I think I've mostly figured out what makes survivors powerful
I played this game for nearly 2 years and I think what is most broken on survivors vs killers is that, besides the versatility of perks they have, it's the fact that we can change around our items. I think that if we want a somewhat closer gap between Killers and survivors is that Survivors be given their own, unique item just like killer with their own individual add ons. As for chests, it should give you add ons to collect OR different grades of that item.
This was just a sudden thought. Nothing really figured out. I thought I's just voice it out and hear y'alls thoughts.
Yeah let just make a survivor meta.
GREAT idea. /s
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Metas will always exist???
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No. It's not that. In fact, the game is killer focused and becoming more so as the days go on. Play at all ranks for hours on end in various teams (SWF and solo) and you'll see. They've made Bubba OP now and reversed much of the Billy changes. They've yet to reverse any of the endless survivor nerfs. BHVR is killer focused as it is. Leave it.
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Please, do list some of these endless "survivor nerfs" That are not exploits that needed to be fixed.
I'm waiting.
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Agreed, this will also make survivors feel more unique, however, this would probably take a ton of time to add to the game, they would have to change every survivor and maybe even change some maps.
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Waiting for his list.
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What survivor nerf would you like to get reversed if i may ask?
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Obviously the exhaustion Nerf or the being able to heal during killer attack cool down Nerf. Killer sided Devs yeesh
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If your an swf its survivors sided. If you want a long winded explanation breaking down this point. I can do that but trust me you don't want the full details of all the advantages swf has the post would go on for ages.
If your solo survivor its killer sided unless you have a team of ds and unbreakable s in which case the killer has a very low chance of victory on average. Yes you can argue killer add ons can balance that but most of the add ons (iridescent head, infinite tier 3 myers etc) that evens the playing field cannot be played in perpetuity and are occurring less frequently in updated and newly released killers.
Survivor perk versatility doesn't matter currently. Rarely will a perk wreck me harder then the ds unbreakble combo. You want the best survivor build ds,unbreakble,exhaustion perk and iron will (don't argue with me you need this for spirit and if you think you can mindgame a spirit while injured your chances are significantly low). Versatile survivor builds get annihilated by optimum killer build.
So in conclusion if your playing solo survivor and you want to win you run this set up. If you want to have fun much like other lower tier killers you have to hope that people your playing against are looking to have fun doing something different. As for swf, time for people to step up and acknowledge the reason survivors get screwed. Hit swf specifically reduce its gen progression and healing per teammate and exclude solo survivors from the nerf.
The fact that no one has stepped up and proposed a nerf to swf in the community is ridiculous. Its the most broken advantage in the game simple as.
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What's broken (arguably) the most in this game is SWF on comms
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This would just make one survivor stronger than all the others and kill any items you have on other survivors. For example I have 30 event flashlights and 13 utility flashlights on my claudette but say her item is a medkit, what they'll just get pushed onto like Meg who's item would be a flashlight or would they be deleted anyway?
Also, I have David, Claudette, Kate, Feng, and Jane p3 50 all perks. What if out of all 5 of these I don't cover all 5 items--keys, toolboxes, flashlights, maps, and med kits? Am I expected to grind up characters I don't enjoy just so I can use the item I want?
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LOL. You're clearly another whiny killer main so I don't see the point.
Nearly every survivor item has been nerfed into the ground. None of those were exploits. They were standard kit until people cried that they couldn't get enough kills.
Maps have been reworked in killer's favor. Say what you want about god loops and whether they were exploits, they were nerfed in the killer's favor.
Add to that the constant buffing of killers and killers with 4000 abilities (or otherwise OP) because some rank 19 killer cries that he can't get a 4K.
Doctor now has base kit that allows him to be anti-loop and anti-stealth as BASE KIT! That's not even with addons.
The list goes on. Don't bother replying. I know you don't see it that way, so go lose another match as killer and blame it on imaginary gen rush or something.
