Current matchmaking is punishing anyone trying to learn a killer

AshesofDreams Member Posts: 20
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I think the fact this game exclusively matches me at rank 14 with ranks 1-8s is bad enough, but I think the thing that bothers me the most about it is I can't really learn any new killers because I'm being matched with high survivors. I got to my current rank leveling up two to three killers for the perks I wanted. Now I want to actually try out new killers and learn them, but there's almost no point because I don't know how they work yet and I don't have the optimal skills yet.

I know that I could just accept the losses when trying to learn, but I'm being bodied so easily I'm not even getting the chance to try out the power properly. I can still occasionally get 4ks on the two or three killers I learned the game on, but that's getting boring. I really want to try out new killers but the game isn't accounting for my skill level with this character being lower than other characters.

I really feel like this matchmaking is killing this game for me and I'm sure some other new players feel similarly. They need to have the matchmaking favor down and up equally, and not go so far up. I'd honestly rather wait two minutes for survivors my rank than have the match pop instantly with rank 1s. But more than that, please factor in killer level too. My first match as a killer with two perks shouldn't be put up against rank 3s and 2s.
