So... The new Leather face is...

BROKEN. Let me repeat that slowly so you catch that, Brooo-ooooo-keee-eeen.
The new Leatherface can now:
- Pallet loop without fear or effort with 3 full charges and even catch the looper on the first loop if they dont drop the pallet. So there is no real looping against leatherface now.
- Leatherface can easily chase down anyone in open field while way behind and still catch the survivor by the end of the third charge of the chainsaw. You are pretty much dead if nowhere near a pallet or window, don't even try to spin dodge or do any fancy moves, leatherface got fuel in the chainsaw to still hit you even after many misses.
- LeatherFace's infinite hook face camp zero chance rescue is still very much present.
- Leatherface can chainsaw his way from basement all the way out of the shack and even to the other side of the outer window of the shack with 3 full charges, so good luck getting out of the basement even if you raid it with 3 other survivors. Again, leatherface got fuel to down the whole team in one go.
- Leatherface can strike a borrowed time survivor with the chainsaw and catch them with the same sweep, rendering borrow time completely useless against this killer.
LeatherFace has rised from low tier to top tier in a single patch and he far outperforms any other killer in the game now, period. I am a main Leatherface player, I have played this killer the most out of all and still continue to do so. Despite being absolutely broken and having extremely fun playing him in this broken state, laughing how easy it is to down survivors now, even I can't put up with this disgust with a straight face and hope it to stay untouched.
Is this the change we wanted for him? I have to seriously put effort to lose a game on purpose when playing him now. Don't get me wrong, it's freaking fun to play the new Leatherface, I think the new reworked power is a step to the right direction in his design, but it's absolutely op, especially with addons.
I love that I no longer can accidently end my chainsaw charge prematurely in 99%, that was the best change about him. I also love that I can extend my sweep time if needed, no longer having to be 100% skin contact distance from the survivor in order to hope to down them with the chainsaw. It was something that made playing Leatherface a big chore as many could simply outrun him to a window or pallet,thus restarting the whole chase to 100% skin contact all over again. It was a big waste of time, so glad to see there is now new power to extend the sweep time when needed. However, the amount of time the leatherface can sweep is just redicilous, not to mention how fast he goes while sweeping.
Now do it without top tier addons.
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I'm not an amazing survivor by any means (only rank 7-8, and still fairly new), but every match today we've had against Leatherface has resulted in us getting utterly and completely decimated. It felt like there was no way to juke or dodge him at all. Every single match against him also had at least one of my teammates DC, so it was hard to say if his momentum would've lasted, but boy it seemed impossible to actually do anything once he had his eyes on you.
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Yeah, I'm not sure about his overall power level at the moment (he could be like Deathslinger: OP in chase, but wrecked by stealth and gens) but his chase potential seems insane. I'm keen to try him out some more, I'm not exactly a good Leatherface, but I'm really hoping Freddy doesn't have competition for Easy Strong Guy. After all, Leatherface was one of the easiest killers in the game before this patch, and now he's pretty damned strong. Hopefully he won't be when I play him.
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That Borrrowed Time detail sounds a right hoot.
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Thx for the post. That's the problem with this forum full of biased killers, they wanted easy 4k every game with clown and without perks and addons (because they're so difficult to gain).
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I dont wanna judge completely because I havent been able to test him enough yet but this wouldnt surprise me at all. Ever since the company became afraid of the loudest voices on the forums everything they put out now is basically about killers or things on the killer side that take no skill and offer zero counterplay.
The part about Bubba being able to make it out of the basement and render borrowed time useless is what worried me the most. Looking at his chainsaw I felt this may happen.
We all know in DBD if the killer has an ability to camp thats how it will be used so yeah good job to the developers on making basement Bubba builds meta
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Perfectly balanced.
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As all things should be <3
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I only played against two Leatherfaces yesterday and he seemed really strong but fair - that said both times I faced him were on Coldwind maps with strong loops. I got greedy with a pallet and paid for it once, but otherwise I was able to escape him if I pathed smart. I do wonder whether this is because the people playing him were learning him though.
I haven’t had chance to play him yet but I’m excited to give him a try.