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This makes you sound more like a whiny survivor main if I'm being honest. The fact that your also not open to discussion or arguement really doesn't help your case.
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I don't care what you think. This forum and reddit are dominated by a minority of killers who suck so bad that they want constant nerfs for survivors and buffs for killers. Because of that, BHVR is listening and acting on it (such as reversing the needed Billy nerfs). Say what you want about it, but it will eventually kill this game. You need 4 times as many survivor players as you do killers. The constant whine of these killer mains will doom us because BHVR is clearly listening and acting on it.
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How is Bubba op?
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the thing that nakes Survivors strong imo is, that they are the ones dictating the games length.
they have very little pressure on them individualy, they decide how long the killer has before the gates are powered and they dont need to race against the clock.
combine that with tons of second chances and you got yourself a very relaxed experienced when compared to the stress you have when playing killer, which results mostly out of that race against the clock.
that fact of NOT standing under pressure at all times allows them to make decision a lot more coolheaded than the killer, aswell as their actions being a lot less punished and them having a team to fall back on that will push the objective they they wont makes them strong.
at least thats my opinion on it.
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thats a bold assumption.
got anything to support that statement?
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Solo survivor is still survivor sided, if the survivors have basic game knowledge and aren’t trying to lose. If a group of 4 solo survivors commit to doing gens and not grouping up unnecessarily they will escape far more often than they die. I say this as someone who plays survivor solo 100% of the time these days.
The reason solo sucks is because solo teammates are more likely to troll, mess around, farm each other, disconnect or throw the match. But if you get four solos who play even a little bit seriously it’s easy to escape most of the time.
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LOL @ this Splinterverse guy. Literal definition of entitled survivor. "Much needed Billy nerf" translates to "Help I suck at looping and rely on stealth so I hate it when I go against a killer that can down me in one hit."
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It's obvious. Do you see any killer nerfs that stick lately? No (Billy). Do you see killer buffs that do? Yes (Bubba).
Have you seen any survivor buffs recently? No. It's map nerfs. It's item nerfs. Etc.
There are more killer buffs coming with perk changes like Franklin's.
I don't need data. Look at all of the recent changes. It's buff killers, nerf survivors, day in and day out. When that reverses course, I'll change my mind. Until then, BHVR is clearly favoring killers due to the constant whining.
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Dude. Billy was OP forever especially with barbecue. And, yes, I've beaten him many times but I do think he definitely needed to be tweaked especially when add the god-awful tunnel encouraging moris to the mix.
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Mori's arent billy only killer offerings. Besides no ones arguing moris are balanced most killers worth there salt agree its op although you are likely not piping in high ranks if you use one.
Billy is very balanced at base quite weak but with insta saw is busted. Crack billy is imo pretty reasonable but other tend to disagree. Add on wise billy is too strong but minor tweaks could fix that in a heart beat. Nerfing base billy is disgraceful. But hey ypu want more spirit be my guest. People arent happy with most mid tier killers for a large number of reasons billy was without a doubht the most balance high tier killer.
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I thought it was the fact the survivor team can stack 10-16x second chance perks, can finish all the gens in 4-5 minutes, and the majority of maps are littered with super safe unmindgamable pallets?
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LOL. You clearly see the game as survivor-sided. Keep thinking that and driving the players away.
Second chance perks are nothing. You can counter all of them.
There is no such thing as gen rushing. That's the game's objective for survivors. If you don't pressure enough, too bad.
And maps have tons of dead zones to go with those supposedly super safe pallets (which I rarely see).
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Remember the vaulting buff two updates ago that made the vault speed build insane?
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I guess you have never been taken to Ormond by a 3-4 man squad of object using survivors on comms. That's fine, I was new to the game once as well.
DBD has always been survivor sided. It's just that it's gone from the days of 1v1ing any killer that wasn't the nurse by running balanced landing infinites and god windows to a more reasonable level recently. If you can't identify safe pallets then you are probably not very good at looping, which is why you think the game is killer sided I assume.
