Why does Dying Light help the obsession with no downside?

Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Why does a killers perk, that doesn't even affect the obsession with slow down, give them Botany Knowledge for free? I feel like no killer perk should just be a direct buff to survivors.

Post edited by Hektic3000 on


  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Because it's a terrible perk you should never run on anyone except legion. And even then it's mediocre.

    I miss the days of the super toxic old remember me + old dying light combo that encouraged you to tunnel the obsession out of the game as fast as possible. That combo was actually worthy of buffing the obsession.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Gotts have some kind of compensation for how strong the perk gets over time.

    The obsession being buffed is why I stopped using the perk because you have to keep your obsession in check and babysit them, and the way the game is now, survivors find slugging toxic.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I dont think its that strong when each percent adds about 2s to repair time but ill give you that. Even if that's the design choice why not have the obsession start at like a lower percentage and not have the max benefit at the start.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    Sorry, I forgot there are people who ACTUALLY think this perk is strong so my sarcasm was a bit trickier to detect.

    There is no reason for it to have such a benefit for the obsession. Especially since you're supposed to ignore the obsession for the perk to work.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790
    edited July 2020

    If it's the right play, just slug anyway. If they don't like being slugged, they're welcome to run Unbreakable, Tenacity, Soul Guard, Flip Flop, etc.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited July 2020

    Doesn't seem good enough to warrant the downside to me. Generally why it's not worth running.

    If they removed the buff to the obsession part it would be decent.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2020

    Getting rid of the increased healing speed for the obsession would make this perk viable. The obsession is still immune to the DL slowdown, they just don't get an additional healing speed.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I think it mostly exists because it was what Dying Light did before it got reworked. Old dying light made the obsession have faster altruistic actions, but when killed severely debuffs the rest of the team's action speed.

    You could remove the faster altruistic action speed from Dying Light and it still wouldn't be a good perk imo, because the perk is just a win more perk. It won't help you if the survivors just rush gens before you can stacks for any significant slowdown.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674
    edited July 2020

    So like the best case scenario is 9 hooks right, then that's a 27% de-buff to everyone but the obsession...in that case tho everybody but the obsession is dead and the perk doesn't even slow the obsession down.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    3×3=9 meghead!

    Seriously, dying light is only good in legion to trick people into healing.

  • Popcornchicken11
    Popcornchicken11 Member Posts: 110

    Technically you can get up to 11 stacks if you change obsessions, but yeah

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Yeah if the obsession is in death hook it's possible, but you need nemesis or furtive chase.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah but thats a stupid offset. Max value is 6 tokens, which is an 18% reduction to 3 people. Thats 3 people hooked twice. Meanwhile, the entire time before and after those 6 tokens the obsession is getting a 33% buff.

    So overall youre trading a total 18% reductiin for a short time for 33% at all times forx1 person.

    Yes you can get more tokens but by then people are dying so it doesnt really matter all that much. Theyre probably already losing at that point. Dying light is legit shooting yourself in the foot.

    It needs a different offset. At the very least remove the buff to the obsession and just dont debuff them. That would make much more sense

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited July 2020

    You dont get tokens for the obsession so max tokens is that is usable is 8, if you hook everyone but the obsession twice youre applying 6 tokens to 3 people. Thats your max value. Thats a total 54% reduction across the board.

    7 tokens can only be applied to 2 people, thats a 42% reduction.

    8 tokens to 1 person is 24%.

    9 tokens and all 3 that arent the obsession are dead

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    @Dead_by_Gadfly Dying Light does not make the obsession open the exit gate faster. The perk states that it increases action speed of healing and unhook other survivors by 33%.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    What, you mean a killer slowdown perk that buffs the action speed of the one survivor the perk also encourages you to ignore is counter-productive?

    Let’s rework Prove Thyself so it also reduces survivor hook timers as well, makes about as much sense.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I actually think it might be ok if they let you gain tokens off the obsession and let tge debuff apply to tge obsession, Id also change it so the obsession only has a buff of 18%.

