Why I think with the new tome, we will see more AFK wraiths.

Hey guys, so im not saying that when the new tome comes out this week, we will all see AFK wraiths, im saying is that there will be like those 5% players who will get a wraith just sitting across the map doing nothing.
Why? If they need to do a challenge, they can't sit around doing nothing.
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Who cares? They are only hurting themself by afking just take your points and move on EZ
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How they gonna do challenges while doing nothing?
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Thats what scares me, if you got an afk wraith, and you just do gens and leave, you auto depip. And its hard to find a afk wraith when he is one position cloaked somewhere across the map.
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Yeah you kinda need to play to do challenges, killers often go afk because they don’t enjoy the rank they’re playing at not because they’re wanting challenges,exp or fragments
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Pips and Ranks don't matter the developers have already stated it stop caring about ranking and things like that won't matter.
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SWF already do that though.
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Nobody plays survivor to sit on gens and leave, the fun is the unpredictability of the matches and the killers you face. Who wants to play any kind of game with an afk opponent? DBD, an FPS, a fighting game, monopoly, whatever, the point of playing it is to actually play the game as intended.
AFKing is bannable as confirmed by the devs.