New Patch Thoughts

Billys alright now if they didn't give him those buffs mid ptb he would have been garbage the chase music is ok but they should have given billy a new mori animation.
Leatherface is stronger then before but i definitely see people gonna call for nerfs for him.
The perks are better then before i do feel tinkerer could use a bit more of buff
Auras are very bad for both side i feel for aura reading perks bbq they blend very easy with gens so you can't really see if your very far away the survivors and killer are very faded and can't really be seen.
There are a couple bugs but im sure they are in the bug report by now.
All in all a decent patch i do think they need to take time to rework the less used perks like ten perks in total for the next patch 5 for survivors and 5 for killers.
What buffs? The sleight tweaks?
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Yeah the overheat reductions
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They added a nerf to Knock Out, a perk that is already pretty bad, I've said it before but i dunno why they don't do more frequent perk buffs, don't need to wait months for a nerf to something like knock out lmao
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So nice of them to remove over 500k bloodpoints from my account. This game is trash anymore.
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I'm probably behind on the news but are the killer rank resets gonna be changed in some way. I can't see any way to maintain ranks amongst all the different killers if the ranks reset every month
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Knockout was one of those perks that was awful against SWF and borderline OP against solo's. Not sure it needed a nerf, but it was probably to try to make up the difference... Somehow.
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auras messed up.
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I don't think so no
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I played a bunch of games tonight and had no problem seeing the auras, I wonder if there's an issue depending on specific resolutions or something? I'm playing on 4k on ultra resolution and have my brightness turned up slightly so maybe one or both of those help makes the auras more visible?
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I hope they don’t nerf Bubba. He’s a chainsaw wielding maniac like he should be now. Love his new play style.
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They just aren't as good as before
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The yellow and white auras weren’t as hard to see. They looked sort of similar though. The red auras were harder. Had a lot harder time seeing the skinny hook auras.
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People have been asking for underused perks to be buffed for years, and yet again there is another update in which they spent 0 time whatsoever. I don't understand what's so hard about getting a single intern to tweak the values of say 3-5 surv and killer perks.
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Honestly I think it’s garbage. They wanted to nerf Billy so they created an overheat mechanic but due to pressure they caved and made it so that he now pretty much never overheats....which begs the question what was the point of changing him in the first place.
I wish they would have shown some courage.
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Im glad they didn't if its was like before he never be touched like nurse
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At least they made it playable and not so in your face 24/7. Nurse was the beta tester and thrown in the garbage after.