so is MMR on pc now? can't switch killers in queue
If so I hope they have fixed the new hack/program that lets survivors see killer in lobby.
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No, it's not live yet, but they're preparing for it and the killer lock was a part they included with the patch.
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Read the patch notes
only the switching was disabled for future matchmaking changes.
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It's mentioned in the patch notes, but switching killers while queuing is disabled in preparation for the upcoming matchmaking system. You'll have a separate rating for each killer, so you'll be locked to the killer you have selected when you start queuing. It's not active on PC just yet.
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any word on the hack? Survivors can use an outside program AGAIN to see killers and prep perks... last minute switching was the only way to combat it.
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I believe they fixed it by encrypting the file
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Why would they bother fixing that before locking killers?
It's a survivor thing! Where have you been for the past 4 years of "balance"?
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They did but there is a new one that worked as of last week any word on that @Peanits
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"Killer Selection - Killers can no longer change characters while searching for a match / in a lobby (excluding custom matches). This will soon be used by the new matchmaking system to provide better match balance based on your skill with each killer individually, instead of a global killer rating."
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If survivors keep finding a way to access/determine which killer they are up against, just start locking the Survivors' character, perks, items, and add-ons too, so that they cannot adjust to the now-locked killer
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Was any of the issues people seen with this change brought forward? Being able to change Killer's was an extremely big part of the balance of the game, like game changingly so. For example you get into a campfire as Killer and see everyone running med kit's. So you switch to Plague, or you see people running flashlights - so you switch to a Killer that you have room to use Lightborn on. I even know of some streamers that would go stealth killers when they see players with a lot of toolboxes, because a survivor focusing on gen's made coming up on them unexpectedly even easier.
Idk, this decision seems like it's going to come with a few big drawbacks. Not like game crushing, but like a mosquito annoyance. Possibly even have players leaving lobby's simply because they don't want to face a full med kit team with their Oni.
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IIRC that was fixed with this update. I just checked a certain shady website and a few people were complaining about it. (Good riddance!)
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It's far more important to get per-Killer MMR into the game. In order to match Killers with Survivors appropriately according to the skill level the Killer player has with the selected Killer, we must lock the Killer selection in the lobby. Otherwise, switching Killer would require booting all the Survivors out who don't match the newly-selected MMR for that Killer.
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So why aren't survivors locked in as well? They can last-second switch and everything, still. Its unfair.
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I've seen people bring up the point that while yes, killer power skill makes killers unique, a lot of skills are universal across killers. I have a discussion from not long ago saying I was frustrated picking up a new killer because I wound up screwing up my power a lot, but still got brutal killers because my fundamentals were still there from the killers I do play often. I see the concerns those people have that if, for example, I'm a high MMR Wraith but I'm trying to pick up Demodoggo, that while my shreds and portals may be nooby, my general play will be far from going against total noobs might be just as problematic as me going against the stronger survivors with him as I'm trying to learn him. Is there any part of the system that accounts for this?
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Because Survivors are all the same. We're not tracking per-Survivor MMR.
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I'm with you on this i don't think the devs put much thought into it when they made the choice to lock the killer once you hit ready, if you load into a lobby with a new killer you are starting to lvl up and as the timer hits 30sec left and every survivor switches to a medkit, torch or a toolbox why would the killer want to hang around and deal with that in the match when they have nothing to counter any off it.
They should of at least locked survivors form changing items once they hit ready to balance it out but now your just going to have more killers dodge lobbies because the killer they want to play with doesn't have any perks to counter 4 survivors all with toolboxes, If the survivors swap in items at the last second killers will just DC.
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I've been matched with a few survivor groups that have been using this/discussing it pre-match.
I guess this is the next evolution of grouping "for fun."
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That's really not an excuse, though?
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Survivors are the same by looks but the person playing the survivor is different (perks they use, items they pick, how they play etc), are you saying it's fair for all 4 survivors to switch to flashlights at the last second and there is nothing the killer can do about it apart from leave the match or play the match and suffer during it because all survivors are the same?
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Yeah it makes sense. I was just being worried because Survivor items are an extremely powerful tool in the game for survivors, and the character selection during the campfire was a part of the strategy and tactic to counter that.
