New Patch Thoughts

hanibel Member Posts: 164
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Billys alright now if they didn't give him those buffs mid ptb he would have been garbage the chase music is ok but they should have given billy a new mori animation.

Leatherface is stronger then before but i definitely see people gonna call for nerfs for him.

The perks are better then before i do feel tinkerer could use a bit more of buff

Auras are very bad for both side i feel for aura reading perks bbq they blend very easy with gens so you can't really see if your very far away the survivors and killer are very faded and can't really be seen.

There are a couple bugs but im sure they are in the bug report by now.

All in all a decent patch i do think they need to take time to rework the less used perks like ten perks in total for the next patch 5 for survivors and 5 for killers.