I really like the fact that Bubba is intimidating now. Unsafe gens will actually be unsafe against him, and if he loses his TR he becomes a real threat. If he turns out to be overtuned I hope they’ll pull him back a bit, but I think people need a bit of time to learn how to play against him first. People are playing like he’s the old Bubba and he’s definitely not.
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I hoped to see the devs address the camping mechanic of bubba, but with the new patch, I dare to say, he is even more fearsome near a hook than ever before. He can start charging his chainsaw even from a distance from the hook and by the time the survivor unhooks the other one, the chainsaw is already on its way to them and even if they manage to get some distance which would have been more than enough before, at least one of them if not both will still go down.
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I am mainly talking about without top tier addons, if you add the top tier addon, oh boi, oooooh boi oh boi oh boi.
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Well you see, the developers dont actually test their own game....
They probably ran a noob around a loop or two and called it a day
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He seems balanced to me (at least without add-ons). His chainsaw isn't too fast, and survivors can still loop him from my experience. But hey, that's my opinion :)
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Also, windows. Bubba can do nothing against windows, locker jukes are even easier against him and you can always run him around a rock so he bumps in.
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He is absolutely fine for God's sake. Your a leatherface main why are you complaining. He isn't broken, people just ain't use to seeing him a bit stronger than before.
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Man, leatheface catch a sprint burst with the 3 charges... Did you believe that? Hilarious. In time... Poor Billy, a overrated killer... nerfed, cry.
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Maybe they should reduse it from 3 charges to 2? But for me i want to give him more time to judge.
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I ran a rank 1 leatherface on mt ormond for 4 gens yesterday he doesn't seem to be that broken, but then again I havent played against him on a coldwind map yet to really see how far away he can catch up in the open
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There was a beta test for the new build and people were already pointing out how op strong the killer is. That's what makes this whole thing pretty bizzar that they would release the killer in the same state in which the players had viewed way too powerful for the live server.
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Played with a 3 person redrank SWF yesterday all with a full crutchperk loadout and we were all on deathhook by the time we escaped on the Oni-map. He got a 1k even tho we shat out gens without doing anything else and there were never 2 people on the ground, we also didn't heal.
Now you might ask, why is a 1k so strong?
He had speedlimiter and he got ran by me twice for more than 40 seconds while having no slowdown perks (BBQ, Nemesis, Pwyf but he never got it to work, NOED). A normal bubba would've absolutely crushed us hard even tho we did the "split up to win, we only play to escape" bs that nobody can deal with lol
It feels like you can only loop him on VERY certain tiles.
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He is not too powerful at all. He is fine get good and learn how to juke him. I can quite easily still juke him, I did it yesterday in two matches. He could make top tier now which is good and now they need to do the same with all killers so that all killers can be viable all the time. I hope they don't nefc leatherface because he is alright where he is.
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Yes, windows and lockers are decent escapes against leatherface, which is good, I am not saying he does not have weaknesses. Good thing he has something, but pallet loops are a thing of the past, that's for sure. Running around the rock statement however does not make much sense. You are talking about bad Leatherface players who tend to often make such mistakes, against a good one who knows how to steer the chainsaw to not bump into objects, he can easily chase down around objects using the new chainsaw - I know because I have done it constantly with great success.
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Learn to juke with sprint burst. It's carrying perk anyway
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All of this is amazing. I love it and I can't wait to floor all of the smart alec toxic looping survivors. All killers need to be at this standard so we can take out loops quick.
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I'm not saying running around rocks is a reliable counter, I'm just saying (and implying) that if you have nothing else to do, you can try these kinds of jukes to try to win time or force a mistake.
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To be honest, i liked the leatherface buff, but this is like a "ghost pepper" for survivors eat, very painful, unfair... But possible, and fun.
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I would love to play against your LF, bubbamains who aren't just facecamping are usually very fun.
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Billy has only been nerfed SLIGHTLY so what are you on about? he's still very very strong.
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In my opinnion Billy is a good killer, but not easy to use, demands a sharp skill... A little nerf results in a big disvantage
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"...These forums have a minority of both survivor and killer biased players, the majority play both sides and aren't as vocal as those who are hardcore biased towards one side..."
