This Update Is A Mess

Flashlights are still broken
Animations are bugged
Auras are ass
Still no sound bugs have been fixed
New invisible walls
I've been stuck in 2 infinite loading screens
Heavy frame drops I haven't experienced before
Wide collision hitboxes
I would like to add that pointing and crouching was removed
It's just. Geez, man, come on.
I hope tomorrow's update fixes these issues.
But new skins!
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Which update tomorrow??
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Tome IV
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This made me laugh 10X more than I should have.
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There’s no actual patch tomorrow, the tome is just set to unlock the 29th.
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You know it's bad when BHVR could take lessons from Bethesda on not releasing things with bugs.
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At least it's not EA.
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EA may release crappy games, but at least theirs aren't on BHVR's level in terms of buggyness.
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I just don't want lootboxes in DBD.
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Oh, they're coming. You know they're coming eventually.
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Bought 2 perks i already had from the shrine and it ate the BP's. Feels kinda bad...
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Don't forget that they nerfed Knockout, a perk they admitted is under-performing.
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Really? I thought they added on to what Knockout already had.
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Rip. You should submit a ticket.
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Lets not forget:
Ruin bug still exists - doesnt re-activate after pulling someone off a gen.
The camera bug still exists after being unhooked
When being hooked you get hooked behind it almost inside the hook post.
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Yea the frames have been REALLY bad
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It's a hot mess.
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ya new skin and bugs................................
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They "added" a 15 second status effect. But the real change is that only survivors downed with basic attacks will be hidden from other survivors.
So now, secondary attacks, locker grabs, interrupts, or simply dropping a survivor disables Knockout.
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Movement bug after being unhooked too.
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Some killers have the wrong walking animation
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Anthem was the definition of unplayable yet EA released it even with the bad feedback from the Beta. All they care about is money
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They added an M1 down requirement, making it worse on the killer it came with. XD
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Why did you quote me but not say anything?
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New LINKED skins and a patched store bug to bypass it
so not even that is a plus
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That's the camera bug.
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I’m so sad that they removed the crouch-point. Being able to point at my teammates and furiously teabag was the best thing they’ve added to survivor in forever. I just don’t even understand why they’d remove something that had absolutely no effect on gameplay one way or the other but which looked hilarious 😭
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I work in I.T. and have for years. I have never seen anything like this. Every patch brings more bugs than it brings fixes.
Are they using source control? Do they have adequate QA?
Does anyone know if the having to add a friend to Steam before inviting bug was fixed with this patch?
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I tried to play the game yesterday, but every time I went into the killer menu it would say "disconnected from host", so I just shut everything off. Does the no sound glitch with the generators still exist? I remember playing a match on Haddonfield with Freddy last week, and I would pass by a generator and not hear anything, so naturally I thought it wasn't being worked on, only to be surprised to hear it finished moments later.
It's sad that the mobile game runs more smoothly than the main game. Plus it's ridiculous that the mobile game got highly requested features (training mode, etc) within a few months time that DBD proper hasn't been able to get in the last four years.
Sometimes I wonder if the devs just don't care and will continue to do what they want to do. How else am I supposed to interpret a constant focus on new skins, but not bug fixes or highly requested features?
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New auras were the worst until I tried pointing and crouching :( the game is literally unplayable now.
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Not a single sound glitch has been fixed.
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