the amount of time you are buffed by positive status effects by 1 second.


Beast of Prey
After you are in a chase for 25/22/20s, your red stain's range is reduced by 30% and you gain 10/12/15% more attack lunge for 30s. Cooldown of 50/40/30s

When survivors are inside your terror radius, they suffer from 10/20/30% altruistic action speed reduction and healing skilkchecks have no great zones. . The perk also starts with 8/10/12 tokens. Each time you hit a survivor, give them a token. Each token on a survivor gives them 3/5/8% more noise and bleeding while injured.

Fire Up
For every completed generator, gain a token. Each token gives you 1% movement speed, 4/5/6% action speed and 4/6/8% missed and succsessful attack cooldown. Every time you gain a new token, your next attack will give a randim status effect for 40s.

Monstrous Shrine
All survivors suffer from mangled and hindered while in the basement. Hooks in the basement have the time on the first phase and the second phase reduced by 5/8/10%

Spies From The Shadows
Passively see the auras of crows within 8/9/10m. Birds in your terror radius have a 60/80/100% chance to be disurbed even if a survivor is crouched. Injured survivors will atract more crows to land

When you hit a generator, deal an instant 2/4/6% total regression. For the next 16/20/24 seconds, the generator aura will be white to you and it will regress at 125/150/175% speed. If it is touched before the timer is up, the survivor will alert the killer and show the auras of any survivors within 4/7/10m of the generator for 5s.

For every injured, dying, hooked and dead survivor, all survivors suffer from
0/1/1.5% reduced movement speed
6/8/10% reduced vault speed
15/18/20% smaller skillcheck zones
4/6/8% reduced healing and repair speed


  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    thanatophobia seems op just make that survivor that died you still get penalty and thats it fire up dont make cooldown plz cuz ppl can make machine gun build coulrophobia dosent need buff the others seems ok to me

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Alert doesn't really need buffs. I see people running it just fine.
    Boil Over that would actually make it either op or just decent
    Hope first part ooookay? But the fast vault thing why? You just combined Quick & Quiet with Windows of Opportuinty. The last part give to Lithe that could work.
    No One Left Behind what would happen if you died 2nd and other people escaped? How would the game count it then? But rest of it seems fine to me as a buff to We're Gonna Live Forever
    Prove Thyself actually sure!
    Slippery Meat ooookay? again
    Vigil does the person using vigil and other person know thay they got the buff? Also 36 seconds might be a tad too much. Also does Exhaustion count? It is a negative effect. Does Haste also work? if so 15 seconds of SB no thanks :dizzy:

    Beast of Prey tier 3 removes the need for cd
    Coulrophobia this would be buggy
    Fire Up 8% so let's say 4 gens are finished. That gives us 32% for both actions So it already beats Unrelenting and you have and almost 7 tokens of Save The Best For Last. That would be too good sorry. Also random status effect no.
    Monstrous Shrine yeah sure whatever it's still like 5 seconds or so
    Spies From The Shadows suuuuuuuuuuure
    Survaliance basically remove Overcharge from the game. Also with all of those things it would be so meta
    Thanathopia No Reduced Movement Speeds from stuff. Also -32% of healing and repair. Ouch.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    I really like how Deja Vu works currently, but it's a bit lacking. I want to keep the ability to see the 3 closest generators, but instead of there being a time increase, have a repair speed increase for the 3 revealed generators according to how close they are to each other. The closer they are, the faster it will be to repair. This would be good either early game when you want to repair them to avoid the last 3 generators from being in the same corner, or would also do well end game if your team puts the last 3 generators in the same corner.

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    Milo said:

    Alert doesn't really need buffs. I see people running it just fine.
    Boil Over that would actually make it either op or just decent
    Hope first part ooookay? But the fast vault thing why? You just combined Quick & Quiet with Windows of Opportuinty. The last part give to Lithe that could work.
    No One Left Behind what would happen if you died 2nd and other people escaped? How would the game count it then? But rest of it seems fine to me as a buff to We're Gonna Live Forever
    Prove Thyself actually sure!
    Slippery Meat ooookay? again
    Vigil does the person using vigil and other person know thay they got the buff? Also 36 seconds might be a tad too much. Also does Exhaustion count? It is a negative effect. Does Haste also work? if so 15 seconds of SB no thanks :dizzy:

    Beast of Prey tier 3 removes the need for cd
    Coulrophobia this would be buggy
    Fire Up 8% so let's say 4 gens are finished. That gives us 32% for both actions So it already beats Unrelenting and you have and almost 7 tokens of Save The Best For Last. That would be too good sorry. Also random status effect no.
    Monstrous Shrine yeah sure whatever it's still like 5 seconds or so
    Spies From The Shadows suuuuuuuuuuure
    Survaliance basically remove Overcharge from the game. Also with all of those things it would be so meta
    Thanathopia No Reduced Movement Speeds from stuff. Also -32% of healing and repair. Ouch.

    So what im getting at is that you are fine with survivor perks that give movement speed and action speed but when its a killer perk its op.
    Seems legit.

    Also, in terms of hope and fire up being perks that replace other perks/are too good, they are only active in the 1 minute that is the end game.

