The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

If you've been playing this game for 4 years and you still throw god pallet with 5 gens up or just stand in every pallet you see in a chase and throw it immediately, please do everyone a favor and uninstall, geniuses like that exist and they kill their own team faster than the killer could even think about it, once you're at red ranks you shouldn't have to worry about this nonsense still happening , killers wonder why survivors seem to have more control over a game but the kill rates show too high? It's because half of the survivor playerbase is absolutely braindead and only a handful of players showcase it's true potential but only when their teams are all equally as skilled you cant have things that give bots a bad name in there and expect the true numbers to show


  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    After I read the first half of the first line I just stopped reading.