    As an example. Obsession starts with 18% buff, at 1 token thats reduced to 15%, 2 tokens 12%, at 6 tokens they are normal. After that theyre debuffed too.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited July 2020

    Whatever, everything else I said is accurate. Its a ######### perk.

    I fixed my post, thanks for pointing that out

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That would be another way of fixing the perk I agree.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2020

    Where's the downside of Adrenaline/DS/BT considering there's 4 of those perks each in 1 trial

    The downside to this perk would already be the fact that the obsession does not count for hookprogression and that the obsession is unaffected.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I think it made more sense with the old Dying Light, when the buff pushed the survivor to make the choice of being stealthy to avoid to penalyze the team or being altruistic and get use of it. Now I honestly think it's not needed.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Old Dying Light had an a theme, even if that theme was pretty bad for game health. One person becomes the light of hope for survivors and when they die everyone else loses hope.

    Now it's just a mutation of what the old perk was going for and failing to hit the same theme.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    So even more so going with "theme" for an obsession perk, no other killer perk except maybe Rancor helps survivors in any way. So why should Dying Light give a benefit at all? I thought the general idea is that you don't want to be the obsession as a survivor.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Because it's a weak perk, that's hard to stack. Since once you realize the Killer has Dying Light - then the only survivor you're going to find from that point on is the obsession.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I know that, what i want to know why its a weak perk to begin with.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Save the Best for Last can be generally good for the obsession as it means the killer is less likely to hit them to lose stacks. Granted things like exposed or power hits can get around that.

    Play with Your Food incentives the killer to lose chase with the obsession which means the obsession won't get downed as much.

    Dying Light fits well with the rest of Myers perks being obsession perks that incentives you to avoid interacting with the obsession til the end. I wouldn't say the idea of being the obsession is a bad thing.

    I think the real problem is that obsession not only ignores the effect and gets a benefit, but you also lose the perk if you kill the obsession. Which means there is never a right move when it comes to dealing with the obsession.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871
    edited July 2020

    I already said why, but I guess I can go more in depth; because it makes the obsession a power house, and comparitively to all the other slow down perks - they are all infinitely better than it. The biggest problem with Dying Light is that it's a moderately strong slow down perk with a huge downside. If you ignore the obsession they are going to janitor all of your hooks, and heal survivors quickly losing you a ridiculous amount of time. If you fight back against the obsession to stop this you're costing your dying light stacks - and the obsession will only want you to chase them anyways.

    Comaring to a perk like Thanatophobia; when you injure all survivors you are hitting them with a womping 16% slow on their repair speeds. That's immensly better than Dying Light, and the only fall back this perk has is if the survivors are healing - which if they are healing each other than that's another 2 survivors not working on gen's. So trying to deny this perk's use is still detrimental to the survivors. While at the same time injuring survivors is easy, and slowing down or stopping their ability to heal is even easier. It synergizes well with other perks, and at the same time doesn't have a fall back for using it.

    Pop Goes The Weasel - Works on any survivor you hook, and when synergized with a perk like Thrilling Tremors, or Barbeque and Chili (Surveilance, Tinkerer, etc). You can stay on top of the survivors and stop every gen they even try to complete, with each hook. Like as if you are running Dying Light, but without having 1 survivor immune.

    Dying Light literally kicks itself in the teeth for benefiting a survivor, as any good survivor will simply use the perk to it's advantage and bully you. Denying your use of the perk, and losing one whole perk slot is devestating to the Killer int he current meta. When you could of just used Thanatophobia, and got more for your buck, and been more consistent.