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I have over 1800 hours. Definitely not new to the game.
I can loop for a long time. I just disagree on your assessment of the pallets. But that's fine, we can agree to disagree.
It is killer-sided. Notice that all of the updates are killer-favored. There has been no buff or new thing for survivors in a long time (other than DLCs).
It takes 4 survivors and 1 killer to play a match. If BHVR continues to cater to killers, there won't be anyone to play with as the survivors will continue to dwindler. So go on with the assertion that it's survivor-sided. See where it leads you!
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lol how is it NOT survivor sided? Survivors came out of the box GODLIKE since release and they're still strong today. They're the majority of their playerbase, so why would you think survivors aren't in the minds of the devs at all times?
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I always disliked how survivors were just aesthetically different, with no real substance. Even a teeny tiny 1% buff to a survivor base build would be something. Claudette for healing, David speed boost when injured, Dwight entering and exiting lockers ect ect. Lol.
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Honestly considering the number of survivors available now I don't think it's possible any more.
Everything would need to be changed and adjusted to compensate and the company may as well make a new game at that point.
Also, it really is a shame that survivors are just skins.
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yes, i have in fact seen killer nerfs lately.
maybe the reason why especially lately there have been more killer buffs than killer nerfs / more survivor nerfs than buffs is, because killers were the weaker role who needed the buffs for the game to be balanced (id say currently its mostly balanced, unless its a tryhard SWF / a genrush)
why would they buff the role that doesnt need any? and why would they nerf killers who dont need nerfs?
since every killer is a unique character with a unique playstyle and strength, there are a lot of updates to individual killers. and as a lot of them struggle in game, its obvious they get buffs they need to keep up with the game (e.g. Bubba).
the only reason as to why there are more killer buffs than nerfs lately is, because more killers need buffs to be viable than there are killers that are so oppressive that they'd need nerfs - and those have mostly been nerfed aswell (Nurse, Spirit and also Billy have received nerfs to their powers that are relatively new. there have also been multiple killer loadouts nerfed, because of the same reason - just look at forever Freddy for example)
the devs are not "biased towards X side" just because the other side received more nerfs / this side more buffs.
if there is one weak side, its only obvious that side will receive more buffs than the other and a lot less nerfs. otherwise there would be no point in even attempting to balance out a game after all.
and i get that solo survivor is a lot harder than SWF and the game is very balanced for solo games, SWFs still dominate most games if they really want to. since they introduced that mechanic, they not need to balance around it accordingly.
if they dont want to break solo play, they need to come up with something that helps the killer against SWFs without affecting solos.
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I always wondered why killers/survivors didn’t get bonuses to their own perks or others using their perks weren’t slightly nerfed or unable to fully upgrade.
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There was a time when it was survivor-sided, but it hasn't been that way for a year, maybe two.
The devs are killer-sided by the sheer fact that every release is in the killer's favor. It's obvious. And it's only going to get worse with the stupid beginning of the game mechanic.
When the patches start containing more than bug fixes for survivors, we'll talk. Until then, the patch notes speak for themselves buddy.
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On paper it has always sounded like a fun idea but in practice it would ruin diversity and instead of meta perks it creates a survivor meta as people will always flock to the ones which they feel give the best bonus.
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Those nerfs can be called "needed" by you but survivor got nerfed way more often and also way more significant then killers, thats an undeniable fact. Sorry but denying that is just ignorant.
It goes from exhaustion status nerf to map nerfs in general over most items and addon nerfs, tons of perks got nerfed, genspeed is slower, they lower ammount of pallets multible times, stuff like bloodlust or entityblocker was definitly a big survivor nerf, the game is brighter in general now which has to be considered as a survivor nerf and so on. The list is really long, so long nobody would probably take the effort to even list them anymore.
On top of that i can not remember a single really significant survivor buff the last 2 years beside some trash perks are now mediocre or still bad, while killers received quiet a few very strong buffs (Freddy and Doctor are some good examples). And when devs released something that played in the favour of survivors (MoM for example) it was not lasting very long.
