Solo Survivors

I am actually sick to death of solo queueing it's unbearable, it's either:

Rainbow matchmaking with a red rank killer and I have green rank teammates

Survivors thinking that they're god because they have a long chase at the start of the game but use half the maps pallets so there's none left for your endgame

No one cleanses totems and you're always hit with a NOED

You get 1 hooked and left because your teammates are too awful to make a save

Did I miss any? It's such an awful experience, I've never played SWF but maybe I should make the move.


  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882
    edited July 2020

    - Team mates allergic to gens.

    - Getting SWF trolls who throw the game because they're meme'ing, overly altruistic, or sandbag you.

    - Other people bringing keys in the lobby so the killer brings a mori.

    - Working on the last gen/keeping the killer busy trying to buy time for the other survivor to repair the final gen to find out they're camping the hatch.

    - Equipping Kindred and STILL go to the struggle phase on your first hook.


  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I hate being a solo alongside the rest being a SWF. You're just the chump who dies at the start of the story then.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    @StardustSpeedway Spot on, BHVR need to add an antihistamine perk because that allergy is too common

    @Azgard12 yeah true you're expendable to SWF teammates as a solo

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    I am actually fuming, just had a game with a rank 4 killer and my teammates were rank 16, 18 and 20 like ######### this game

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    You can’t control how other people play, only yourself. Here’s what I use, guarantees a pip, although you may still die:


    These 4 perks give me alot of info about the match that you’d normally have to rely on comms works.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    Playing solo survivor is/can be really frustrating. But I also think that it is the best way to get good at playing survivor. You have to learn so many different playstyles and adapt quickly in order to succeed and that's a lot more challenging than playing in an SWF where you don't need to read the atmosphere. This just tends to make a much more well rounded player who is a nuisance to the killer the entire game. You'll just never reach this level of play if you only play with SWF. You just got to power through the really frustrating games sometimes and learn when to put the game down for the day (and not think about it).