If the change doesn't pan out, for example dev's find that killer's are leaving lobbies too often making it difficult for survivors to get into games (which probably won't happen). Possibly think of the idea of allowing players to change to Killer's they have a lower MMR with. What I mean. Say I que with Ghostface (being a Freddy main). I hardly ever use Plague. IF I get into a lobby (campfire) with a group of survivors all running med kits. I can change to Plague because my MMR/Skill rating is lower than it is with Ghostface, but I can't switch to Freddy because my MMR is far superior than that of the survivors.
This way players are not abusing the system to just go low MMR characters to face easy players as a Killer they pratically perfected, but at the same time keeps the stratagem mechanic of the game so Killer's are less likely to just keep dodging lobbies that doesn't fit the Killer they've chosen (I.E. Going Oni and seeing a team of med kits, or Hag VS a team of toolboxes). Also again allows Players to change to a Killer they have lower MMR with but room to use Lightborn VS a team of flashlight user's.
It's also the Killer player who is deciding to play a character they are less skilled with VS a team that may be a much higher skill than they are with that character. Leaving a warning message on the side of the screen warning Killers they have changed to a Killer with less MMR and may expect to be outskiled by the survivors they are facing would be nice.
The app on PC that allows survivors to see the Killer though, is another whole problem entirely that would defeat this idea as well.
Sorry if my description is confusing. I am sometimes not good at describing my thoughts on paper (screen).
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Leaving the ability to last second switch on killers that may not even have full/competitive loadouts is pretty lame, particularly if they're selecting what they're going to bring from their limited arsenal based on what they see.
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A perfect solution would be at like the 15, 25, or 30 seconds remaining mark (I'd prefer 30 or 25) survivors are "Locked in" and can only change cosmetics, perks, offerings, and addons. They can't change survivors or items. You still can change your perk build, etc. but you can't swap from Baby Dwight to P3 Legacy Jake with a key at the 6 second mark. You'd still have plenty of time to equip an item or change survivors for like 30 seconds + the time it takes for the lobby to fill. After that you're committed to your item and survivor.
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It's worth it, but the tradeoffs players are worried about are avoidable.
The only thing that needs to change in this case is to lock survivors as well. The killer doesn't have to worry about survivors changing their builds to counter the killer due to a cheat and the original purpose of the lobby is maintained.
You ignored the core issue. Survivors having the ability to change their builds before a killer can react. This has nothing to do with tracking a survivor's MMR nor is it a concern. Everyone knows survivors are all the same. Players are talking about the last second swap and why that is the reason survivors should be locked in the lobby as well.
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Why should survivors be treated any different then killers and not locked in as soon as they hit ready and they have to work with the survivor they picked, then like you said at 30 sec both sides are locked and can't change anything all they are doing by locking killers and not touching survivors is making killers go all out on there builds or dodge lobbies.
Which one sounds more fun a Killer going all out with a mori, dodging a lobby or give both sides time to adjust the killer/survivor they picked before both sides are locked in?
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Because with the MMR system you could pick Clown or a killer you don't play much or are bad at to get inexperienced low-MMR survivors, then swap to your P3 50 Freddy and crush them easily.
IIRC (Maybe I'm wrong.) the whole point of survivors being visible is so the killer can adapt/react to them and what they're bringing. If everyone swaps to Blendette with flashlights and key the last second I can't equip franklins or lightborn even though I was otherwise willing to swap out a perk slot for them. Survivors are technically mostly cosmetic. I just want the survivors themselves and their items locked at 30 so you can't swap at the last second. Changing your cosmetics, perks, and addons are fine, but by changing survivors you are able to quick-swap to an item.
I just find it frustrating since usually these players tend to act super toxic. Yes this means I am stereotyping quickswitchers as toxic but it's usually what happens in my experience, especially if they're quickswapping to someone who's P3 Legacy.
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It will definitely cause more lobby dodging or just straight up dc's if survivors quickswitch.
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No where did i say swapping killers but adjusting what they have on that killer if the survivors all bring in a toolbox you can change to a perk better suited to handle it but at 30sec left both sides are locked and can't change, which will still work with the new MMR as you are still playing the same killer you picked but stops survivors swapping in the last few seconds to a stronger one or better items.
Locking survivors will stop that they come in with say David they can't switch to a P3 legacy survivor they can only change what they have on David the same as Killers.
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FYI they encrypted the file that survivors were reading to see who the killer is in the lobby in today's patch. (It's not mentioned in the patch notes but if you play the game after the patch and look at the file you'll see it's encrypted now.)
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@Almo @Peanits you lot dodged the main argument completely. Survivors can change their kit last second and the killer can't do anything about it now.