TLDR: The debate which side has the upper hand is still very relevant and probably will always be. A discussion about who got nerfed more is not - its by far the survivor role.
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wrong the only op on survivor are the survive with friends thats it.
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Bubba still has zero map pressure. He’s a tier 3 Myers with heavy punishment for failed attacks. He’s not even A tier after the changes. He’s still a 115 killer, no mobility.
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ROFL The devs? The Dbd devs? Killer-sided? 🤣They strip away and gut killer powers notoriously. Anything overly killer sided is fixed within days(Release Freddy). Anything overly survivor sided is fixed in weeks, months, if that (WAKE UP). Survivors are still strong as ever. The only difference is they removed some double pallet areas, nerfed MoM and BT, starting to ease the burden of god loops and adding breakable walls in hopes killers stop quitting the game. Survivor gameplay hasn't changed since release with the exception of totems and that's only if they feel like doing them.
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Have you not been playing for the past year? What you described is how it used to be. Now it's the opposite. But continue on with your incorrect assumptions, I don't care.
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I've been playing since the game's release 😂But continue with your incorrect assumptions, I don't care.
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So you're just gonna ignore the vault buff from a couple months ago, huh? And the fact that most of those oh so terrible survivor nerfs were MUCH needed for balance? K den.
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If you played killer more you would see where a lot of these people are coming from. You've only seen the game from one side so it isn't allowing for clear objectivity. They're just wanting you to experience both sides to understand their view points is all.
Post edited by Blueberry on0 -
Thanks for posting my profile. You're lovely, aren't you?
Anyways, you don't have to play killer to have perspective on it. I've watched hours upon hours of killers streaming and their YouTube videos. And, yes, I have played killer.
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For me, it's the difference of perspective. Killers see things first person, survivors see 3rd person. Having played games like outlast, survivors having first person is doable with a look behind button, square seems nice.
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Post edited by Blueberry on0 -
Wait what I don't seem to understand what you mean.
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The vault buff? You mean the vault fix? Dedicated servers were overall also a significant killer buff/ survivor nerf and bullshit hits were never attended. Please dont come with the grab bug or anything like that, compared to the BS hits you suffered as a survivor, this is not even worth talking about. It was a server issue and not a ballance problem.
And "much needed" ? Did you read my post? I never said they were not needed (many were indeed needed) but some killer mains claim that survivors did not got nerfed more then killers, which is simply untrue. That was the whole point of the posting, not if nerfs/buffs were needed or not.
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well i do think the nea ballance landing was miss nerfed since it was most a problem on specifc maps so they should have just removed the inifitys from the maps but i didnt really used the perk even before so wathever, now the lightborn perk makes flashlights totally useless, that is something that i think went to far, its not eazy to make a flash save and the killer can avoid that already looking at walls etc, now the perk punish the survivor for picking a item, i think if they wanted to buff the perk make it that you dont drop the survivor but still get blinded at least or that you do drop the survivor but your vision isnt affected, anyway every thing i said will be answered with a "git gud" or something so whats the point
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wow im a survivor main and usually defend that we are over nerfed but that its actually true, i guess the devs wont give attention to this but you are right m8, the end game collapse turned out to work well in my opinion so maybe something like that during the whole game would work as well in the end it would change a lot of the gameplay i think so we would have to adapt but that isnt impossible, hope people give attention to this
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i agree base billy wasnt op in fact i liked playing against it, its one of those killers in my opinion that takes skill to master so i dont see the problem in a skillfull killer be strong, but the addons really mess up the game and lets not gonna lie, its not hard to gather addons, they justify their overpower with "oh its not every time you have this addon", well it was not every time you had instablind or instaheal bout they were still broken werent they?
also goddam mori man thats bullshit remove that thing
one of the things that kinda pissme off its that they see the broken survivors items and addons and then they get nerfed (for a good reason), but they dont see or dont think killers have op addons or offerings