    Also if you don't run any perk that makes a survivor the obsession, then if you're against a team that doesn't have an obsession - then you know none of them have Decisive Strike.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It would be cool it the obsession lost 5% healing speed per token

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I know the thematics as to why its a weak perk, i've read about it up on the wiki so i know what it does. What I'm asking is why does it have to be a weak perk.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    It probably doesn't - BHVR doesn't want to buff it becauase you can synergize it well with other slow down perks. They could remove the obsession mechanic, and buff the slow. Then it would be balanced. While restricting the ability to stack slow down perks.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Because if it was a strong perk killers might consider actually using it, which BHVR simply can't allow to happen.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all it only buff's the obsession's ALTURISTIC aspects of unhooking and healing. it does affect the obsession in the other aspects, totems, chests, sabo and gens. also with nemesis or DS or furitive chase you can change the obsession. so technically without killing a single survivor you can get 8 stacks as the stacks don't disapear if they switch obsession some how. now, it's actually an ok perk, not the best but unlike what people say the perk as written is only buffed for healing, and that their hooks don't give you stacks.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    It's a killer perk, duh. Which means devs need it to have a downside because. . . reasons.

    Also, people here keep saying it's for Legion. Do you all somehow forget it's best used on Plague, where they CAN'T make use of it's healing?

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I understand it affects unhooking and healing, more so healing than unhooking because that's already fast enough. I want to know why the obsession needs a benefit to those actions when they aren't even affected by the passive slow down the perk applies.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    a good perk in the right setting is great or in the wrong setting is awful. but per the write up it only buffs the obsession's alturistic actions not the other actions. if you don't think it's even "good" then don't use it.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    If you use Legion, what is the point of their benefit?

    They're more of a liability to their team by attempting to heal more than anything else, it's the main killer who takes the advantage of it.

    The snowball effect thanks to that and some other paired perks can make a big difference.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    IMHO the worst part of the Dying Light nerf (It was a nerf.) is it's identical to the Remember Me nerf they considered but deciding against where killing the obsession removes half your tokens.

    Here's a flowchart for you. Just replace opening the door with LITERALLY EVERYTHING and hitting the obsession with hooking nonobsessions. Oh, and killing the obsession deactivates the perk entirely.

    IMHO it's a godawful redesign. I get that the new version was designed to be less "I'm going to tunnel this guy to death and EVERYONE gets punished for the obsessions failure at staying alive. Now watch me Mori him!" because it was unhealthy for the game (Maybe I'm a bit sadistic but I liked using it because it was such an "evil" perk.) but the new one just sucks. The obsession isn't effected and doesn't give you stacks for hooking him, but if you kill him, you lose the perk. If you don't kill him, he does gens!

    So what the hell am I supposed to do? Bring knock out and slug the obsessions ass in the corner of the map and pray nobody finds him? Dying Light, more like "Slugged with knock-out and bleeding out into the dirt because the killer can't interact with them in any way without countering their own perk, Light".

    Oh, and don't forget Toxic SWF's favorite strategy, TACTICAL DISCONNECT, INCOMING!!!!! actually counters Dying Light. If the obsession DC's since you're not hooking him, dying light immediately shuts off. OG Dying Light was literally the one perk that punishes survivors for disconnecting, now it rewards them.

    This also means the only 2 perks that make it "undesirable" to be the obsession are just Remember Me (which has been nerfed so many times already) are Rancor. That's it. Otherwise hell yeah you wanna be the obsession, since literally EVERY OTHER OBSESSION PERK involves keeping the obsession alive while you teabag your butt off with OoO.

    Even if you get enough stacks, the speed penalty is jack-#########. OG Dying Light required 3 hooks or 1 hook and a mori. New Dying Light requires 8 hooks to apply a 24% penalty (so 1% less OG dying light), hooking the obsession does not give any stacks, AND THE OBSESSION IS UNAFFECTED. So if you have 8 hooks, 2 survivors are already dead and the only non-obsession survivor is already on death-hook. Yay.

    Don't forget the Obsession is also given the benefit of a free botany knowledge and 33% faster unhooking. WIth how buggy grabs are already at unhooks, any hope of you doing a hook interrupt is impossible.

    TL:DR New Dying Light is literally worse than Unrelenting and Monstrous Shrine. You only have everything to lose, and nothing to gain by running it.