    And for Thanatophobia, -32% healing speed is too much, but when I say prove thyself can increase healing speed by 54% its fine? You judge killer perks and survivor perks with an extreme survivor bias and I think you need to be more open to the idea that the power role belongs to the killer.
  • CydoniaTV
    CydoniaTV Member Posts: 45

    I think Boil Over actually NEEDS to have the power to progress the wiggle free bar faster. Nerf its overall % (To say like 25/35/50%) and make the radius on the hooks bigger.

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    CydoniaTV said:

    I think Boil Over actöually NEEDS to have the power to progress the wiggle free bar faster. Nerf its overall % (To say like 25/35/50%) and make the radius on the hooks bigger.

    Thats WAAAYYY to much. The killer is the power role and even Iron Grasp only adds like 2.1 seconds. So a survivor perk would need to be less than that to be fair. So at that point, why rven run it.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @M2Fream said:
    Milo said:


    Alert doesn't really need buffs. I see people running it just fine.

    Boil Over that would actually make it either op or just decent

    Hope first part ooookay? But the fast vault thing why? You just combined Quick & Quiet with Windows of Opportuinty. The last part give to Lithe that could work.

    No One Left Behind what would happen if you died 2nd and other people escaped? How would the game count it then? But rest of it seems fine to me as a buff to We're Gonna Live Forever

    Prove Thyself actually sure!

    Slippery Meat ooookay? again

    Vigil does the person using vigil and other person know thay they got the buff? Also 36 seconds might be a tad too much. Also does Exhaustion count? It is a negative effect. Does Haste also work? if so 15 seconds of SB no thanks :dizzy:

    Beast of Prey tier 3 removes the need for cd

    Coulrophobia this would be buggy

    Fire Up 8% so let's say 4 gens are finished. That gives us 32% for both actions So it already beats Unrelenting and you have and almost 7 tokens of Save The Best For Last. That would be too good sorry. Also random status effect no.

    Monstrous Shrine yeah sure whatever it's still like 5 seconds or so

    Spies From The Shadows suuuuuuuuuuure

    Survaliance basically remove Overcharge from the game. Also with all of those things it would be so meta

    Thanathopia No Reduced Movement Speeds from stuff. Also -32% of healing and repair. Ouch.

    So what im getting at is that you are fine with survivor perks that give movement speed and action speed but when its a killer perk its op.
    Seems legit.

    Also, in terms of hope and fire up being perks that replace other perks/are too good, they are only active in the 1 minute that is the end game.

    And for Thanatophobia, -32% healing speed is too much, but when I say prove thyself can increase healing speed by 54% its fine? You judge killer perks and survivor perks with an extreme survivor bias and I think you need to be more open to the idea that the power role belongs to the killer.

    Okay i agree my post was legit survivor > killer based. Sorry about that. I'm just gonna go over those 2 things you mentioned tho don't wanna go over all of the perks again.

    Prove Thyself what if we changed it around? Like 10/12/15% stays the same but we go and move this:
    For every token you have you increase the chance for a skill check appearing on healing by 1% to max 8% (maybe gens) and you altruistic actions is increased by 2/3/4% (so max tokens would be 16/24/32%)

    Thanathobia "0/1/1.5% reduced movement speed 6/8/10% reduced vault speed" without this and we are good then. But half the power for dead survivors? Or go the other way around:
    "For every injured,dying and hooked survivor other survivors gets a penalty to all actions by 3/4/5%.
    However if a survivor is dead this goes to 6/8/10%"
    Cause y'know. It's a fear of death. If i see someone dead i would fear he might do that to me soon too.

    And i thought of your hope:
    When a generator is repaired, gain a 4% speed boost for 10s. When the last generator is repaired, gain an 8% haste staus effect for 24s.
    Vaults are shown to you within 10m/fast vaults make no noise/all vaults count as fast vaults no matter the angle (15s cooldown) -> i thought this last part was pernament (if it was it would outshine 2 perks)

    Fire Up
    Here i thought that every attack would cause a random effect didnt read it properly x-x
    I may have been harshed on cd of attacks but there are 2 perks that do this invidually. Unrelenting would be more useless than it's actually is right now xd

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    Wow that was really mature of you!

    We all know unrelenting needs a buff and I personaly see no problem with a machine gun build, as long as the killer has to work for it (attack based or token based). That would be a counter to bodyblocking and taking hits because it would give the killer more power.

    For thanatophobia I really want the movement speed debuff like .25/.50/1% so even at lvl 3 and all survivors injured (which is rather difficult mind you) its only 4%

    For unrelenting, I think it should be  15/25/35% for missed and 5/8/10 for successful
  • DinoCannibal69
    DinoCannibal69 Member Posts: 25
    Sole Survivor: Be able to transform into a rage filled mode that enables you to instantly kill any survivor. It last for 3/5/7 seconds. The perk still disrupts the killers aura reading abilities. 
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @DinoCannibal69 said:
    Sole Survivor: Be able to transform into a rage filled mode that enables you to instantly kill any survivor. It last for 3/5/7 seconds. The perk still disrupts the killers aura reading abilities. 


  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    I think the change to surveillance would be neat. The question is whether to do something so the survivors know it's being watched or not. I was leaning towards letting them know, but it'd be a stronger perk if it didn't.

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288

    I think the change to surveillance would be neat. The question is whether to do something so the survivors know it's being watched or not. I was leaning towards letting them know, but it'd be a stronger perk if it didn't.

    The generator could have special red sparks