Mother's Helpers...
They stayed the same guys...
How do you know? There weren't any patch notes released yet as far as I'm aware
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They just released
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Well, it's official, add ons to a power can do nothing to change the power.
...Just makes me glad I don't use add ons almost ever, saves me the full disappointment of this travesty.
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@Peanits said they'd be looking into add-ons too however can't change everything in time for the chapter to release.
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Don't worry. They'll change it in a year or two when they have time.
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Hey it's an incredible addon if you use lightborn in top and people two people try to instablind you. I mean that case literally never occurs but hey.
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As a retired Nurse main, I'm not holding my breath.
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awesome, we need more useless add-ons to be ######### talked about.
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Intentional or not I enjoyed the pun.
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"Oh, boy! I can't wait to move 0.2 meters faster when there's a flashlight in my face!"
-No one, ever
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It'd be a decent addon actually if it also increased action speed a fair bit, and lasted for like 10 seconds after the flashlight isn't on you. It'd punish pallet blinds a bit by making you break the pallet faster and such. it'd also throw off flashlight save timing, give you a mini Bloodlust 1 if someone's clicking mid-chase at you, etc.
It wouldn't be meta but it'd be worth running if you see several flashlights considering the rest of Hillbilly's addons are also pretty meh.
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It still literally has nothing to do with his power.
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Why? Why did the devs think this was a good idea? What made them go "Now this is what the hell I'm talking about"? What was their response when they saw it get received with nothing but hate? I swear these devs are gonna give me an aneurysm.
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quite a few addons don't.
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How someone thought it was a good enough idea to even consider adding to the game baffles me. Its rarity just adds to my confusion.
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At least it's only green. Freddy has a purple addon that causes hemorrhage for crying out loud. (If it came with a built-in bloodhound so brighter blood visibility I think it might be worth the rarity since it'd be a perk slot as an addon but it doesn't.)
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Do name a few, cause I don't recall an add-on that does literally nothing to the Power itself.
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there are quite a few with bare minimum connections, and i will agree thsoe do absolutely nothing to do with his power. but things like the terror radius addons for doctor/deathslinger don't have anything to do with their power (though they do directly benefit from the changes.)
there are also some like wraiths addons which alter his break speed/movement speed in power, or freddys addons which are literally just free slowdown and have nothing do to with his traps. i was thinking of those though i guess they all atleast tie into the killer in some way, or have some downside/upside tied to them and the killers power.
Edit: also any addon that gives mangled status effect on hit. thats just a replacement for sloppy butcher through the power, and like yeah i guess.
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All of those still use the Killer's power, one way or another. Mother's Helpers and Black Grease don't. Even Leatherface's new budget Franklin's Demise / Knockout add-ons both require chainsaw hits to work.
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i mean both effect the killers powers now anyways. so the arguement is invalid hahahaha
@CrowFoxy they have been changed both of them
mothers helpers decreases chainsaw charge time after being stunned by a pallet for 30s
black grease decreases rate of cooling when a flashlight is shon on you.
(black grease is still to situational, but is a lot better) (mothers helpers is now basically old sparkplug or whatnot, good for countering pallet drops with enduring, to increase charge speed during a chase, by intentionally tanking a stun and auto breaking with enduring (you keep your charge when stunned) and faster charge speed, then catching up and using faster charge speed.)
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Wait, they were changed?
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I want the devs to answer what their thought process is on this addon during the next Q&A. There's no way they can explain a logical reason for running this addon & keep a straight face. If any one of the devs can give me any reason how this addon is effective, then I won't ever question their choices in coming up with addon/perk ideas.
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Checked in-game. Seems like they have been changed but I don't see patch notes mentioning it anywhere..
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Yea cause they were too lazy to change them.