I've been here for years, and it's not true. This is a killer forum, about 80-20% at least.
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Yes, exactly on point. It is because I am a Leatherface main that I know to say when my character has been pumped full of steroids to a point where I no longer need to do any heavy lifting trying to win. I get 4k way too easily with the new Leatherface, using tactics that were never before possible and are way too unfair against survivors.
Yes, it is a valid point to make that people are not yet used to the new LeatherFace, but these are not the type of problems that will go away once the people know how to play against him, he can not be outran in most cases compared to other killers.
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One of the worst killers finally became decent and more fun. I love the buff
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Every Leatherface I’ve gone against since the rework has been awful. Either 0K or they just about scrape a 2K. I’ll have to play him for myself to judge as I was good as playing as him.
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Yeah the biggest thing that I'm loving about his rework is the fact that I no longer have to worry about canceling out the chainsaw should I let go of the button at 99%. I can't begin to count how many times that happened in the middle of a chase. It was so damn annoying!
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the only thing u can't do is chainsaw around the map a few times hoping for a lucky hit, other than that nothing changed. Watch Dowsey on this.
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He's just following the 2020 killer design trend of little to no counterplay. You either pre drop every pallet or you get downed.
Windows are strong vs him but bamboozle is a thing.
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People need to consider than when they judge the new LeatherFace based on their experience against other LeatherFace players, you have to ask yourself:
- Is this LeatherFace player actually good playing this killer.
- Is he actually good playing as a killer in general, does he understand pressure or does he only chase one guy most of the game and try to tunnel while everyone else get free gens to work on.
- Does he know how to use his chainsaw efficiently.
Obviously, if the Leatherface player is not a good killer, it is hard to say whether the new Leatherface is op or not, because even an op character can be trash in the wrong hands. Look at high rank games where people play in competitive level, how do those killers perform is much better data to go on whether a killer is op or not.
Never in my life have I had matches this easy as when playing Leatherface. Now, naturally, this is a very nice change of scenery after been low tier killer for so long, one of the worst ones in the game. I do enjoy my time with the buff and if devs do nothing to nerf him, well, I can't say I am losing anything. I am just looking out for the best interest of both survivors because I understand that this killer is not fair currently.
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He's a 32m terror radius, you can still hide from him to either buy ssome time or avoid him completely unless people pick up trails of torment+tinkerer+m&a ofc.
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Nice stats. I say there is more survivors. 77,77% are survivors mains.
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He's garbage now. Tried playing him without addons to see what difference compared to old Bubba and I say they nerfed him to the ground.
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how long have you been on the forums?
The developers are terrified of the most vocal members here. They complain for things to remain ridiculously strong or be buffed to be ridiculously strong and in the vast majoirty if cases that kind of pressure gets them what they want everytime.
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I watched one today start revving as someone Sprint Bursted away from him. He caught up and downed them in that one swing, only had 1 movement speed add on. That was sad.
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While I'm not sure if it's really as bad your points make it out to be against competent survivors that know how to go against him, and of course that will need a bit of time and practice too, I do also fear that they have overbuffed him a bit. His ability is now pretty good against loops, yet at the same time it just one shots survivors.
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Oh dear, haven't gone against new LF yet... O.O now I'm scared lmao
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I’m happy Bubba got a buff but maybe he’s a bit overtuned.
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Old bubba was almost literally an M1 killer with strong hook denial on most maps, this is so much better now, there's nothing worse about him than before except for not having a 1sec charge saw.
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Now do it by reading his whole post.
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So are lockers, and hugging big collisions like rocks,
He has counterplay
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I think he is mostly fine without addons or brown/yellow addons but after playing him for a bit I can absolutely see how ridiculously powerful he can be with good addons.
He is also pretty much only killer in the game that is actually better on maps with long,safe pallet loops. If survivors attempt to loop around those pallets they are just dead. The only thing they can do is drop them instantly.
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You can easily ask yourself the same question about the survivors you were playing against.
Were they good survivors that actually knew how to loop and tried some different things against you or were you playing against the Rank 20 survivors that make up the majority of Red rank?
I would say he is fine now.People just need some time to figure out the counterplay.