How about half way down the timer the survivors are locked in to the character and kit - isn't that fair for both sides? Since killers can't switch at all, but at least they can change their kits accordingly then. Otherwise whats the point in seeing who the survivors are - just put us straight into the game then. Lobby dodging is going to become more of a pain now when I play survivor.
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Have the server hit validation and updated tick rate gone in yet?
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They can change addons and perks still. So the contention that "the Killer can't do anything about it now" is incorrect.
Allowing Killer swaps will make per-Killer MMR impossible, and we need that feature.
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and for at least the third time the question was avoided, WHY was this done BEFORE fixing the new exploit? Survivors can load perks and items against a certain killer now
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You can't change the killer if they bring four med kits for example. I agree as to why you are making this change.
I am arguing that you haven't considered what that means for the killer. A change to the survivors side where their kit is locked in after some time would be fair. Because as it stands I can see this leading to more DCs and lobby dodging.
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no one is asking for the killer swaps, most people are not upset at that, but they are upset that the survivors can make changes last second and the killer can't react. honestly I'm tired of people that do this myself, why not make it so that instead of having a secondary lobby just put matches right into it. just like in the custom game, get rid of that middle step, there is no reason anymore to have it. only thing that I'd say would be missed is having time to memorize what people are there to find the obsession. For me it's not that big of an issue. let survivors select their builds before clicking ready just like killers. it's only fair and no one has any chance to use any cheats to know who it is until the begining of the match.
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Learn To get good and play with keys. Im a rank 1 killer and luckily have franklins and light born on all my killers. But keys don't bother me. I dont need to tunnel any out the game. If they get to use a key, it's whatever. Keys are there for a reason.
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Load up the game and play as a lvl 1 killer then when all the survivors switch to another survivor with the perks they want and they all have a flashlight and you stand there getting blinded non stop because you had no way to counter it you might see the problem a lot off us have with what you have done not every killer people have has a perk or a way to counter things like flashlights, where not asking to take away locking killers once you pick one but survivors need the same treatment be it once they ready up or after 20 seconds there are parts that are locked like items allowing killers time to try and counter it.
So far all you have done,mods etc is avoid the question that a lot off people are asking "Why did survivors not get touched at all and given free will to swap as they please and if they go against a killer with powerful add ons and a mori guess what they all DC".
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Is the separate rating system active on Xbox where the new MMR system is being tested?
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It's a quick fix that we will probably never see T_T
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Do you know what the "Last Second Swap" is?
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Either they do and don't care or they don't.
Don't know which one is worse.
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People can still last second switch items that killers can't react to (unless you expect every killer to run franklins and lightborn). We (or at least I) request to at the ABSOLUTELY LEAST to allow survivors shared items, but also lock them from changing items.
For example: if out of all survivors, you only have one green toolbox that you got from Jake, ALL of your survivors has the option to have it, BUT during the lobby, no matter what survivor you switch to, will always have that item and can't change them without leaving the lobby (you don't even need to lock addons, just items). If you don't, then the thing I talked about earlier applies...
...and no, just because survivors don't know what they are facing, does not mean they can't screw them over unfairly with player switching.
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I mean you are right with that. But at the same time lets take for example a survivor has really good add-ons on Dwight and escapes really often. But he hasn't leveled Meg and got bad perks, also wasn't escaping that often. Now this Meg plays against a really good killer because of how he played with other survivors and have a way worse chance to escape. I don't know I mean you are right like survivors are all the same, just my opinion that you should do the same with survivors.
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I feel the only thing that needed a change was a timer which neither side can change perks/survivor/killer/items/etc, or even mandating everything is selecting prior to queue’ing in, for both sides. Even when I play survivor and I see someone hit swap for someone with a key at the 6 sec mark, I just restart the game
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But why have this feature now suddenly be a thing when the ranking system has been fine the way it is? It's poorly timed to suddenly be doing this when the rise in third party platforms has become more rampant. You guys can say the problem has been fixed, but how can we rely on it to work? Survivors being the same too has nothing to do with the fact that they can change their Survivor to another that may have a flashlight, key, or toolbox, all of which Killers can't prepare for, unless if they are willing to run Franklin's beforehand in this scenario, but in the rare case that Survivors don't switch, then the Killer would've wasted a perk slot to have an ability that is useless. This entire situation just seems like unnecessary changes that no one asked for.